Energy Charter Conference Decisions
CCDEC202501 - GEN - Adoption by correspondence - Amendments to the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects - DE
Pursuant to Article 17(1) of the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects (PEEREA), on 30 October 2024, the Energy Charter Secretariat communicated to the PEEREA's Contracting Parties the amendments, together with associated understandings and decisions, proposed by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Chairmanship of the Energy Charter Conference (Conference) 2024 and a Contracting Party to the PEEREA, as Message 2188/24. Pursuant to Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure of the Сonference, following consultation with the Management Committee, the Contracting Parties to the PEEREA on 30 January 2025 adopted the proposed amendments.
CCDEC202427 - WPR Adoption by Correspondence - Revision Programme of Work 2024-2025
Following the recommendation of the Budget Committee, by CC 829 dated 26 November 2024, the Conference approved the revision of the Programme of Work for 2024-2025 on 17 December 2024.
CCDEC202426 - NOT Preliminary Draft Schedule of Planned and Proposed Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2024
The Energy Charter Conference at the Statutory Session of its 35th Meeting held on 3 December 2024 took note of the preliminary draft schedule of planned and proposed International Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2025.
CCDEC202425 - NOT Report by the Chair of the International Energy Charter Industry Advisory Panel
The Energy Charter Conference at the Statutory Session of its 35th Meeting held on 3 December 2024 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the International Energy Charter Industry Advisory Panel (IAP), as well as approved the extension of the Terms of Reference of the IAP for 2025–2029 and its membership list.
CCDEC202424 - NOT Report by the Chair of the Strategy and Implementation Group
The Energy Charter Conference at the Statutory Session of its 35th Meeting held on 3 December 2024 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Strategy and Implementation Group.
CCDEC202423 - NOT Report by the Acting Secretary-General on the Activities in 2024
The Energy Charter Conference at the Statutory Session of its 35th Meeting held on 3 December 2024 took note of the attached Report by the Acting Secretary-General on the Activities in 2024.
CCDEC202422 - APP Officers of the Conference and Subsidiary Bodies and Members of the Management Committee
The Energy Charter Conference (Conference) at the Statutory Session of its 35th Meeting held on 3 December 2024 designated the officers of the Conference and its subsidiary bodies for 2025, confirmed the elective members of the Management Committee for the term 14 December 2024–31 December 2027, and took note of the designated members of the Management Committee.
CCDEC202421 - NOT Report by the Chair of the Budget Committee
The Energy Charter Conference at the Statutory Session of its 35th Meeting held on 3 December 2024 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Budget Committee.
CCDEC202418 - NOT - Final Report of the Modernisation Group and Dissolution of the Modernisation Group
The Energy Charter Conference at the Statutory Session of its 35th Meeting held on 3 December 2024 took note of the attached Final Report of the Modernisation Group and dissolved the Modernisation Group.
CCDEC202417 - GEN - Public Communication on the Adoption/Approval of the Decisions on the Modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty
The Energy Charter Conference at the Statutory Session of its 35th Meeting held on 3 December 2024 approved the attached Public Communication on the Adoption/Approval of the Decisions on the Modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty.
CCDEC202416 - GEN - Designation of the Energy Charter Secretariat as a Depositary of the Energy Charter Treaty
The Energy Charter Conference at the Statutory Session of its 35th Meeting held on 3 December 2024 adopted the attached decision.
CCDEC202415 - GEN Entry into Force and Provisional Application of Amendments to the Energy Charter Treaty and Changes and Modifications to its Annexes - DE
The Energy Charter Conference at the Statutory Session of its 35th Meeting held on 3 December 2024 approved the attached decision.
CCDEC202414 - GEN Changes to Understandings, Declarations and Decisions - DE
The Energy Charter Conference at the Statutory Session of its 35th Meeting held on 3 December 2024 approved changes to a) Understandings, Declarations and Decisions contained in the Final Act of the European Energy Charter Conference (as modified by the Protocol of Correction in 1996) and b) Understandings contained in the Final Act of the International Conference and Decision by the Energy Charter Conference in respect of the Amendment to the Trade-Related Provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty
CCDEC202413 - GEN Modifications and Changes to Annexes to the Energy Charter Treaty - DE
The Energy Charter Conference at the Statutory Session of its 35th Meeting held on 3 December 2024 approved modifications and changes to Annexes to the Energy Charter Treaty.
CCDEC202412 - GEN Amendments to the Energy Charter Treaty - DE
The Energy Charter Conference at the Statutory Session of its 35th Meeting held on 3 December 2024 adopted amendments to the Energy Charter Treaty.
CCDEC202411 - BUD Adoption by correspondence - Application of Staff Rule 12.1 to the Deputy Secretary General
Following the recommendation of the Budget Committee, by CC 819 dated 3 October 2024, on 24 October 2024 the Energy Charter Conference approved the regular step advancement of the Deputy Secretary General.
CCDEC202410 - BUD Adoption by correspondence - Extension of Contract with the External Auditor for Additional Two Years
Following the recommendation of the Budget Committee, by CC 818 dated 3 October 2024, on 24 October 2024 the Energy Charter Conference approved the extension of the contract with the independent external auditor (EY Bedrijfsrevisoren BV) for an additional two years.
CCDEC202409 - BUD Adoption by correspondence - Discharge of the Secretary General from his Management and Administrative Responsibility in Respect of the 2023 Budget
Following the recommendation of the Budget Committee, by CC 816 dated 3 October 2024, on 24 October 2024 the Energy Charter Conference discharged the Secretary-General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2023 Budget.
CCDEC202408 - BUD Adoption by correspondence - Amended budget 2024-2025
Following the recommendation of the Budget Committee, by document CC 817, dated 3 October 2024, the Energy Charter Conference approved the amended budget for 2024-2025 on 24 October 2024.
CCDEC202407 - SGN Adoption by Correspondance - Withdrawal of the Observer Status of the CIS Electric Power Council
Following the recommendation of the Strategy and Implementation Group, in line with the decision of the Energy Charter Conference (Conference) to withdraw the observer status of the Russian Federation (CCDEC202212), on 14 October 2024, the Conference withdrew the observer status of the CIS Electric Power Council.
CCDEC202406 - APP Adoption by Correspondence - Designation of a Vice Chair of the Modernisation Group (Corr)
By document CC 813, dated 16 July 2024, the Energy Charter Conference approved the appointment of Mr. Felix Imhof (Switzerland) for the position of a Vice-Chair of the Modernisation Group.
CCDEC202405 - BUD Adoption by Correspondence - Acting allowance for acting SG (Corr)
Following the recommendation of the Budget Committee, by document CC 812, dated 24 Jun 2024, the Energy Charter Conference approved allowance for the Acting Secretary-General.
CCDEC202404 - GEN Adoption by Correspondence - Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules (Corr)
Following the recommendation of the Budget Committee, by document CC 810, dated 26 April 2024, the Energy Charter Conference approved amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules.
CCDEC202403 - WPR Adoption by Correspondence - Revision Programme of Work 2024 (Corr)
Following the recommendation of the Budget Committee, by CC 811 dated 7 May 2024, the Conference approved the revision of the Programme of Work for 2024 on 27 May 2024.
CCDEC202402 - APP Early departure of the serving Secretary-General
At an Ad Hoc meeting on 13 February 2024, the Energy Charter Conference took the following decision: The Energy Charter Conference, taking into account that the withdrawal of Luxembourg from the Energy Charter Treaty will be effective on 17 June 2024 decides to terminate the appointment of the serving Secretary-General, a national from Luxembourg, as of 17 June 2024.
CCDEC202401 - EEF Adoption by Correspondence - Recommendations of the In-Depth Review of the Energy Efficiency Policy of Mongolia
On 31 January 2024, the Conference welcomed the report on the In-depth Review of the Energy Efficiency Policy of Mongolia and endorsed the recommendations made to the Government of Mongolia.
CCDEC202325 - NOT Provisional Schedule of Meetings for 2024
The Energy Charter Conference at its 34th Statutory Meeting held on 20 November 2023 took note of the attached Preliminary draft schedule of planned and proposed Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2024. Meetings are confirmed only after a specific invitation has been sent out.
CCDEC202324 - NOT Report by the Chair of the Industry Advisory Panel
The Energy Charter Conference at its 34th Statutory Meeting held on 20 November 2023 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) and approved the attached membership list.
CCDEC202323 - NOT Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 34th Statutory Meeting held on 20 November 2023 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group.
CCDEC202322 - NOT Report by the Chair of the Strategy Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 34th Statutory Meeting held on 20 November 2023 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Strategy Group.
CCDEC202321 - NOT Report by the Secretary General on the Activities in 2023
The Energy Charter Conference at its 34th Statutory Meeting held on 20 November 2023 took note of the attached Report by the Secretary-General on the activities in 2023.
CCDEC202320 - GEN Adoption by correspondence - Derogation from Staff Rule 19.4 (Terminal Allowance)
Following the recommendation of the Budget Committee on 22 September 2023, by document CC 798 dated 25 October 2023, the Energy Charter Conference (the Conference) was invited to approve the proposed decisions on Derogations from Staff Rule 19.4 - Terminal Allowance. On 16 November 2023, the Conference approved the proposed decisions with immediate effect.
CCDEC202319 - NOT Adoption by Correspondence - Final Report of the Working Group on Governance Issues
By document CC 797 dated 11 October 2023, the Energy Charter Conference (the Conference) was invited to take note of the attached final report of the Working Group on Governance Issues.
CCDEC202318 - GEN Proposal concerning the conduct of the next Review under Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty
The Energy Charter Conference at its 34th Statutory Meeting held on 20 November 2023 finalised and approved the attached proposal for review 2024.
CCDEC202317 - APP Designation of officers of the Conference and subsidiary bodies
The Energy Charter Conference at its 34th Statutory Meeting held on 20 November 2023 approved the designation of the following officers for 2024.
CCDEC202316 - NOT Report by the Chair of the Budget Committee
The Energy Charter Conference at its 34th Statutory Meeting held on 20 November 2023 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Budget Committee.
CCDEC202315 - WPR Draft Programme of work 2024-2025
The Energy Charter Conference at its 34th Statutory Meeting held on 20 November 2023 approved the attached Programme of Work for 2024-2025 and requested the Budget Committee to discuss the comments proposed by a delegation and potential revision if needed.
CCDEC202314 - BUD Budget 2024-2025
The Energy Charter Conference at its 34th Statutory Meeting held on 20 November 2023 approved the attached Budget for 2024-2025 and requested the Budget Committee to discuss the comments proposed by a delegation and potential revision if needed.
CCDEC202313 - BUD Discharge of the Secretary General from his Management and Administrative Responsibility in respect of the 2022 Budget
The Energy Charter Conference at its 34th Statutory Meeting held on 20 November 2023 discharged the Secretary-General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2022 Budget.
CCDEC202312 - GEN Adoption by Correspondence - Restructuring of Subsidiary Bodies of the Energy Charter Conference
By document CC 793 Rev dated 21 September 2023, the Energy Charter Conference (the Conference) was invited to approve the following restructuring of its subsidiary bodies with effect as from 1 January 2024.
CCDEC202311 - GEN Adoption by Correspondence - Date and format of the next meeting of the Energy Charter Conference
By document CC 792 dated 18 September 2023, the Energy Charter Conference (the Conference) was invited to approve that its next meeting would take place on 20 November 2023 by videoconference.
CCDEC202310 - BUD Adoption by Correspondence - Outline Budget 2024-2025 including the Structure of the Secretariat
Following the recommendations of the Budget Committee on 12 June 2023 and of the Working Group on Governance Issues on 13 June 2023, by document CC 789 Corr dated 15 June 2023, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to adopt the Outline Budget for the biennium 2024-2025, including the Structure of the Secretariat.
CCDEC202309 - APP Adoption by correspondence - Extension of appointment of the Chair of the Modernisation Group
On 16 July 2023, the extension of the appointment of Mr Lukas Stifter as Chair of the Modernisation Group until the next annual meeting of the Conference was approved with immediate effect.
CCDEC202308 - GEN Adoption by correspondence - Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Conference
On 9 May 2023, the additional sub-paragraph (f) to Rule 7.A of the Rules of Procedure of the Energy Charter Conference was approved with immediate effect. The Rules of Procedure with all the latest amendments are attached.
CCDEC202307 - GEN Adoption by correspondence - Roles at the different levels of governance of the organisation
On 7 May 2023, the Energy Charter Conference approved with immediate effect the document describing Roles at the different levels of governance of the organisation: the Conference, the Chairmanship, the Management Committee, the Secretariat and the subsidiary groups.
CCDEC202306 - GEN Adoption by correspondence - Rights, obligations, roles, benefits and responsibilities of Contracting Parties, Signatories and Observers
On 7 May 2023, the Energy Charter Conference approved with immediate effect the document compiling Rights, obligations, roles, benefits and responsibilities of Contracting Parties, Signatories and Observers.
CCDEC202305 - GEN Adoption by correspondence - Chairmanship Handbook
On 7 May 2023, the Energy Charter Conference approved the Draft Chairmanship Handbook with immediate effect.
CCDEC202304 - APP Adoption by correspondence - Removal of the CIS Electric Power Council from the Membership of the Industry Advisory Panel
On 7 May 2023, the Conference removed the CIS Electric Power Council from the membership of the IAP with immediate effect.
CCDEC202303 - GEN Adoption by correspondence – Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Energy Charter Conference
On 12 March 2023, the Conference approved the attached amendments to the Rules of Procedure with immediate effect.
CCDEC202302 - APP Adoption by correspondence - Confirmation of appointment of the Chair of the Advisory Board
On 29 January 2023, the Conference confirmed the appointment of Ms Marie-Anne Birken as the Chair of the Advisory Board for three years period with immediate effect.
CCDEC202301 - APP Adoption by correspondence - Chairmanship 2023
On 29 January 2023, the Conference approved Jordan as acting Chairmanship for 2023 with immediate effect. The potential ad hoc meeting of the Conference in 2023 on the modernisation of the ECT is still expected to be hosted by Mongolia and Jordan would also assume the official 2024 Chairmanship.
CCDEC202232 - NOT - Provisional Schedule of meetings for 2023
The Energy Charter Conference at its 33rd Statutory Meeting held on 22 November 2022 took note of the attached Preliminary draft schedule of planned and proposed Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2023.
CCDEC202231 - NOT - Report by the Chair of the Industry Advisory Panel
The Energy Charter Conference at its 33rd Statutory Meeting held on 22 November 2022 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) and approved the attached membership list with the understanding that the Secretariat will follow up with the IAP to revise the status of CIS Electric Power Council.
CCDEC202230 - NOT - Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 33rd Statutory Meeting held on 22 November 2022 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group.
CCDEC202229 - NOT - Report by the Chair of the Working Group on Governance Issues and extension of the Working Group’s mandate
The Energy Charter Conference, at its 33rd Statutory Meeting held on 22 November 2022, took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Working Group on Governance Issues and approved the extension of the mandate of the Working Group until the implementation of all the remaining assignments.
CCDEC202228 - NOT - Report by the Chair of the Strategy Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 33rd Statutory Meeting held on 22 November 2022 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Strategy Group.
CCDEC202227 - NOT - Report by the Secretary General to the Conference 2022
The Energy Charter Conference at its 33rd Statutory Meeting held on 22 November 2022 took note of the attached Report by the Secretary-General on the activities in 2022.
CCDEC202226 - APP - Designation of officers of the Conference and subsidiary bodies for 2023
The Energy Charter Conference at its 33rd Statutory Meeting held on 22 November 2022 approved the designation of the officers for 2023.
CCDEC202225 - BUD Approval by correspondence – Revision of the Budget 2022 to include a voluntary contribution from the Republic of Türkiye
On 15 November 2022, the Conference approved, with immediate effect, the revision of Budget Part II.
CCDEC202224 - BUD Approval by correspondence – Revision of the Budget 2022
Following the recommendation of the Budget Committee, by document CC 779, dated 26 October 2022, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the revision of the budget 2022 considering the financial impact of the suspension of Belarus.
CCDEC202223 - BUD Adoption by correspondence - Discharge of the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2021 Budget
On 12 October 2022 the Conference, taking into account the Financial Statements for the year 2021 and the Auditor’s Report, on the recommendation of the Budget Committee, discharged the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect to the 2021 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules, with immediate effect.
CCDEC202222 - BUD - Regular advancement of the Deputy Secretary-General
The Energy Charter Conference at its 33rd Statutory Meeting held on 22 November 2022 approved a regular step advancement for the Deputy Secretary-General as of 15 September 2022.
CCDEC202221 - NOT - Report by the Chair of the Budget Committee
The Energy Charter Conference at its 33rd Statutory Meeting held on 22 November 2022 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Budget Committee.
CCDEC202220 - WPR - Revision of the Programme of Work 2023
The Energy Charter Conference at its 33rd Statutory Meeting held on 22 November 2022 approved the attached revisions to the Programme of Work for 2023.
CCDEC202219 - BUD Revised budget 2023
The Energy Charter Conference at its 33rd Meeting held on 22 November 2022 approved the revision of the Budget 2023 taking into consideration comments of delegates.
CCDEC202218 - GEN Adoption by correspondence - Establishment of the International Energy Charter Foundations Partnership Network
On 10 October 2022, the Energy Charter Conference established the Foundations Partnership Network and approved its terms of reference with immediate effect.
CCDEC202217 - GEN Adoption by correspondence - Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Energy Charter Conference
By document CC 757, dated 20 September 2022, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the proposed amendments to its Rules of Procedure as recommended by the Working Group on Governance Issues.
CCDEC202216 - GEN Adoption by correspondence - Risk Management Protocol
By CC 755 dated 30 August 2022, the delegations were invited to approve the Risk Management Protocol (attached) as recommended by the Budget Committee. As specified by Rule 19(b) of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that was not in a position to approve the above decision was requested to notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by no later than 20 September 2022.
CCDEC202215 - APP Adoption by correspondence - New Chair of the Conference
By CC 756 dated 31 August 2022, the delegations were notified that the Government of Mongolia informed the Secretariat about its nomination of the new Minister of Energy, H.E. Mr. Choijilsuren Battogtokh, to replace Mr. Nansal Tavinbekh, as Chair of the Conference.
CCDEC202214 - BUD Adoption by correspondence - Revision of the Financial Rules and Implementing Instructions
By document CC 754 dated 3 August 2022, delegations were invited to approve the revised Financial Rules and Implementing Instructions as recommended by the Budget Committee. As specified by Rule 19(b) of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to the proposed decision should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing not later than 25 August 2022.
CCDEC202213 - BUD Approval of the acceptance of a voluntary contribution from the European Commission
At its Ad Hoc meeting held on 24 June 2022, the Energy Charter Conference authorised the Secretary General to accept a voluntary contribution of Euro 150,000 for the activity “C33 Cooperation for restoring Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure” (see CCDECs 2022 08 and 09) once the contribution announced at the meeting is finally confirmed by DG Energy of the European Commission.
CCDEC202212 - SGN Withdrawal of the observer status of the Russian Federation
In accordance with Rule 7.A.(e) of its Rules of Procedure, the Energy Charter Conference at its Ad Hoc Meeting held on 24 June 2022 withdrew the observer status of the Russian Federation.
CCDEC202211 - SGN Suspension of the Provisional Application of the ECT in Relation to Belarus
As a result of the material breach of Article 18 of the Energy Charter Treaty and of the principles of the European Energy Charter by Belarus, in connection with Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the Energy Charter Conference at its Ad Hoc Meeting on 24 June 2022.
CCDEC202210 - GEN Public Communication explaining the main changes contained in the agreement in principle
The Energy Charter Conference at its Ad Hoc Meeting held on 24 June 2022 approved the attached Public Communication explaining the main changes contained in the agreement in principle on the modernisation of the ECT.
CCDEC202209 - WPR Adoption by Correspondence - Revision Programme of Work 2022
Following the recommendation of the Budget Committee, by CC 747 dated 1 June 2022, the Conference was invited to approve the revision of the programme of work for 2022 in order to include, under Activity “C3 Promotion and Cooperation”, the following new activity.
CCDEC202208 - BUD Adoption by Correspondence - Revision Budget 2022
By CC 746 dated 1 June 2022, the Conference was invited to approve the following revision of budget 2022 in order to include a new activity, “C33 Cooperation for Restoring the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure”, under Budget Part II, as recommended by the Budget Committee.
CCDEC202207 - BUD Adoption by Correspondence - Extension of the Implementation Period and Acceptance of a Voluntary Contribution in Kind from the ECOWAS
By document CC 745 dated 31 May 2022, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to authorise the acceptance by the Secretary-General of the extension of the AGoSE-AO project’s implementation until 2024 and the voluntary in-kind contribution of 600,000 Euros allocated by the ECOWAS Commission for this purpose.
CCDEC202206 - APP Adoption by correspondence – Designation of the Chair of the Strategy Group and a Vice-Chair of the Modernisation Group
By CC 744 dated 27 May 2022, the Energy Charter Conference was informed about the resignation of Mr Samir Abdurahimov as Chair of the Strategy Group and Vice-Chair of the Modernisation Group and was invited to approve the proposed appointment of Dr Elshan Abdulazimov, for both positions.
CCDEC202205 - GEN Approval by correspondence – Amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the Energy Charter Conference
Following the conclusions of the Management Committee (Message 1952) and the recommendation by the Working Group on Governance Issues, by document CC 742 dated 17 May 2022, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the following amendment (in red below) to Rule 7 A of the Rules of Procedure of the Conference :
CCDEC202204 - GEN Adoption by correspondence - Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules
By document CC 743, dated 17 May 2022, delegations were invited to approve the attached amendments with respect to Rule 22.13 (“Teleworking”) of the Staff Regulations and Rules as recommended by the Working Group on Governance Issues.
CCDEC202203 - INV Approval by correspondence - Updated EIRA scope methodology and questionnaire
By document CC 741 dated 12 April 2022, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve a draft decision in relation to the updated EIRA scope, methodology and questionnaire.
CCDEC202202 - BUD Approval by correspondence – Revision Budget 2022
By CC 740 dated 11 March 2022, the Conference was invited to approve the attached revised draft Budget for 2022, as recommended by the Budget Committee in order to take into account the withdrawal of Australia from the Energy Charter Treaty.
CCDEC202201 - GEN Adoption by correspondence – Updated Terms of Reference of the Strategy Group
By document CC 739 dated 18 February 2022, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the revised Terms of Reference of the Strategy Group.
CCDEC202139 - GEN Date and venue of the 33rd Meeting of the Conference
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 approved that the 33rd Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference would take place on 22-23 November 2022 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
CCDEC202138 - NOT Provisional Schedule of meetings for 2022
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 took note of the attached Preliminary draft schedule of planned and proposed Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2022
CCDEC202137 - NOT Report by the Chair of the Industry Advisory Panel
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Industry Advisory Panel and approved the IAP membership list attached thereto.
CCDEC202136 - NOT Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group
CCDEC202135 - NOT Report by the Chair of the Working Group on Governance Issues
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 took note of the attached Report by of the Chair of the Working Group on Governance Issues.
CCDEC202134 - NOT Report by the Chair of the Strategy Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 took note of the attached Report by the Chair of the Strategy Group
CCDEC202133 - NOT Report by the Secretary General on the activities in 2021
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 took note of the attached Report by the Secretary-General on the Activities in 2021.
CCDEC202132 - APP Designation of Officers of the Conference and Subsidiary Bodies
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 approved the designation of the following officers for 2022
CCDEC202131 - APP Confirmation of the members of the Management Committee
Apart from those officials who become members of the Management Committee ex officio, the Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 confirmed/elected the following members of the Management Committee for a 3 years term
CCDEC202130 - APP Appointment of the Secretary-General
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 appointed Mr Guy Lentz as Secretary-General as of 2022.
CCDEC202129 - APP Chairmanship 2024
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 approved the candidacy of Jordan for the Chairmanship in 2024.
CCDEC202127 - NOT Report by the Chair of the Budget Committee
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 took note of the Report by the Chair of the Budget Committee.
CCDEC202126 - WPR Draft programme of work 2022-2023
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 approved the Programme of Work 2022-2023.
CCDEC202125 - BUD Draft Budget 2022-2023
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021approved the Budget for 2022-2023.
CCDEC202124 - BUD Amendment to the Implementing Instruction 22 of the Financial Rules
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 approved the amendment to the Implementing Instruction 22 of the Financial Rules
CCDEC202123 - BUD Revision of the Budget 2021
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Meeting held on 14 December 2021 approved the revision of the Budget 2021.
CCDEC202122 - EEF Adoption by Correspondence - Recommendations of the In-Depth Review of the Energy Efficiency Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
By CC 736 dated 23 November 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve a draft decision in relation to the In-depth Review of the Energy Efficiency Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
CCDEC202121 - NOT Progress Report of the Modernisation Group 2021
The Energy Charter Conference at its 32nd Statutory Meeting held on 14 December 2021 took note of the Progress Report of the Modernisation Group 2021.
CCDEC202120 - WPR Adoption by Correspondence - Review of the Structure of the Programme of Work and Prioritisation of Activities
By document CC 733 dated 15 November 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the new structure of the Programme of Work and the prioritisation of activities (attached).
CCDEC202119 - BUD Adoption by Correspondence – Review of the Structure of the Budget
By document CC 732 dated 15 November 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the new structure of the Budget (attached).
CCDEC202118 - GEN Adoption by Correspondence - Working Group on Governance Issues Extension of the Mandate and Update of its Terms of Reference
By document CC 734 dated 16 November 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the extension of the term of the mandate of the Working Group on Governance Issues until the 33rd meeting of the Energy Charter Conference in 2022, as well as to align the Terms of Reference of the Working Group with the functions of the Management Committee.
CCDEC202117 - BUD Adoption by Correspondence - Discharge of the Secretary General from his Management and Administrative Responsibility in Respect of the 2020 Budget
By document CC 731 dated 21 September 2020, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2020 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules.
CCDEC202116 - STR Adoption by correspondence - Supporting Mechanism for the Chair of the Conference
By document CC 715 dated 2 August 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the attached supporting mechanism for the Chair of the Conference with the understanding that the application of some of the proposed functions will require prior amendments to the existing rules and provisions of the Organisation.
CCDEC202115 - APP Adoption by correspondence - Chairmanships 2022-2023
By document CC 718 dated 7 September 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the list of Contracting Parties who will hold the Chairmanship for the years 2022-2023
CCDEC202114 - APP Adoption by correspondence - New Chair of the Conference
By CC 717 dated 25 August 2021, the delegations were notified that the Secretariat received a communication of the Government of Armenia nominating the new Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, Mr. Gnel Sanosyan, to replace Mr. Suren Papikyan, as Chair of the Conference.
CCDEC202113 - INV Adoption by correspondence – Energy Investment Risk Assessment (EIRA) revised scope and methodology including updated EIRA questionnaire
By document CC 713 dated 2 August 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve a draft decision in relation to the revised EIRA scope and methodology (attached) as well as the 2022-2024 EIRA Reports. As specified by Rule 19(b) of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this decision should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 1 September 2021.
CCDEC202112 - GEN Adoption by correspondence - Whistleblowing Guidelines
By CC 711 Rev dated 15 June 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the whistleblowing guidelines. As specified by Rule 19(b) of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation not in a position to approve the above decision should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by no later than 5 July 2021.
CCDEC202111 - APP Adoption by correspondence - Appointment of a Vice-Chair of the Modernisation Group
By CC 712 dated 7 June 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Akiyoshi Kawabata (Japan) for the position of Vice-Chair of the Modernisation Group as of 1 July 2021.
CCDEC202110 - GEN Adoption by correspondence - Updated Terms of Reference of the Budget Committee
By CC 710 dated 3 June 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the revised Terms of Reference of the Budget Committee with the understanding that the Terms of Reference could be further revised to ensure consistency and coherence with other decisions of the Conference.
CCDEC202109 - GEN Adoption by correspondence - Applicability of the Staff Manual to Deputy Secretary-General
By CC 708 dated 9 April 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to confirm that the Staff Manual of the Energy Charter Secretariat applies to the Deputy Secretary-General.
CCDEC202108 - APP Adoption by correspondence - Appointment of Deputy Secretary-General
By CC 708 dated 9 April 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to appoint Ms. Hirose Atsuko as Deputy Secretary-General of the Energy Charter Secretariat.
CCDEC202107 - APP Updated Timeline for the Appointment of Secretary-General
The Energy Charter Conference at its extraordinary meeting held on 14 April 2021, updated the timeline for appointment of the Secretary General.
CCDEC202106 - BUD Adoption by correspondence - Updated Terms of Reference of the External Auditor and Call for Tender
By document CC 707, dated 1 March 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the attached updated Terms of Reference of the External Auditor and call for tender.
CCDEC202105 - NOT Adoption by correspondence - Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group
By document CC 685 Rev 2, dated 18 February 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to take note of the revised Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group (attached).
CCDEC202104 - NOT Adoption by correspondence - Report by the Secretary-General on the Activities in 2020
By document CC 684 Rev 2, dated 18 February 2021, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to take note of the revised Report by the Secretary-General on the Activities in 2020 (attached).
CCDEC202103 - GEN Approval by correspondence – Updated Terms of Reference of the Implementation Group
By CC 706 dated 12 February 2021, the Conference was invited to approve the updated Terms of Reference of the Implementation Group (attached).
CCDEC202102 - NOT Adoption by correspondence - Report by the Interim Chair of the Strategy Group
By CC 683 Rev dated 29 January 2021, the Conference was invited to take note of the revised report by the Interim Chair of the Strategy Group.
CCDEC202101 - NOT Adoption by correspondence - Report by the Chair of the Budget Committee
By CC 688 Rev dated 27 January 2021, the Conference was invited to take note of the attached revised report by the Chair of the Budget Committee.
CCDEC202025 - APP Updated Timelines for the Appointment of the Secretary-General and the Deputy Secretary-General
The Energy Charter Conference at its 31st Meeting held on 16-17 December 2020 confirmed the timeline for appointment of the Secretary General and updated the timeline for the appointment of the Deputy Secretary General (attached).
CCDEC202024 - GEN Date and venue of the 32nd Meeting of the Conference
The Energy Charter Conference at its 31st Meeting held on 16-17 December 2020 approved that the 32nd Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference would take place on 14-15 December 2021 in Yerevan, Armenia.
CCDEC202023 - NOT Report by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel
The Energy Charter Conference at its 31st Meeting held on 16-17 December 2020 took note of the Report by Chair of the Industry Advisory Panel as outlined in CC 703 and approved the IAP membership list attached thereto.
CCDEC202022 - NOT - Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 31st Meeting held on 16-17 December 2020 took note of the Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group as set out in document CC 685.
CCDEC202021 - NOT - Report by the Chair of the WG on Governance Issues
The Energy Charter Conference at its 31st Meeting held on 16-17 December 2020 took note of the Report by the Chair of the Working Group on Governance Issues as set out in document CC 702.
CCDEC202020 - APP Designation of Officers of the Conference and its Subsidiary Bodies for 2021
The Energy Charter Conference at its 31st Meeting held on 16-17 December 2020 approved the designation of the following officers for 2021
CCDEC202018 - APP Adoption by correspondence - Matter of Re-appointment of the Secretary-General
By document CC 677 dated 4 September 2020, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the launch of the reappointment procedure of Dr Urban Rusnák.
CCDEC202017 - NOT Preliminary draft schedule of planned and proposed Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2021
The Energy Charter Conference at its 31st Meeting held on 16-17 December 2020 took note of the Preliminary draft schedule of planned and proposed Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2021 as contained in Message 1757/20 subject to potential revisions in line with the outcomes of the Modernisation Group meeting of 18 December 2020 and development of COVID-19 situation.
CCDEC202016 - NOT Report of the Modernisation Group on Progress Made in Fulfilling the Negotiations Mandate
The Energy Charter Conference at its 31st Statutory Meeting held on 16 December 2020 took note of the Report of the Modernisation Group on Progress Made in Fulfilling the Negotiations Mandate.
CCDEC202015 - WPR Adoption by correspondence – Programme of Work for 2021
By CC 687 dated 6 November 2020, the Conference was invited to approve the attached draft programme of work for 2021.
CCDEC202014 - BUD Adoption by correspondence – Budget for 2021
By CC 686 dated 6 November 2020, the Conference was invited to approve the attached draft Budget for 2021.
CCDEC202013 - WPR Adoption by correspondence – Revision of the Programme of Work for 2020
By CC 682 dated 3 November 2020, the Conference was invited to approve the attached revised programme of work for 2020, as recommended by the Budget Committee.
CCDEC202012 - BUD Adoption by correspondence – Revision of the Budget for 2020
By CC 681 dated 3 November 2020, the Conference was invited to approve the attached revised draft Budget for 2020, as recommended by the Budget Committee.
CCDEC202011 - BUD Adoption by Correspondence – Extension of the Implementation Period - Voluntary Contribution in Kind From the ECOWAS under the AGoSE Project
By document CC 680 dated 22 October 2020, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to authorise the acceptance by the Secretary General of the extension of the implementation period of the AGoSE project from the ECOWAS Commission.
CCDEC202010 - BUD Adoption by Correspondence – Discharge of the Secretary General from his Management and Administrative Responsibility in Respect of the 2019 Budget
By document CC 679, dated 16 October 2020, delegations were invited to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2019 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules.
CCDEC202009 - INV Adoption by Correspondence – Energy Investment Risk Assessment 2021
By document CC 678 dated 14 October 2020, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to adopt the draft decision regarding the Energy Investment Risk Assessment 2021
CCDEC202008 - APP Approval by correspondence - Designation of a Vice-Chair of the Modernisation Group
By document CC 676 dated 2 July 2020, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Felix Imhof as a Vice-Chair of the Modernisation Group.
CCDEC202007 - GEN Approval by correspondence – Terms of Reference of the Working Group on Governance Issues
By document CC 675 dated 26 June 2020, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the draft Terms of Reference of the Working Group on Governance Issues.
CCDEC202006 - APP Approval by correspondence – Designation of the Chair of the Modernisation Group
By document CC 674 dated 9 June 2020, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Lukas Stifter as Chair of the Modernisation Group.
CCDEC202005 - BUD Approval by correspondence – Extension of the implementation period of the EU4Energy Programme
In June 2016, the Energy Charter Conference authorised (CCDEC2016 06) the Secretary General to accept a voluntary contribution of max. Euro 1,050,000 from the European Commission in connection to a grant contract entered into between the European Commission (Contracting Authority) and the Energy Charter Secretariat and the Energy Community Secretariat (co-beneficiaries) for the Implementation of EU4Energy programme Component 3.
CCDEC202004 - APP Approval by correspondence – Designation of Vice-Chairs of the Modernisation Group
By documents CC 671 (dated 7 January 2020 and revised on 21 January 2020) and CC672 (dated 13 January 2020), delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr Samir Abdurahimov (Azerbaijan) and Mr Lukas Stifter (Austria) as Vice-Chairs of the Modernisation Group.
CCDEC202003 - APP Approval by correspondence – Nomination for Chair of the Advisory Board
By document CC 668, dated 20 December 2019, delegations were notified that the Secretariat had received a communication of The Netherlands proposing Mr Roukens, from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Polity, to Chair the Advisory Board.
CCDEC202002 - GEN Adoption by Correspondence - Date of the 31st meeting of the Energy Charter Conference
By document CC 669, dated 18 December 2019, delegations were invited to confirm that the 31st ordinary meeting of the Energy Charter Conference would take place on 16-17 December 2020.
CCDEC202001 - APP Approval by correspondence – Designation of a Vice-Chair of the Working Group on Governance Issues
By document CC 667 dated 13 December 2019, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Dr. Towfick Sufian as Vice-Chair of the Working Group on Governance Issues.
CCDEC201917 - Adoption by correspondence - Terms and Conditions for the Accession of Uganda to the ECT
By document CC 665 dated 9 December 2019, the Conference was invited to adopt a decision inviting Uganda to accede to the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) under the specified terms and conditions (annex B to document CC 665).
CCDEC201916 - Preliminary draft schedule of planned and proposed Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2020
The Energy Charter Conference at its 30th Meeting held on 10-11 December 2019 took note of the Preliminary draft schedule of planned and proposed Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2020 as contained in Message 1616/19.
CCDEC201915 - Report by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel
The Energy Charter Conference at its 30th Meeting held on 10 December 2019, took note of the Report by the Chair of the Industry Advisory Panel (IAP), as outlined in Annex 1
CCDEC201914 - Draft Programme of Work for 2020 and 2021
The Energy Charter Conference at its 30th Meeting held on 10-11 December 2019 approved the Draft Programme of Work for 2020.The discussion on Programme of Work 2021 should continue during 2020 if necessary.
CCDEC201913 - Draft Budget for 2020 and 2021
The Energy Charter Conference at its 30th Meeting held on 10-11 December 2019 approved the Draft Budget for 2020 and took note of the preliminary Draft Budget for 2021 subject to the implementation of the Conclusions of the Review under Article 34(7) of the ECT.
CCDEC201912 - Designation of Officers of the Conference and its Subsidiary Bodies for 2020
The Energy Charter Conference at its 30th Meeting held on 10-11 December 2019 took note of the interventions of the upcoming Chairmanships from Azerbaijan and Armenia, and approved the designation of the following officers:
CCDEC201911 - EEF Adoption by correspondence - Recommendations of the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Azerbaijan
The Energy Charter Conference was invited to welcome the report on the In-depth Review of the Energy Efficiency Policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and to endorse the recommendations made to the Government of Azerbaijan.
CCDEC201910 - STR Modernisation Mandate, Procedural Issues and Timeline for Negotiations
Modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty: Mandate, Procedural Issues and Timeline for Negotiations. The Conference establishes and mandates the Modernisation Group to start negotiations on the modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty, with a view to conclude negotiations expeditiously.
CCDEC201909 - BUD Rules for the Calculation of the National Contributions of Acceding Countries and their Inclusion in the Budget
Upon recommendation of the Budget Committee, the Conference was invited to approve the Rules for the calculation of the National Contributions of Acceding Countries and their inclusion in the Budget.
CCDEC201908 - STR Policy Options for Modernisation of the ECT
By document CC 651, dated 17 September 2019, delegations were invited to approve the attached document as suggested policy options for modernisation of the ECT.
CCDEC201907 - BUD Discharge of the Secretary General from his Management and Administrative Responsibility in respect of the 2018 Budget
By document CC 650, dated 16 September 2019, delegations were invited to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2018 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules.
CCDEC201906 Adoption by Correspondence – Energy Investment Risk Assessment 2020
By document CC 649 dated 4 September 2019, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to adopt the following draft decision regarding the Energy Investment Risk Assessment:
CCDEC201905 - New Vice-Chair of the Implementation Group
Delegations were notified that the Secretariat received a communication of the Government of Uzbekistan proposing Mr. Aziz Khamidov, from the Uzbek Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade, for the position of the 2nd Vice-Chair of the Implementation Group.
CCDEC201904 - BUD Acceptance of a Voluntary Contribution from the ECOWAS
By document CC 647 dated 4 April 2019, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to authorise the acceptance by the Secretary General of the voluntary contribution from the ECOWAS Commission within the project “Improving the Energy Governance in West Africa” (AGoSE-AO) under the 11th European Development Fund
CCDEC201903 - BUD Jordan Contribution for 2018
The Conference approved, with immediate effect, the amount of the contribution of Jordan for 2018 and its immediate transfer to the General Reserve Fund.
CCDEC201902 - APP New Vice-Chair of the Conference
By document CC 645 dated 11 February 2019, delegations were notified that the Secretariat received a communication of the Government of Albania nominating the current Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Mr. Ilir Bejtja, to replace Ms. Dorina Cinari, as Vice-Chair of the Energy Charter Conference for 2019.
CCDEC201901 - APP New Chair of the Conference
By document CC 644 Rev dated 1 February 2019, delegations were notified that the Secretariat received a communication of the Government of Albania nominating the current Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, H.E. Ms. Belinda Balluku, to replace Mr. Damian Gjiknuri, as Chair of the Conference.
On 25 December 2018 the Energy Charter Conference welcomed the report on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Montenegro and endorsed the recommendations (attached) made to the Government of Montenegro without prejudice to discussions and considerations relating to energy efficiency within the framework of the Energy Community.
By document CC 642 dated 3 December 2018, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to adopt a Decision regarding the Model Instrument on Management of Investment Disputes(attached).
CCDEC201825 - GEN Date and venue of the 30th Meeting of the Conference
The Energy Charter Conference at its 29th Meeting held on 27-28 November 2018 approved that the 30th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference would take place on 10-11 December 2019 in Tirana, Albania (Hotel Tirana International).
CCDEC201824 - NOT Provisional Schedule of meetings for 2018
The Energy Charter Conference at its 29th Meeting held on 27-28 November 2018 took note of the Provisional schedule of planned and proposed Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2019 as contained in Message 1449 together with the modification requested by Albania to move to April the Forum on energy efficiency
CCDEC201823 - NOT Report by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel
The Energy Charter Conference at its 29 th Meeting held on 27-28 November 2018 took note of the Communication from the Industry Advisory Panel as outlined in CC 636 (attached hereto) and approved the new IAP members in accordance with the attached membership list
CCDEC201822 - NOT Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 29th Meeting held on 27-28 November 2018 took note of the Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group as contained in document CC 635
CCDEC201821 - NOT Report by the Chair of Subgroup on Modernisation
The Energy Charter Conference at its 29 th Meeting held on 27-28 November 2018 took note of the Report by the Chair of the Subgroup on Modernisation as contained in document CC 634 Rev
CCDEC201820 - NOT Report by the Chair of the Strategy Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 29 th Meeting held on 27-28 November 2018 took note of the Report by the Chair of the Strategy Group as contained in document CC 633
CCDEC201819 - NOT Report by the Secretary General
The Energy Charter Conference at its 29th Meeting held on 27-28 November 2018 took note of the Secretary General’s Report on the implementation of the vision 2017-2021, the activities in 2018, the CONEXO policy implementation in 2018, and the EU4Energyproject in 2018 as contained in document CC 632 (attached hereto).
CCDEC201818 - STR Modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty
The Energy Charter Conference at its 29th Meeting held on 27-28 November 2018 approved the list of topics for modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty:
CCDEC201817 - SGN Terms and Conditions for the accession of the Kingdom of Eswatini to the ECT
The Energy Charter Conference at its 29th Meeting held in Bucharest on 27-28 November 2018 adopted the attached decision inviting the Kingdom of Eswatini to accede to the EnergyCharter Treaty.
CCDEC201816 - APP Designation of Officers of the Conference and its Subsidiary Bodies for 2019
In accordance with Rule 13 of its Rules of Procedure (“Officers”), the Conference is required to designate each year the Chairpersons and Vice-Chairpersons of the Conference and its Standing and Working Groups for the forthcoming year
CCDEC201815 - GEN Bucharest Energy Charter Declaration
The Energy Charter Conference at its 29th Meeting held in Bucharest on 27-28 November 2018 adopted the Bucharest Energy Charter Declaration attached hereto.
CCDEC201814 - NOT Report of the Budget Committee
The Energy Charter Conference at its 29th Meeting held on 27-28 November 2018 took note of the Report of the Budget Committee as contained in document CC 639 (attached hereto).
CCDEC201813 - WPR Adoption by correspondence - Revised Plan of Activities for 2019
By CC 640 dated 6 November 2018, the Conference was invited to approve the attached Revised Plan of Activities for 2019.
CCDEC201812 - BUD Adoption by correspondence – Revision of the Budget for 2019
By CC 638 dated 6 November 2018, the Conference was invited to approve the attached revised draft Budget for 2019.
CCDEC201811 - GEN Adoption by correspondence – Proposal concerning the conduct of the next Review under Article 34 (7) of the Energy Charter Treaty
By CC 629 dated 5 November 2018, the Conference was invited to approve the attached proposal concerning the conduct of the next Review under Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty and the list of Contracting Parties to serve as coordinators.
CCDEC201810 - Adoption by correspondence - Request of Guyana to sign the International Energy Charter
By CC 624 dated 23 October 2018, the Conference was invited to adopt the following decision: The Energy Charter Conference welcomes the approval of the International Energy Charter by the Government of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana as its 90th Signatory.
CCDEC201809 - Adoption by correspondence - Multiannual commitment authority and discharge of SG in relation to 2017 budget
By document CC 628, dated 29 October 2018, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the discharge of the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2017 Budget
CCDEC201808 - Adoption by correspondence - Rosters of trade panellists and transit conciliators
By document CC 625 dated 26 October 2018, the Energy Charter Conference was invited:
CCDEC201807 - GEN Adoption by correspondence - Manual on Data Protection
By document CC 627 dated 26 October 2018, delegations were invited to approve the draft Manual on Data Protection together with the proposed change to Staff Regulation 2.c. as recommended by the Budget Committee.
CCDEC201806 - Adoption by correspondence - Amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the Conference
By document CC 618 Rev dated 26 October 2018, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the following amendment (in red below) to Rule 13 A of the Rules of Procedure of the Conference
CCDEC201805 - Energy Investment Risk Assessment 2019
By document CC623 of 20 September 2018, the Conference was invited to approve a draft decision in relation to the 2018 and 2019 Energy Investment Risk Assessment (EIRA) Reports.
CCDEC201804 - Adoption by correspondence – Designation of a Vice-Chair of the Budget Committee
By document CC 617 dated 6 March 2018, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Ms. Miriama Kiselyová as Vice-Chair of the Budget Committee.
CCDEC201803 - Adoption by correspondence – Reconfirmation of CCDECs 2015 (34) and 2017 (12)
By document CC 621 dated 29 August 2018, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to reconfirm CCDECs 2015 (34) and 2017 (12), which include the establishment tables for 2016-2019.
CCDEC201802 - Adoption by correspondence – Approval of the List of Chairmanships for 2019-2022
By document CC 620 dated 21 August 2018, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the following list of Chairmanships for 2019-2022:
CCDEC201801 - Adoption by correspondence – Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules
By document CC 619, dated 5 August 2018, delegations were invited to approve some amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules as recommended by the Budget Committee.
CCDEC201724 - GEN Adoption by correspondence – Revisions to the Staff Rules
After approval by the Budget Committee, by document CC 596 Rev, dated 17 July 2017, the Conference was invited to agree the changes proposed to the Staff Regulations and Rules.
CCDEC201723 - Modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 approved the timeline for the discussion on modernisation during 2018 and the document to be used for the open consultation with Observers and the industry (attached hereto). The Conference also supported the nomination of Ms Sofia Sanz Estébanez as Chair of the Subgroup of Modernisation.
CCDEC201722 - Date and venue of the 29th Meeting of the Conference
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 agreed that the 29th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference would take place on the 27-28 November 2018 in Bucharest (Romania).
CCDEC201721 - Report by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017: 1) took note of the report by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel as contained in document CC 608; 2) requested the Secretariat to follow up the findings and recommendations of the Communication and assist the IAP with its further work; 3) approved the new IAP members in accordance with the attached membership list.
CCDEC201720 - Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 took note of the Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group as contained in document CC 607.
CCDEC201719 - Report by the Chair of the Strategy Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 took note of the Report by the Chair of the Strategy Group as contained in document CC 606.
CCDEC201718 - Report by the Secretary General and progress report on CONEXO policy
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 took note of the Secretary General’s Report of the year 2017 and the progress report on the CONEXO policy implementation as contained in document CC 613.
CCDEC201717 - Ashgabat Energy Charter Declaration
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held in Ashgabat on 28-29 November 2017 adopted the Ashgabat Energy Charter Declaration.
CCDEC201716 - Provisional Schedule of meetings for 2018
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 took note of the Provisional schedule of planned and proposed Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2018 as contained in Message 1365 Rev (attached hereto). Meetings are confirmed only after a specific invitation has been sent out.
CCDEC201715 - Designation of the Conference Chair, Vice-Chairs and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 approved the designation of its officers.
CCDEC201714 - Report of the Budget Committee
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 took note of the Report of the Budget Committee as contained in document CC 614 (attached hereto) and welcomed the successful relocation to the new premises as well as the fact that the Secretariat had continued working effectively under its new structure successfully implementing the Programme of Work for 2016-2017.
CCDEC201713 - Adoption by correspondence – Programme of Work for 2018-2019
By document CC 610, dated 7 November 2017, the Conference was invited to approve the draft Programme of work for the years 2018-2019.
CCDEC201712 - Adoption by correspondence - Budget for 2018-2019
By document CC 609, dated 7 November 2017, the Conference was invited to approve the draft Budget and Establishment Table for the years 2018-2019.
CCDEC201711 - TTG Adoption by correspondence - Multilateral Framework Agreement on Energy Transit
By document CC 603, dated 3 November 2017, the Conference was invited to approve a draft conference decision related to the Multilateral Framework Agreement on energy Transit.
CCDEC201710 - EEF Approval by correspondence Recommendations of the In depth Energy Efficiency Review of the Kyrgyz Republic
By document CC 604 dated 3 November 2017, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to welcome the report on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of the Kyrgyz Republic and endorse its recommendations.
CCDEC201709 - Adoption by correspondence – Simplification of the accession procedure to the Energy Charter Treaty
By document CC 602, dated 27 October 2017, the Conference was invited to adopt a simplification of the accession procedure to the Energy Charter Treaty.Having received no objections within the specified time limit, on 15 November 2017 the Energy Charter Conference approved the proposed simplification of the accession procedure to the Energy Charter Treaty as attached hereto.
CCDEC201708 - INV Adoption by correspondence - Investment Facilitation Toolbox
By document CC 601, dated 27 October 2017, the Conference was invited to welcome the decision regarding the Investment Facilitation Toolbox. As specified by Rule 19 (b) of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this decision should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 15 November 2017.
CCDEC201707 - INV Adoption by correspondence Energy Investment Risk Assessment EIRA Pilot Report 2017
By document CC 600 of 20 October 2017, the Conference was invited to approve the decision in relation to the 2017 Energy Investment Risk Assessment (EIRA) Pilot Report.
CCDEC201706 - GEN Adoption by correspondence – Code of Conduct and Revisions to the Staff Regulations and Rules
After approval by the Budget Committee, by document CC 599, dated 25 September 2017, the Conference was invited to agree: - the changes proposed to the Staff Regulations and Rules; - the proposed Code of Conduct, which would apply not only to officials of the Secretariat, but also to other people involved with the work of the Secretariat and the Conference (including Chairs and Vice-chairs of the Conference and its subsidiary bodies and working groups when performing such functions).
CCDEC201705 - BUD Adoption by correspondence - Multi-annual commitment authorities & discharge of the SG's responsibilities of 2016 budget
By document CC 597, dated 22 September 2017, delegations were invited to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2016 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules.
CCDEC201704 - Adoption by correspondence – Best practices in regulatory reform
By document CC 598, dated 22 September 2017, the Conference was invited to welcome and endorse the best practices in regulatory reform. As specified by Rule 19 (b) of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this decision should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 11 October 2017.
CCDEC201703 - Approval by correspondence of the acceptance of a voluntary contribution by OFID
By CC 595 dated 26 June 2017, delegations were invited to authorise the acceptance by the Secretary General of a potential voluntary contribution from OFID of USD 145,937.00 in connection to a grant contract for providing technical assistance and capacity building regarding the energy sector in Palestine. The Project coordinator to be hired with part of such voluntary contribution would be expected to work also with the expansion team of the Secretariat in relation to the Middle East.
CCDEC201702 - Approval by correspondence New Chair and ViceChair of the Conference
According to Rule 13.A of the Rules of Procedure of the Conference, the Chairmanship can re-nominate a Chairperson and/or Vice-Chairperson for designation by the Conference without delay. By CC 594 dated 14 April 2017, delegations were invited to approve the designation of Mr. Babayev Maksat Mammetsaparovich as new Chair of the Energy Charter Conference, and Mr. Purchekov Charymyrad Hyvaliyevich as new Vice-Chair of the Energy Charter Conference.
CCDEC201701 - Approval by correspondence of the acceptance of two voluntary contributions by the Secretary General
By CC 593 dated 21 March 2017, delegations were invited to approve the acceptance of the additional amount of the voluntary contribution from the European Commission in connection to the new grant contract between the European Commission and the Energy Charter Secretariat (in the framework of ‘EU action on Energy Policy in Eastern Partnership countries’ project), as well as the financial support from Iran equal to 100,000 US dollars (part of which will be provided in kind and is expected to cover some activities in 2017 and 2018).
CCDEC201645 - Approval Amendment for Staff Rule 25.2.b
On 20 December 2016, the Energy Charter Conference adopted by correspondence, the Amendment of Staff Rule 25.2.b.
CCDEC201644 - Terms and Conditions for the Accession of Burundi to the Energy Charter Treaty
On 19 December 2016, the Energy Charter Conference Adopted by written procedure - Terms and Conditions for the Accession of the Republic of Burundi to the Energy Charter Treaty.
CCDEC201643 - Date and venue of the 28th Meeting of the Conference
The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25th November 2016 agreed that the 28th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference would take place on the 28-29 November 2017 in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan).
CCDEC201642 - Provisional Schedule of meetings for 2017
The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 took note of the Provisional schedule of planned and proposed Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2017.
CCDEC201641 - Report by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel
The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016: (i) took note of the report by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel; (ii) requested the Secretariat to follow up the findings and recommendations of the Communication and assist the IAP with its further work; (iii) approved the new IAP members in accordance with the attached membership list.
CCDEC201640 - Reports by the Chairs of the Groups on Investment, Trade and Transit and Energy Efficiency
The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 took note of the Reports by the Chairs of the Groups on Investment, Trade and Transit and Energy efficiency.
CCDEC201639 - Report by the acting Chair of the Strategy Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 took note of the Report by the acting Chair of the Strategy Group.
CCDEC201638 - Report by the Secretary General and progress report on CONEXO policy
The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 took note of the Secretary General’s Report of the year 2016 and the progress report on the CONEXO policy implementation.
CCDEC201637 - Pilot project for a flagship publication on energy investment risk assessment
The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 welcomed the work of the Investment Group in 2016 in steering the expert discussions on concept, scope, methodology of the Energy Charter flagship publication on Energy Investment Risk Assessment; welcomed the pilot project which was aimed at elaborating the concept, scope and methodology of the flagship publication; invited the Secretariat to continue the pilot phase of the work and its efforts on identifying legal and regulatory risk indicators and ways of measuring them. Taking into account limited resources and aiming to prepare the grounds for the future edition of the horizontal flagship publication, requested the Energy Charter Secretariat to begin the preparatory work related to the first preliminary edition on selected countries in Asia and Pacific and to periodically inform the Implementation Group on the progress of this work.
CCDEC201636 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference Subsidiary bodies for 2017
The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 approved the designation of its officers.
CCDEC201635 - List of Chairmanships of the Energy Charter Conference for 2017, 2018, 2019
The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 adopted the list of Contracting Parties who will hold the Chairmanship for the years 2017, 2018, and 2019.
CCDEC201634 - Adjustments to the Secretariats draft Budget for 2017
At its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016, the Energy Charter Conference confirmed Adjustments to the Secretariat’s draft Budget for 2017
CCDEC201633 - Approval of the acceptance of a voluntary contribution from the European Commission
At its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016, the Energy Charter Conference authorised the Secretary General to accept a voluntary contribution of Euro 200,000 for 2017 once the contribution is finally confirmed by DG Energy of the European Commission.
CCDEC201632 - Approval of Observer status of ECO
On 14 November 2016, the Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) formally requested that it be granted observer status at the Energy Charter Conference. The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25th November 2016 approved the Observer status of the Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO).
CCDEC201631 - Tokyo Declaration on the Energy Charter
The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held in Tokyo on 25-26 November 2016 adopted the Tokyo Declaration on the Energy Charter.
CCDEC201631 - Токийская декларация по Энергетической Хартии
Конференция по Энергетической Хартии на 27-ой сессии в Токио 25-26 ноября 2016 приняла Токийскую декларацию по Энергетической Хартии.
CCDEC201630 - Programme of Work priorities for 2017
By document CC580 dated 31 October 2016 delegations were invited to approve the Programme of Work priorities for 2017. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 20 November 2016, the Conference approved the Programme of Work priorities for 2017.
CCDEC201629 - Discharge of the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2015 Budget
By document CC 577, dated 12 October 2016, delegations were invited to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2015 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 1 November 2016 the Conference took note of the Financial Statement and the Auditor’s Report of 2015, as circulated in document CC 577, and agreed, on the recommendation of the Budget Committee, to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect to the 2015 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules.
CCDEC201628 - Adoption by correspondence - Establishment and Terms of Reference of the Implementation Group
By document CC 576 dated 11 October 2016 the Conference was invited to approve a draft conference decision (as supported by the Strategy Group) regarding the merge of several subsidiary groups into a single Implementation Group. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, on 18 October 2016 the Conference approved the decision with effect as of 25 November 2016.
CCDEC201627 - Adoption by correspondence - Review of the Financial Rules
By document CC 575 dated 11 October 2016 delegations were invited to approve the amendments to the Financial Rules as recommended by the Budget Committee. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 31 October 2016, the Energy Charter Conference approved the amendments to the Financial Rules as recommended by the Budget Committee.
CCDEC201626 - Adoption by correspondence - Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules
By document CC 574 dated 11 October 2016 delegations were invited to approve the amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules as recommended by the Budget Committee. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 31 October 2016 the Conference approved, with immediate effect, the amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules as recommended by the Budget Committee.
CCDEC201625 - Adoption by correspondence - Exceptional measure regarding the Terminal Allowance
By document CC 572 dated 11 October 2016, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the proposed exceptional measure (i) to offer to pay to the individual officials concerned their Terminal Allowance as accrued by the end of their engagement at the higher grade, and (ii) to commence the calculation of their contributions and their entitlement to their Terminal Allowance on a reduced basic salary from the start of their new contract at a lower grade. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, on 31 October 2016 the Conference approved, with immediate effect, the exceptional measure with respect to the Terminal Allowance as described above.
CCDEC201624 - Adoption by correspondence – De-restriction of some documents of the travaux préparatoires and new policy on access to the travaux préparatoires
By document CC 559 dated 29 June 2016, the Conference was invited (i) to confirm the new policy on access to the travaux préparatoires, (ii) to de-restrict some documents of the travaux préparatoires and (iii) to allow the publication online of some documents of the travaux préparatoires. No objections were received within the final time limit.
CCDEC201623 - Adoption by correspondence – Recommendations of the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Armenia
By document CC 571 dated 4 October 2016, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to welcome the report on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Armenia and endorse its recommendations. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, the Conference welcomed the report on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Armenia and endorsed the recommendations made to the Government of Armenia.
CCDEC201622 - Approval of the Request of Kenya to sign the International Energy Charter
By CC 569 dated 23 September 2016, the Conference was invited to approve the request of Kenya to become a Signatory to the International Energy Charter. Therefore, on 22 October 2016 the Energy Charter Conference invited Kenya to subscribe to the International Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invited the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary, to make appropriate arrangements for implementing this decision.
CCDEC201621 - Adoption by correspondence - Removing barriers to the establishment of energy investments
By document CC 570, dated 29 September 2016, the Conference was invited to approve a draft conference decision related to Removing barriers to the establishment of energy investments. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, on 18 October 2016 the Conference approved the proposed decision.
CCDEC201620 - Adoption by correspondence - Concept paper for a Multilateral Framework Agreement on Energy Transit
By document CC 568, dated 23 September 2016, the Conference was invited to approve a draft conference decision related to the Multilateral Framework Agreement on Energy Transit. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, on 14 October 2016 the Conference approved the proposed decision.
CCDEC201619 - Approval of an increase of the multi-annual commitment authority
By document CC 567, dated 20 September 2016, the Conference was invited to approve an increase of the multi-annual commitment authority for “Operating Expenditure” to Euro 2.000.000. Having received no objections within a specified time limit, on 12 October 2016 the Conference approved the increase of the multi-annual commitment authority for “Operating Expenditure” to Euro 2.000.000.
CCDEC201618 - New Vice-Chair of the Conference
By document CC 566 dated 23 September 2016, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Kazuo Kodama to replace Mr. Keiichi Katakami as Vice-Chair of the Conference. Having received no objections within a specified time limit, the Secretariat would like to inform delegations of the appointment of Mr. Kazuo Kodama as Vice-Chair of the Conference. The Secretariat would like to extend its congratulations to Mr. Kazuo Kodama.
CCDEC201617 - Approval of the Request of East African Community to sign the International Energy Charter
By CC 565 dated 22 August 2016, the Conference was invited to approve the request of the East African Community (EAC) to become a Signatory to the International Energy Charter. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 20 September 2016 the Energy Charter Conference invited the EAC to subscribe to the International Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invited the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary, to make appropriate arrangements for implementing this decision.
CCDEC201616 - Approval of the Request of CEEAC to sign the International Energy Charter
By CC 564 dated 5 August 2016, the Conference was invited to approve the request of the Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC) to become a Signatory to the International Energy Charter. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 4 September 2016 the Energy Charter Conference invited the Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC) to subscribe to the International Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invited the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary, to make appropriate arrangements for implementing this decision.
CCDEC201615 - New Vice-Chair of the Conference
By document CC 563 dated 4 August 2016, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Dovranmammed Redjepov to replace Mr. Myratgeldy Meredov as Vice-Chair of the Conference.
CCDEC201614 - Confirmation of the new date of the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference
By CC 561 dated 7 July 2016, delegations were invited to confirm the decision to bring forward the ordinary meeting of the Conference to 25-26 November 2016. In accordance with Rule 19 (b) of the Conference’s Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 July 2016.
CCDEC201613 - Approval of the Request of G5 Sahel to sign the International Energy Charter
By CC 562 dated 7 July 2016, the Conference was invited to approve the request of G5 Sahel to become a Signatory to the International Energy Charter. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 5 August 2016 the Energy Charter Conference invites G5 Sahel to subscribe to the International Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invites the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary, to make appropriate arrangements for implementing this decision.
CCDEC201612 - Adoption by correspondence of the Guide on Investment Mediation
By document CC 560, dated 30 June 2016, the Conference was invited to approve a draft conference decision in relation to the Guide on Investment Mediation. On 19 July 2016 the Conference (1) welcomed the work of the Investment Group and endorsed the Guide on Investment Mediation as a helpful, voluntary instrument to facilitate the amicable resolution of investment disputes; (2) encouraged Contracting Parties to consider to use mediation on voluntary basis as one of the options at any stage of the dispute to facilitate its amicable solution and to consider the good offices of the Energy Charter Secretariat; (3) welcomed the willingness of the Contracting Parties to facilitate effective enforcement in their Area of settlement agreements with foreign investors in accordance with the applicable law and the relevant domestic procedures.
CCDEC201611 - Approval of the Rules for Appointment of Deputy Secretary-General, the amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the Energy Charter Conference and the dissolution of the WG on Procedural Issues
By document CC 558, dated 24 June 2016, the Conference was invited to (i) Approve, as Section XIII of the Rules of Procedure of the Energy Charter Conference, the Rules for Appointment of Deputy Secretary-General as recommended by the Working Group on Procedural Issues; (ii) Renumber current Section XIII (‘Revision’) as Section XIV (‘Revision’), as well as current Rule 21 as Rule 22; (iii) Acknowledge the successful completion of the mandate received by the Working Group on Procedural Issues and allow for the dissolution of the Group.
CCDEC201610 - Approval of the Request of several African countries and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to sign the International Energy Charter
By CC 552 dated 7 June 2016, the Conference was invited to approve the request of several African countries and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to become Signatories to the International Energy Charter. On 6 July 2016 the Energy Charter Conference invited the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Governments of Cabo Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, the Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Seychelles, Togo Zambia and Zimbabwe to subscribe to the International Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invited the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary, to make appropriate arrangements for implementing this decision.
CCDEC201609 - Approval Amendment Staff Rule 8.1.a
By CC 557 dated 17 June 2016, the Conference was invited to approve an amendment to Staff Rule 8.1.a. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 6 July 2016 the Energy Charter Conference approved the amendment to Staff Rule 8.1.a.
CCDEC201608 - Informal Working Name
By CC 556 dated 15 June 2016, the Conference was invited to approve a draft decision regarding the adoption of an informal working name to better reflect the global nature of the organisation and for clarity in presentation to third parties. As discussed at the Strategy Group meeting of 15 June 2016, the decision does not affect the status under international law of either the Energy Charter Conference or the Energy Charter Secretariat. On 4 July 2016, the Energy Charter Conference approved the use of an informal working name, 'International Energy Charter', to refer to the Energy Charter Conference and its subsidiary bodies, as well as the Energy Charter Secretariat.
CCDEC201607 - Adoption of the Commentary to the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes
By document CC 555, dated 1 June 2016, the Conference was invited to approve a draft conference decision in relation to the Commentary to the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, on 20 June 2016 the Conference welcomed the work of the Trade and Transit Group and endorsed the Commentary as well as encouraged Contracting Parties to consider to use, on voluntary basis, the Conciliation mechanism to facilitate a fast and amicable solution of inter-state transit disputes.
CCDEC201606 - Approval of the acceptance of a voluntary contribution from the European Commission
By CC 554 dated 25 May 2016, delegations were invited to approve the acceptance of the voluntary contribution of max. Euro 1,050,000 from the European Commission in relation to the project in EU Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries (through a Grant Contract). No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 13 June 2016 the Conference authorised the Secretary General to accept the voluntary contribution.
CCDEC201605 - Appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Budget Committee
By document CC 553 dated 19 May 2016, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Wataru Takahama as Vice-Chair of the Budget Committee during 2016. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, the Secretariat would like to inform delegations of the appointment of Mr. Wataru Takahama as Vice-Chair of the Budget Committee during 2016.
CCDEC201604 - Re-appointment of the Secretary General
By CC document 533 Rev 2 dated 12 May 2016 delegations were invited to approve the proposal to re-appoint Dr Urban Rusnák as Secretary-General of the Energy Charter Secretariat. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, the Conference reappointed Dr Urban Rusnák as Secretary-General of the Energy Charter Secretariat until 31 December 2021, subject to his commitments set out in his letter of 11 May 2016 and taking into account his vision plan 2017-2021.
CCDEC201603 - Terms and Conditions for the Accession of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to the Energy Charter Treaty
By document CC 551 dated 18 April 2016, the Conference was invited to adopt a Decision inviting the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to accede to the Energy Charter Treaty. As specified by Rule 19 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 7 May 2016. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 7 May 2016 the Energy Charter Conference approved this Decision.
CCDEC201602 - Venue and date of the 27 ECC Meeting
On 24 April 2016 the Conference agreed that the 27th ordinary meeting of the Energy Charter Conference would take place in Tokyo on the 28th-29th November 2016.
CCDEC201601 - Appointment of second Vice-Chairperson of the Trade and Transit Group
By CC 549 dated 6 January 2016, delegations were invited to approve the appointment as second Vice-Chair of the Trade and Transit Group of Ms. Tamar Tsurtsumia. As specified by Rule 19 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 January 2016.
CCDEC201523 - Approval of the Declaration on Promotion of the Environmental Goods Agreement
By document CC 522, dated 23 October 2015, delegations were invited to adopt the Declaration on Promotion of the Environmental Goods Agreement as agreed by the Trade and Transit Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 11 November 2015.
CCDEC201522 - Approval of the Conclusions of the review of implementation of the ECT transit provisions
By document CC 527, dated 9 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Conclusions of the review of implementation of the ECT transit provisions as agreed by the Trade and Transit Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 29 November 2015.
CCDEC201521 - Adoption of the Secretariat's Work Programme for 2016-2017
By document CC 531, dated 9 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Secretariat’s Programme of Work for 2016-2017. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 29 November 2015.
CCDEC201520 - Approval of amendments to the procedural rules of the Conference
By document CC 525, dated 5 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the amendments to the Procedural Rules of the Energy Charter Conference. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 25 November 2015.
CCDEC201519 - Approval of the Conclusions and Recommendations from the PEEREA review process assessment
By document CC 526, dated 6 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Conclusions and Recommendations from the PEEREA review process assessment as agreed by the PEEREA Working Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 November 2015.
CCDEC201518 - Terms of Reference for the Energy Efficiency Group
By document CC 530, dated 6 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the transformation of the PEEREA Working Group to a Standing Group (the ‘Energy Efficiency Group’), as well as to approve the Terms of Reference of such Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 November 2015.
CCDEC201517 - Approval of the the Conclusions and recommendations from the assessment of the ICMS country reviews
By document CC 529, dated 6 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Conclusions and recommendations from the assessment of the ICMS country reviews as agreed by the Investment Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 November 2015.
CCDEC201516 - Approval of the Conclusions of the CONEXO Policy Review
By document CC 528, dated 6 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Conclusions and Recommendations of the CONEXO policy review as recommended by the Strategy Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 November 2015.
CCDEC201515 - Approval of review of the Blue Book and directions regarding implementation of Article 10(5) ECT
By document CC 545, dated 6 November 2015, delegations were invited to adopt the comprehensive review and update of the Blue Book and the directions to the Secretariat for the implementation of Article 10(5) of the Energy Charter Treaty as agreed by the Investment Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 November 2015.
CCDEC201514 - Approval of discharge of the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of 2014 Budget
By document CC 524, dated 28 October 2015, delegations were invited to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2014 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules.
CCDEC201513 - Approval Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules
By document CC523 dated 23 October 2015 delegations were invited to approve the amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules as recommended by the Budget Committee. As expressly indicated in such document CC 523, the Budget Committee postponed a decision on the suggested amendment to Rule 8.1.a. (not to allow nationals from Signatories to be appointed to a post approved by the Conference), which will be discussed in 2016.
CCDEC201512 - Approval of the Request of El Salvador to become a Signatory to the International Energy Charter
By CC 521 dated 5 October 2015, delegations were invited to approve the request of the Republic of El Salvador to become a Signatory to the International Energy Charter. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure (CC 53 Corr. 2) concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 4 November 2015.
CCDEC201511 - Adoption of the amendments to the Rules of Conciliation
By document CC 520 dated 22 September 2015, delegations were invited to approve the amendments to the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure (CC 53 Corr. 2) concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 12 October 2015.
CCDEC201510 - Adoption of the Recommendations of the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Moldova
By CC document 518, dated 10 August 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Recommendations of the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Moldova. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure (CC 53 corr. 2) concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing not later than 4 September 2015.
CCDEC201509 - Approval of the acceptance of a voluntary contribution from the Slovak Republic
By CC 519 dated 14 August 2015, delegations were invited to approve the acceptance of the voluntary contribution of Euro 5,000 from the Ministry of Finance of Slovakia, as part of its preparation for the Slovak Republic Presidency in the Council of EU in 2016, to organize an Energy Charter Seminar and Roundtable on investment arbitration under the ECT and its modernisation to be held in Bratislava in Autumn 2015.
CCDEC201508 - Approval of the Request of Burundi to become a Signatory to the 1991 Energy Charter
Acting pursuant to Section VIII of the Final Act of the European Energy Charter Conference, the Energy Charter Conference approves the application of the Government of the Republic of Burundi to subscribe to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invites the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary, to make appropriate arrangements for implementing this decision.
CCDEC201507 - Approval Amendment Staff Rule 8.1
By CC document 516 dated 12 June 2015 delegations were invited to approve an amendment to Staff Rule 8.1.a that would allow the appointment of temporary officials/project staff (positions not included in the establishment table) who are not a national of a Contracting Party or a Signatory of the Energy Charter Treaty. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure (CC 53 corr. 2) concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing not later than 2 July 2015.
CCDEC201506 - Appointment of the Vice-Chairperson of the WG on Procedural Issues
By CC document 515, dated 11 May 2015, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Dzmitry Nikolaevich Nikalayenia as Vice-Chair of the Working Group on Procedural Issues.
CCDEC201505 - Adoption of the Policy Conclusions and Recommendations of the In-depth Review on ICMS in the Energy Sector of Latvia
By CC document 514, dated 27 April 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Policy Conclusions and Recommendations of the In-depth Review on Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) in the Energy Sector of Latvia.
CCDEC201504 - Confirmation of the new date of the 26th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference
According to Rule 1 of the Conference’s Rules of Procedure, ordinary meetings of the Conference may be rescheduled by the Chair of the Conference in consultation with the Secretariat if necessary for reasons unforeseen by the Conference.
CCDEC201503 - Approval of the Request of Chad to become a Signatory to the 1991 Energy Charter
By CC 512 dated 23 March 2015, delegations were invited to approve the request of the Republic of Chad to become a Signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter.
CCDEC201502 - Approval of the Request of Niger to become a Signatory to the 1991 Energy Charter
By CC 511 dated 13 March 2015, delegations were invited to approve the request of the Republic of Niger to become a Signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter.
CCDEC201501 - Approval by written procedure of the acceptance of a voluntary contribution from the European Commission
By CC 510 dated 25 February 2015, delegations were invited to approve the acceptance of the voluntary contribution of Euro 200,000 from DG Energy of the European Commission by the Secretary General.
CCDEC201422 - Venue and date of the 26 ECC Meeting
The Energy Charter Conference at its 25th Meeting held on 26th of November 2014 agreed that the 26th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference would take place on the 26-27 November 2015 in Tbilisi (Georgia).
CCDEC201421 - Adoption of the Secretariat Work Programme for 2015
The Energy Charter Conference at its 25th Meeting on 26th of November 2014 adopted the Energy Charter Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2015 as proposed in document CC 506 (attached hereto) and with the comments made by delegations.
CCDEC201420 - Report by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel
The Energy Charter Conference at its 25th Meeting held on 26th November 2014 took note of the Report by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel as contained in document CC 504
CCDEC201419 - Report by the Chairman of the Working Group on Energy Efficiency and related Environmental Aspects
The Energy Charter Conference at its 25th Meeting held on 26th November 2014 took note of the Report by the Chairman of the Working Group on Energy Efficiency and related Environmental Aspects as contained in document CC503 Rev
CCDEC201418 - Report by the Chairman of the Trade and Transit Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 25th Meeting held on 26th November 2014 took note of the Report by the Chair of the Trade and Transit Group (attached hereto) as contained in document CC 500 Rev.
CCDEC201417 - Report by the Chairman of the Investment Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 25th Meeting held on 26th November 2014 took note of the Report by the Chairman of the Investment Group as contained in document CC 499
CCDEC201416 - Report by the Chairman of the Strategy Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 25th Meeting held on 26th of November 2014 took note of the Report by the Chairman of Strategy Group as contained in document CC 498
CCDEC201415 - Secretary Generals Report of the year 2014
The Energy Charter Conference at its 25th Meeting held on 26th November 2014 took note of the Secretary General’s Report of the year 2014 as contained in document CC 497
CCDEC201414 - Model Energy Charter Early Warning Mechanism
The Energy Charter Conference at its 25th Meeting held on 26th November 2014 welcomed the work of the Trade and Transit Group in preparing a Model Energy Charter Early Warning Mechanism that parties can refer to, voluntarily, on a case by case basis, in order to prevent and overcome emergency situations in the energy sector related to the Transit and supply of...
CCDEC201413 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference Subsidiary bodies for 2015
The Energy Charter Conference at its 25th Meeting held on 26th of November 2014 approved the designation of the following officers for the year 2015, as proposed in document CC 496
CCDEC201412 - List of Chairmanships of the Energy Charter Conference for 2015, 2016, 2017
The Energy Charter Conference at its 25th Meeting held on 26th of November 2014 adopted the list of Contracting Parties who will hold the Chairmanship for the years 2015, 2016, and 2017 as shown in document CC 495.
CCDEC201411 - Establishment and Terms of Reference for a Working Group on Procedural Issues
The Energy Charter Conference at its 25th Meeting held on 26th November 2014 approved the establishment of a Working Group on Procedural Issues and its Terms of Reference as specified in Annex to CC 490 Rev. 2 (attached hereto) with the understanding that the group could consider all procedural issues raised, including also the procedure for the appointment of the...
CCDEC201410 - Budgetary Issues
By CC 493, dated 4 November 2014, delegations were invited to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2013 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules.
CCDEC201409 - Issues related to the adoption of the International Energy Charter in 2015
The Energy Charter Conference at its 25th Meeting held on 26th November 2014, welcomed the progress made since the decision at the 23rd Meeting of the Conference in Warsaw to engage in a process that might lead to the adoption of an updated version of the European Energy Charter;
CCDEC201408 - Adoption of the Policy Conclusions and Recommendations of the In-depth Review on ICMS in the Energy Sector of Armenia
By CC document 508, dated 30 October 2013, delegations were invited to approve the Policy Conclusions and Recommendations of the In-depth Review on Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) in the Energy Sector of Armenia.
CCDEC201407 - Astana Declaration for Global Energy Architecture 2015-2019
At its 25th Meeting held on 26 November 2014 in Astana, the Energy Charter Conference, Recalling the Conclusions of the 2014 Review under Article 34(7) ECT approved by the Conference, and Acknowledging the semi-annual report of the Kazakh Chairmanship of the Energy Charter Conference
CCDEC201406 - Approval of the Conclusions of the Review under Art 34(7) ECT
By CC 492 dated 30 October 2014, delegations were invited to approve the Conclusions of the Review under 34(7) ECT.
CCDEC201405 - Approval of the Request of Palestine to become a signatory to the 1991 Energy Charter
During the Nicosia Conference last December 2013 and during the recent negotiations on the UEC on 29 April 2014, Palestine (an observer by invitation since November 2008) informed the Secretary General of its intention to sign the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter.
CCDEC201404 - Approval of Observer status of IRENA
On 30 April 2014, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) formally requested that it be granted observer status at the Energy Charter Conference.
CCDEC201403 - Adoption of the Recommendations of the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Turkey
By CC document 486, dated 8 May 2014, delegations were invited to approve the Recommendations of the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Turkey.
CCDEC201402 - Approval of the Request of Mauritania to become a signatory to the 1991 Energy Charter
The Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania informed the Secretary General by a letter dated 26 March 2014 (attached to CC 485) of its intention to sign the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter.
CCDEC201401 - Appointment of the Vice-Chairperson of the Strategy Group
By CC document 483, dated 15 January 2014, delegations were invited to approve the appointment as Vice-Chairperson of the Strategy Group of Ms. Carmen-Sofía Sanz Estébanez.
CCDEC201330 - Starting text for UEC negotiations
At its 24th Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013, the Energy Charter Conference agreed that the text attached to Room Document 3 (attached hereto in a clear version) should be used as basis for the discussion on an updated version of the 1991 Charter.
CCDEC201329 - Communication on the Terms of Reference for Energy Charter Forums
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24rd Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 took note of the Terms of Reference for the Energy Charter Forums as contained in Room Document 4 (hereto attached).
CCDEC201328 - Approval of the Request of Lebanon to become a signatory to the 1991 Energy Charter
The Government of Lebanon informed the Secretary General of its intention to become a Signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter.
CCDEC201327 - Venue and date for the 25 ECC Meeting
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24rd Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 agreed that the 25th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference would take place on the 26-27 November 2014 in Astana (Kazakhstan).
CCDEC201326 - Timetable for the Updated Energy Charter and the Review
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24th Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 agreed on the proposed Timetable (contained in Room Document 2, hereto attached) on the Updated Energy Charter and the Review under Art. 34(7).
CCDEC201325 - Approval of the Request of Yemen to become a signatory to the 1991 Energy Charter
The Government of Yemen informed the Secretary General by a letter received on 18 November 2013 (attached to CC 481) of its intention to be further involved in the Charter Process by becoming a Signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter. On 2 December 2013, the Government of Yemen sent a communication (Room...
CCDEC201324 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice Chairman and other Officers of the Conference subsidiary bodies for 2014
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24th Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 approved the designation of the following officers for the year 2014, as proposed in document CC 480 Rev
CCDEC201323 - List of Chairmanships of the Energy Charter Conference for 2014, 2015, 2016
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24th Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 adopted the list of Contracting Parties who will hold the Chairmanship for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 as shown in document CC 479
CCDEC201322 - Budgetary Issues
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24rd Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 took note of the Financial Statement and the Auditor’s Report of 2012, as circulated in document CC 477 (attached hereto), and agreed, on the recommendation of the Budget Committee, to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect...
CCDEC201321 - Adoption of the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2014
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24rd Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 adopted the Energy Charter Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2014 as proposed in document CC 476 (attached hereto).
CCDEC201320 - Communication from the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24rd Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 took note of the Communication from the Industry Advisory Panel as contained in document CC 475 (hereto attached).
CCDEC201319 - Report of the Working Group on rules and procedures for appointing the SG and decision to repeal its mandate
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24rd Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 took note of the Report by the Chairman of the Working Group on rules and procedures for appointing the Secretary General as contained in document CC 474 (attached hereto), and approved the following decision
CCDEC201318 - Report by the Chairman of the Working Group on Energy Efficiency and related Environmental Aspects
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24rd Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 took note of the Report by the Chairman of the Working Group on Energy Efficiency and related Environmental Aspects as contained in document CC 473 (attached hereto).
CCDEC201317 - Technical Changes to annexes EM I, NI and EQ I
At its 24rd Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013, the Energy Charter Conference, Recognizing that the changes to the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System that took place in 2002, 2007 and 2012 affect Annexes EM I, NI and EQ I of the Energy Charter Treaty,
CCDEC201316 - Report by the Chairman of the Trade and Transit Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24rd Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 took note of the Report by the Chairman of the Trade and Transit Group (attached hereto) as contained in document CC 471 and modified by RD 6.
CCDEC201315 - Report by the Chairman of the Investment Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24rd Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 took note of the Report by the Chairman of the Investment Group as contained in document CC 470 (attached hereto).
CCDEC201313 - Report on Policy on Consolidation, Expansion and Outreach (CONEXO) for 2013
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24rd Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 took note of the Report on Policy, on Consolidation, Expansion and Outreach (CONEXO) for 2013 as contained in document CC 468 (attached hereto).
CCDEC201312 - Report by the Chairman of the Strategy Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24rd Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 took note of the Report by the Chairman of Strategy Group as contained in document CC 467 (attached hereto).
CCDEC201311 - Proposal concerning the conduct of the Review under Article 34 (7) ECT
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24th Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 approved (i) the list of Contracting Parties acting as Coordinators of the Review (RD 1) and (ii) the proposal (contained in CC 466) concerning the conduct of the next Review envisaged under Article 34 (7) of the Energy Charter Treaty.
CCDEC201310 - Secretary General’s Report of the year 2013
The Energy Charter Conference at its 24rd Meeting held on 5th/6th December 2013 took note of the Secretary General’s Report of the year 2013 as contained in document CC 465
CCDEC201309 - Adoption of the Policy Conclusions and Recommendations of the In-depth Review on ICMS in the Energy Sector of Morocco
By CC document 482, dated 12 November 2013, delegations were invited to approve the Policy Conclusions and Recommendations of the In-depth Review on the Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) in the Energy Sector of Morocco.
CCDEC201308 - Adoption of the de-restriction of CCDEC documents and change in the default setting of CC documents
By CC document 463, dated 4 November 2013, delegations were invited to approve the de-restriction of CCDEC documents and change in the default setting of CC documents.
CCDEC201307 - Adoption of the practice of the Energy Charter Conference related to the Chairmanship of the Conference
By CC document 464, dated 4 November 2013, delegations were invited to approve the Practice of the Energy Charter Conference related to Chairmanship of the Charter Conference.
CCDEC201306 - Adoption of the negotiation mandate for updating the European Energy Charter
By CC document 462, dated 29 October 2013, delegations were invited to approve the negotiation mandate in view of updating the European Energy Charter.
CCDEC201305 - Adoption of the Recommendations of the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Tajikistan
By CC document 461, dated 15 October 2013, delegations were invited to approve the Recommendations of the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Tajikistan.
CCDEC201304 - Adoption of the Recommendations of the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Ukraine
By CC document 460, dated 9 October 2013, delegations were invited to approve the Recommendations of the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Ukraine.
CCDEC201303 - Adoption of the Policy Conclusions and Recommendations of the In-depth Review on ICMS in the Energy Sector of Mongolia
By CC document 459, dated 10 June 2013, delegations were invited to approve the Policy Conclusions and Recommendations of the In-depth Review on Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) in the Energy Sector of Mongolia.
CCDEC201302 - Designation of the Deputy Chairman of the Energy Charter Conference
By CC document 457, dated 22 February 2013, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Jambulat Sarsenov as Vice-Chairman of the Energy Charter Conference. Mr. Sarsenov was nominated by the Republic of Kazakhstan (proposal attached to CC 457).
CCDEC201301 - Designation of the Chairman of the PEEREA Working Group
By CC document 456, dated 22 February 2013, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Sergey Katyshev as Chairperson of the PEEREA Working Group.
CCDEC201219 - Updating of the Energy Charter
[At The Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012], the Chairman reconvened the discussion on the Draft Mandate for the Updating of the Energy Charter and referred the Conference to Room Document 4 Rev 2 (Annex). Having invited comments, and in absence of any, the Chairman said that the Conference had therefore found the...
CCDEC201218 - Designation of Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and Other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2013
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] approved the designation of the officers for the year 2013 as proposed in Document CC 452 Rev.: Conference Chair:
CCDEC201217 - Budgetary Issues
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] took note of the Financial Statement and the Auditor’s Report of 2011 with a qualified opinion from the Auditors, as circulated in document CC 450 (Annex I), and agreed, on the recommendation of the Budget Committee, to discharge the Secretary General from his management and...
CCDEC201216 - Adoption of the Energy Charter’s Work Programme for 2013
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] adopted the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2013, as proposed in document CC 449 (Annex).
CCDEC201215 - Renewal of the Mandate of the Industry Advisory Panel, approval of the nomination of Chairman of the IAP and approval of nomination of IAP members
[At the invitation of the Chairman, the Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] took note of the Communication of the IAP (CC 448 - Annex); requested the Secretariat to follow up the findings and recommendations of the Communication and to assist the IAP with its further work; renewed the Mandate of the Industry Advisory Panel...
CCDEC201214 - Working Group on Rules of Procedure for Appointing the Secretary General
[Following a discussion on the Working Group on Rules of Procedure for Appointing the Secretary General, the Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012, the Chairman] asked the Conference to note the progress made so far, and for support for the continued deliberations of the Working Group. There were no comments from any...
CCDEC201213 - Adoption of the Recommendations on In-Depth Energy Efficiency Reviews of Albania, Azerbaijan Republic and Belarus
[At the invitation of the Chairman, the Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] took note of Report of the Chairman of the PEEREA Working Group (CC 445) [and] adopted the Recommendations on In-Depth Energy Efficiency Reviews of Albania, Azerbaijan Republic and Belarus, as contained in document CC 446 (Annex).
CCDEC201212 - The Views of the Conference on the Stakeholder Consultations on Energy Transit and Cross-border Co-operation
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] approved the views of the Conference on the Stakeholder Consultations on Energy Transit and Cross-border Co-operation, as part of the TTG Chairman’s report, as contained in document CC 442 (Annex).
CCDEC201211 - Approval of nominations for the roster of panelists for the resolution of trade disputes
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] duly adopted the nominations for the roster of panellists for the resolution of trade disputes as proposed in document CC 444 (Annex).
CCDEC201210 - Binding customs tariff standstill regime
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] duly adopted the decision regarding the binding customs tariff standstill regime in CC 443 (Annex).
CCDEC201209 - Policy Conclusions and Recommendations with regards to Country Reports on Investment Climate and Market Structure of Lithuania and Kazakhstan
At the request of the Chairman, [the Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] adopted the Policy Conclusions and Recommendations with regards to Country Reports on Investment Climate and Market Structure of Lithuania and Kazakhstan, as contained in document CC 441 (Annex).
CCDEC201208 - Multilateral co-operation on promoting low-carbon investment
At the request of the Chairman, [the Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] approved the decision regarding multilateral co-operation on promoting low-carbon investment, as proposed in document CC 440 (Annex).
CCDEC201207 - Assessment of the ECT provisions with regard to low-carbon investment
At the request of the Chairman, [the Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] took note of the Assessment of the ECT provisions with regard to low-carbon investment (CC 439 - Annex).
CCDEC201206 - Report by the Chairman of the Investment Group
At the request of the Chairman, [the Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] took note of the Report by the Chairman of the Investment Group (CC 438 - Annex).
CCDEC201205 - Report on Consolidation, Expansion and Outreach
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] took note of the Report on Consolidation, Expansion and Outreach, [as contained in document CC 437 (Annex)].
CCDEC201204 - Approval of the request for Observer status from the Republic of Yemen and Montenegro
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 23rd Meeting held on 26th/27th November 2012] approved the decisions regarding the request for Observer status from the Republic of Yemen (CC 453) and from Montenegro (CC 454) [Following the Chairman request for approval for the decisions], both decisions were approved by the Conference and the delegates of those two countries...
CCDEC201203 - Approval of Final Draft of the “Policy on Consolidation, Expansion and Outreach” (CONEXO)
[The Energy Charter Conference approved in July] a final draft of the “Policy on Consolidation, Expansion and Outreach” (CONEXO) (CC 431). [On 8th June 2012, the draft policy on Consolidation, Expansion and Outreach was submitted to the Conference for approval (CC 431) by correspondence. In Message 1012/12 (Annex) delegations were] informed that the...
CCDEC201202 - Updated Energy Charter - Netherlands’ voluntary contribution to support an ad hoc political conference to develop a new basic political declaration
[The Energy Charter Conference approved on 22 June 2012] the acceptance of Netherlands’ voluntary contribution to support an ad hoc political conference to develop a new basic political declaration (CC 430). [In Message 1005/12 (Annex) delegations were] informed that the Conference’s decision to approve the acceptance by the Secretary General of the above...
CCDEC201201 - Reconfirmation of observer status
The Energy Charter Conference reconfirmed on 14 June 2012 that the following states are observers to the Conference: Algeria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela, [as contained in document CC 429 (Annex)].
CCDEC201113 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2012
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 22nd Meeting held on 29th November 2011] approved the designation of the following officers for the year 2012 as proposed in Document CC 422: Conference Chairman:
CCDEC201112 - Voluntary Contribution from the Federal Republic of Germany
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 22nd Meeting held on 29th November 2011] approved acceptance of the proposed Voluntary Contribution by the Secretary General. The Conference Chairman thanked the Federal Republic of Germany for their very generous initiative, which he expected would open the road for further developments with respect to the Energy Charter...
CCDEC201111 - Discharge of the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2010 budget and Report by the Chairman of the Budget Committee
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 22nd Meeting held on 29th November 2011] took note of the Financial Statement and the Auditor’s Report of 2010, as circulated in document CC 420 (Annex I), and agreed, on the recommendation of the Budget Committee, to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect to the 2010...
CCDEC201110 - Energy Charter’s Work Programme for 2012
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 22nd Meeting held on 29th November 2011] adopted the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2012, as proposed in document CC 419 Rev 2 (Annex).
CCDEC201109 - Communication by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 22nd Meeting held on 29th November 2011] took note of the Industry Advisory Panel’s contribution as contained in document CC 418 (Annex) to the work of the Energy Charter.
CCDEC201108 - Adoption of the Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Reviews of Georgia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 22nd Meeting held on 29th November 2011] adopted the Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Reviews of Georgia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, proposed by the PEEREA Working Group, as contained in CC 417 (Annex).
CCDEC201107 - Decision regarding the possibility to move to the binding tariff regime for import and export customs duties on selected items
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 22nd Meeting held on 29th November 2011] adopted the Decision put forward by the Chairman (CC 415) (Annex).
CCDEC201106 - Decision on the Draft Transit Protocol
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 22nd Meeting held on 29th November 2011] adopted the Decision put forward by the Chairman (CC 423) (Annex).
CCDEC201105 - Report by the Chairman of the Trade and Transit Group
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 22nd Meeting held on 29th November 2011] took note of the Trade and Transit Group Chairman’s report on the activities of the Trade and Transit Group in 2011 circulated to delegations as document CC 414 (Annex).
CCDEC201104 - Adoption of Conclusions with regard to Investment Climate and Market Structure Reports on Moldova, Azerbaijan and Poland
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 22nd Meeting held on 29th November 2011] took note of the Investment Group Chairman’s report and adopted the conclusions proposed by the Investment Group with regard to the Investment Climate and Market Structure Reports of Moldova, Azerbaijan and Poland, as contained in CC 413 (Annex).
CCDEC201103 - Endorsement of the paragraph on the next steps in regard to the policy paper on outreach, expansion and consolidation
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 22nd Meeting held on 29th November 2011] took note of the Strategy Group Chairman’s report and endorsed the paragraph in the report on the next steps in regard to the policy paper on outreach, expansion and consolidation (Annex).
CCDEC201102 - Policy on Outreach, Expansion and Consolidation - Report by the Secretary General
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 22nd Meeting held on 29th November 2011] took note of the Secretary General’s Report on outreach, expansion and consolidation, as contained in document CC 410 (Annex).
CCDEC201101 - Appointment of a new Secretary General and approval of the proposal of setting up a Working Group to look at the rules of procedure for election of the Secretary General
[Following a discussion on the appointment of the new Secretary General at the 22nd Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference on 29th November 2011, the Chairman] asked the Conference if there was a consensus on the appointment of Mr. Rusnák as the new Secretary General with effect from 1 January 2012. Following applause the Chairman declared Mr. Rusnák...
CCDEC201012 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2011
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 21st Meeting held on 24th November 2010] approved the designation of the following officers for the year 2011 as proposed in Document CC 405: Conference Chairman: Selim Kuneralp (Turkey) Conference Vice-Chairman: Anatoliy Yanovskiy (Russian Federation) Conference Vice-Chairman: Odd Sverre Haraldsen (Norway) Chairman of the...
CCDEC201011 - Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2011
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 21st Meeting held on 24th November 2010] adopted the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2011, as proposed in document CC 403 (Annex).
CCDEC201010 - Road Map for the Modernisation of the Energy Charter Process
The Energy Charter Conference, Reiterating their commitment to the principles of the Energy Charter of December 1991, Recalling the purpose of the Energy Charter Treaty, which establishes a legal framework in order to promote long-term co-operation in the energy field, based on complementarities and mutual benefits, in accordance with the objectives and principles...
CCDEC201009 - Recommendations on the In-depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes of Mongolia
The summary and the recommendation on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Mongolia, circulated to the Delegations as document CC 401, were presented to the Energy Charter Conference by the Secretariat’s Director for Energy Efficiency and Investment and by the Mongolian Delegation. [The Conference at its 21st Meeting held on 24th November 2010] adopted the...
CCDEC201008 - Energy Charter Public Statement on Supporting the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and Strengthening Transparency in the Energy Sector of the ECT Constituency
The Energy Charter Conference at its 21st Meeting held on 24th November 2010 endorsed the Public Statement on Supporting Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and Strengthening Transparency in the Energy Sector of the ECT Constituency proposed by the Investment Group, as contained in CC 398 [attached at Annex], with the reservation made by the Ukrainian...
CCDEC201007 - Conclusions on Follow up Investment Climate and Market Restructuring Reports on Bulgaria and Bosnia & Herzegovina
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 21st Meeting held on 24th November 2010] adopted the conclusions proposed by the Investment Group with regard to the Investment Climate and Market Structure Reports of Bulgaria and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as contained in document CC 397 (Annex).]
CCDEC201006 - Secretariat’s Budget for 2011
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 21st Meeting held on 24th November 2010 approved the Secretariat’s Budget for 2011 (Annex 1), including the proposed Establishment Table (Annex 2) and two multiannual commitment authorities for budgetary outlook, as presented in document CC 392.] [The multi-annual commitment authorities for 2011:] o Prolongation of the...
CCDEC201005 - Reports submitted to the 21st Energy Charter Conference meeting held on 24 November 2010
The Conference took note of the Financial Statement and the Auditor’s Report of 2009, as circulated in document CC 391, and approved the recommendation of the Budget Committee to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect to the 2009 Budget, in accordance with the Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules. [The...
CCDEC201004 - Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2010
[The Conference approved the conclusion of the 2010 Work Programme early the following year ad referendum (CC 381). Some delegations indicated a desire to see a more explicit focus in the Work Programme on the core business of the Energy Charter and further clarifications in the text on the proposed list of activities A new consolidated draft incorporating...
CCDEC201003 - Terms of Reference for and Membership in the Energy Charter Strategy Group
On 26 February 2010, draft Terms of Reference of and Membership in the Energy Charter Strategy Group were submitted to the Conference as document CC 389 for adoption by written procedure in accordance with Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure (CC 53 corr. 2). Delegations not in a position to approve the decision were requested to notify the Secretariat of its position...
CCDEC201002 - Amendment of the Terms of Reference of the Group on Trade and Transit
In Message 871 of 26th February 2010, delegations were invited to approve the amendment of the Terms of Reference of the Group on Trade and Transit by written procedure. No comments were received. [Accordingly, the new Terms of Reference were considered as adopted.] [Attached are the amended Terms of Reference for the Group on Trade and Transit as circulated to...
CCDEC201001 - Application by the Syrian Arab Republic for observer status
In document CC 388 of 9 February 2010, delegations were informed that the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic had requested that the Syrian Arab Republic be granted observer status to the Energy Charter process. The Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the following conclusion by written procedure: “The Energy Charter Conference notes the request...
CCDEC200914 - Rome Joint Statement
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 20th Meeting held on 9 December 2009 adopted the Rome Joint Statement. The text of the statement is attached at Annex.]
CCDEC200913 - Establishment of the Energy Charter Strategy Group
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 20th Meeting held on 9 December 2009] decided to establish an Energy Charter Strategy Group as a Standing Group and its subsidiary body, as in document CC 386 Rev.1. In accordance with the decision, Terms of Reference for the work of the Strategy Group and the membership will be discussed in the Ad Hoc Strategy Group, which will...
CCDEC200912 - Main Conclusions from the 2009 Policy Conference
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 20th Meeting held on 9 December 2009] accepted the recommendations from the annual Policy Conference as presented in the summary report made available to delegations in June 2009 and also circulated as document CC 384 [Annex].
CCDEC200911 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2010
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 20th Meeting held on 9 December 2009] approved the designation of the following officers for the year 2010 as proposed in document CC 383: Conference Vice-Chairman: Conference Vice-Chairman: Conference Vice-Chairman: Chairman of the Investment Group: Vice-Chairman of the Investment Group: Chairman of the Trade and Transit...
CCDEC200910 - Market and System Inter-Operability Agreement (IMA) Guidelines
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 20th Meeting held on 9 December 2009] adopted the recommendations (contained in document CC 380) of the Investment Group in regard to the Market and System Inter-Operability Agreement Guidelines. (1) The Conference welcomed the work of the Secretariat, with the help of the Consultant and the valuable assistance of the Legal...
CCDEC200909 - Secretariat’s Budget for 2010
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 20th Meeting held on 9 December 2009 approved the Secretariat’s Budget for 2010 as presented in document CC 377 (Annex I), including the proposed Establishment Table (Annex II) and the following multiannual commitment authorities:] • Prolongation of the multi-annual commitment authority of Euro 100.000 in respect of Budget...
CCDEC200908 - Conclusions on the In-Depth Report on Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) of Tajikistan
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 20th Meeting held on 9 December 2009 approved the Conclusions of the In-depth Report on Investment Climate and Market Structure of Tajikistan as presented in document CC 375 (Annex).]
CCDEC200907 - Non-binding schedule of In-Depth and Regular Reviews for 2010-2012
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 20th Meeting held on 9 December 2009 approved the non-binding schedule of reviews for 2010-12, as contained in document CC 373. The schedule calls on the following reviews to take place:] o In-Depth Reviews - Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Slovenia, Uzbekistan o Regular Reviews - Azerbaijan, Belgium, Cyprus,...
CCDEC200906 - Mandate for the Negotiation of the Remaining Open Issues of the draft Protocol on Transit
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 20th Meeting held on 9 December 2010 approved the mandate to restart formal negotiations of the remaining open points of the draft Transit Protocol as proposed in document CC 372 (Annex).]
CCDEC200905 - Accession of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Jordan) to the Energy Charter Treaty
on 9 December 2009 Concerning the Accession of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects, and Concerning the Ratification by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan of the Amendment to the Trade Related Provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty THE ENERGY CHARTER...
CCDEC200904 - Reports submitted to the 20th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 9 December 2009
THE ENERGY CHARTER CONFERENCE[The Conference welcomed the report of the Chairman of the Trade and Transit Group as contained in document CC 371.] The Group Chairman reported that the multilateral consultations on the draft Transit Protocol stayed at the centre of the Group’s work in 2009. [...] The Trade and Transit Group in cooperation with the Investment Group...
CCDEC200903 - Prolongation of the Mandate of the Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat until the end of 2011
[The Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat,] Ambassador André Mernier, has indicated that he would welcome an extension of his existing mandate by a further 12 months as indicated in Message 856/09. [The current mandate was due to expire on 31 December 2010.] [Delegations were invited to approve its prolongation at the Rome Meeting of the Energy...
CCDEC200902 - Application by the Republic of Indonesia for observer status
In document CC 369 of 27 April 2009, delegations were informed that the Government of the Republic of Indonesia had requested that the Republic of Indonesia be granted observer status to the Energy Charter process. The Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the following conclusion by written procedure: “The Energy Charter Conference notes the request...
CCDEC200901 - Accession by the Republic of Serbia as a signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter
In document CC 367 of 9 February 2009, delegations were informed that the Republic of Serbia had decided to subscribe to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter. Recalling the decision of the 7th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference on 11 May 2001 regarding the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia’s accession as a signatory to...
CCDEC200815 - Recommendations of the 2008 Policy Conference
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 19th Meeting held on 28 November 2008 accepted the annual Policy Conference recommendations] as presented in the summary report made available to delegations in June 2008 and also circulated as Room Document 2 [Annex.]
CCDEC200814 - Decision on next steps in relation to the draft Transit Protocol
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 19th Meeting held on 28 November 2008 unanimously adopted the following conclusions on the draft Transit Protocol, as suggested in Room Document 1:] “The Conference welcomed the report of the Chairman of the Trade and Transit Group on the progress made by the Group during the multilateral consultations on the draft Transit...
CCDEC200813 - Application of the Palestinian National Authority for Observer Status
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 19th Meeting held on 28 November 2008 approved the application of the Palestinian National Authority to become an observer to the Energy Charter Conference as circulated in document CC 365 (Annex).] Pending international recognition of a state of Palestine, [observer status is granted] to the PNA under Rule 8 of the...
CCDEC200812 - Special Salary Adjustment 2008
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 19th Meeting held on 28 November 2008 approved an exceptional draw on the General Reserve Fund of a maximum of Euro 80,000, which would enable implementation of the special salary adjustment from 1 June 2008, as recommended by the Co-ordinating Committee on Remuneration (presented in document CC 364).]
CCDEC200811 - Application of the Arab Republic of Egypt for Observer Status
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 19th Meeting held on 28 November 2008 approved the application of Egypt for the status of observer to the Energy Charter Conference as circulated in document CC 363.]
CCDEC200810 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2009
The Energy Charter Conference at its 19th Meeting held on 28 November 2008 approved the designation of the following officers for the year 2009. Conference Chairman: Takekazu Kawamura (Japan) Conference Vice-Chairman: Anatoliy Yanovskiy (Russian Federation) Conference Vice-Chairman: Aymo Brunetti (Switzerland) Chairman of the Investment Group: See Messages 778,...
CCDEC200809 - Quinquennial Energy Charter Review under Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 19th Meeting held on 28 November 2008 approved the 2009 Energy Charter Review Terms of Reference as proposed in CC 360 (REV. 1) (Annex), and unanimously appointed Prof. Sergio Garribba of Italy as the Special Representative for the Review, as proposed by the Italian delegation in document CC 366.]
CCDEC200808 - Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2009
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 19th Meeting held on 28 November 2008 approved the Secretariat’s Programme of Work as proposed in document CC 359 (Annex).]
CCDEC200807 - Secretariat’s Budget for 2009
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 19th Meeting held on 28 November 2008 approved the Secretariat’s Budget for 2009 as presented in document CC 358 (Annex I), including the proposed Establishment Table (Annex II), and the two multi-annual commitment authorities:] Prolongation of the multi-annual commitment authority of Euro 100.000 in respect of Budget item...
CCDEC200806 - Extension of the mandate of the Industry Advisory Panel
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 19th Meeting held on 28 November 2008 positively considered the request of the Industry Advisory Panel as presented in document CC 356 and approved the extension of its mandate for a period of four years.]
CCDEC200805 - Recommendations on the In-depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes of the Slovak Republic
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 19th Meeting held on 28 November 2008 endorsed the recommendations of the In-depth Review of the Slovak Republic as contained in document CC 355 (Annex).]
CCDEC200804 - Conclusions of the In-depth Report on Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) of Albania
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 19th Meeting held on 28 November 2008 approved the Conclusions of the In-depth Report on Investment Climate and Market Structure of Albania as presented in document СС 352 (Annex).]
CCDEC200803 - Energy Charter Model Agreements for Cross-Border Electricity Projects
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 19th Meeting held on 28 November 2008:] (1) welcomed the work of the Secretariat with the valuable assistance of the Legal Advisory Task Force in adapting the Pipeline Model Agreements in order to prepare the Electricity Model Agreements. (2) welcomed the Electricity Model Agreements presented in document CC 350 as a set of...
CCDEC200802 - Reports submitted to the 19th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 28 November 2008
[The Conference took note of report of the Ad Hoc Strategy Group (as in document CC 349).] The Chairman of the Ad Hoc Energy Charter Strategy Group informed the Conference about the work of the Group in respect to the preparation of the report over the two meetings during the year. He noted the emergence of new issues in the energy sector since the signing of...
CCDEC200801 - Recommendations on the In-depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes of Bulgaria (adoption by written procedure)
[The Energy Charter Conference was invited to endorse the Recommendations on the In-depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes of Bulgaria, as contained in document CC 348. Delegations unable to approve this proposal were requested to notify the Secretariat of their opposition in writing by no later than 12 September 2008. Since no objections were...
CCDEC200714 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2008
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007 approved the list of nominations as proposed in CC 346 and Room Documents 1 and 2:] Conference Chairman: Takekazu Kawamura (Japan) Vice-Chairman of the Conference: Anatoliy Yanovskiy (Russian Federation) Vice-Chairman of the Conference: Aymo Brunetti (Switzerland) Chairman of the...
CCDEC200713 - Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2008
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007] approved the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2008 based on the proposal contained in CC 345 [Annex] and the clarifications made by the Secretariat concerning Ukraine’s proposal on underground gas storage issues [as proposed in Room Document 10].
CCDEC200712 - Secretariat’s Budget for 2008
[The Energy Charter Conference au its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007 approved the Secretariat’s Budget for the year 2008 (Annex I), the Establishment Table (Annex II) and the two following multi-annual commitment authorities as proposed in document CC 344:] Prolongation of the multi-annual commitment authority of Euro 100.000 in respect of Budget item 3...
CCDEC200711 - Bucharest Conclusions on Capacity Building in Energy Efficiency
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007 endorsed the ‘Bucharest Conclusions on Capacity Building in Energy Efficiency’, as proposed in document CC 341 (Annex).]
CCDEC200710 - Recommendations on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007 endorsed the recommendations on the In-Depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policy of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as contained in document CC 340 (Annex).]
CCDEC200709 - Conclusions on the In-Depth Reports on Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) of Belarus, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007 approved the conclusions proposed by the Investment Group with regard to the In-depth Reports on Belarus, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, as contained in document CC 337 (Annex).]
CCDEC200708 - Decision on Next Steps in Relation to the Draft Transit Protocol
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007 adopted the following conclusion in relation to multilateral consultations on the draft Transit Protocol as presented in document CC 335.] “The Conference recalled the importance of transparent, non-discriminatory and operational legal frameworks for energy transit, for the benefit of...
CCDEC200707 - Second Edition of the Model Agreements on Cross-Border Pipelines
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007:] (1) welcomed the work of the Secretariat, with the valuable assistance of the Legal Advisory Task Force, in updating the Energy Charter’s Model Agreements on Crossborder Pipelines, (2) welcomed the Second Edition of the Model Agreements as a set of non-legallybinding guidelines for...
CCDEC200706 - Reports submitted to the 18th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 7 December 2007
[The Conference took note of the Secretary General’s Report on the Relations with Non-Member States as contained in document CC 332.] The Secretary General noted the momentum that had developed in favour of the Energy Charter process in Asia and mentioned the intention of the Philippines government to become an observer to the Energy Charter as was...
CCDEC200705 - Accession of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the Energy Charter Treaty
THE ENERGY CHARTER CONFERENCE CONSIDERING the approval by the Energy Charter Conference of the application by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to become a signatory to the Concluding Document of the Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter; CONSIDERING the signature, on 4 August 2006, by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan of the Concluding Document of...
CCDEC200704 - Approval by the Energy Charter Conference of Jordan’s request to join the Energy Charter Treaty as an observer (adoption by written procedure)
In document CC 330 of 4 October 2007, delegations were informed about the request from Jordan to join the Energy Charter Treaty as an observer, and were requested to notify the Secretariat by no later than 26 October 2007 if they were unable to approve the following conclusion by written procedure: “The Conference, acting pursuant to Part VIII of Annex 1 to the...
CCDEC200703 - Recommendations on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Latvia (adoption by written procedure)
[The Energy Charter Conference was invited to endorse the Recommendations on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Latvia, as contained in document CC 329. Delegations unable to approve this proposal were requested to notify the Secretariat of their opposition in writing by 30 September 2007. Since no objections had been received by this date, the following...
CCDEC200702 - Approval by the Energy Charter Conference of the Philippines’ request to become a signatory to the 1991 Energy Charter Declaration (adoption by written procedure)
In document CC 328 of 9 May 2007, delegations were informed about the request from the Philippines to become a signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter, and were requested to notify the Secretariat by no later than 31 May 2007 if they were unable to approve the following conclusion by written procedure: “The...
CCDEC200701 - Accession of the Energy Charter Conference to the status of observer to the General Assembly of the United Nations (adoption by written procedure)
[In document CC 327 (REV. 1) of 3 April 2007, delegations were informed about the proposal of the Secretariat to seek observer status to the United Nations General Assembly for and on behalf of the Energy Charter Conference, and were invited to adopt the following conclusion by written procedure:] “The Energy Charter Conference requests the Government of Japan, on...
CCDEC200610 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2007
[On the basis of the nominations put forward in CC 325 and Room Document 1, the Energy Charter Conference at its 17th Meeting held on 20 November 2006 approved the designation of the following officers for 2007:] Vice-Chairman of the Conference Ivan Materov (Russian Federation) Chairman of the Investment Group: Michael Caramanis (Greece) Chairman of the Trade &...
CCDEC200609 - Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2007
The Energy Charter Conference at its 17th Meeting held on 20 November 2006 approved the Work Programme for 2007 as included in document CC 324 (Annex).
CCDEC200608 - Secretariat’s Budget for 2007
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 17th Meeting held on 20 November 2006 approved the Secretariat’s Budget for 2007 (Annex 1) and two multiannual commitment authorities, as in Room Document 3:] Prolongation of the multi-annual commitment authority of Euro 100.000 in respect of Budget item 3 ‘Professional and Special Services’, to cover contracts running...
CCDEC200607 - Conclusions of the In-Depth Reports on Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) for the Republic of Turkey and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 17th Meeting held on 20 November 2006 approved conclusions with regard to the reports on the Investment Climate and Market Structure of FYROM and of Turkey, on the basis of the proposals circulated in document CC 319. There was one change introduced to the policy conclusions in relation to the report on the Republic of Turkey;...
CCDEC200606 - Decision on the Draft Energy Charter Protocol on Transit
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 17th Meeting held on 20 November 2006 adopted the following conclusions in relation to the draft Energy Charter Protocol on Transit.] “The Conference invites the European Communities and the Russian Federation to continue bilateral consultations on the draft Energy Charter Protocol on Transit, in parallel with plurilateral...
CCDEC200605 - Reports submitted to the 17th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 20 November 2006
Implementation of the 2004 Review Conclusions [The Conference took note of the report on the implementation of the Conclusions of the 2004 Review of the Energy Charter Treaty, as circulated to the Conference as CC 314. The Conference adopted the following conclusions. - There was no support in the Conference for an additional merger of the Charter’s working...
CCDEC200604 - Designation of the Conference Chairman for 2007
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 17th Meeting held on 20 November 2006 approved the designation of Ambassador Kawamura as Chairman of the Conference for 2007 as proposed in document CC 313.]
CCDEC200603 - Accession of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the Energy Charter Treaty
THE ENERGY CHARTER CONFERENCE CONSIDERING the approval by the Energy Charter Conference on 9 December 2005 of the application by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to become a signatory to the Concluding Document of the Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter; CONSIDERING the signature, on 9 December 2005, by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan of the Concluding...
CCDEC200602 - Recommendations on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Sweden (adoption by written procedure)
[In document CC 311 of 28 July 2006 the delegations were invited to adopt the following conclusion:] “The Conference welcomed the report on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Sweden. The Conference endorsed the recommendations made to the Government of Sweden”. [Delegations unable to approve this proposal were requested to notify the Secretariat of their...
CCDEC200601 - Approval of Afghanistan’s request to become a signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter (adoption by written procedure)
[In document CC 310 of 10 July 2006, delegations were informed about the request from Afghanistan to become a signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter, and were requested to notify the Secretariat by no later than 31 July 2006 if they were unable to approve the following conclusion by written procedure:] “The...
CCDEC200510 - Election of the Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005, considering the procedure approved by the Energy Charter Conference in June 2000 and after the consultations between the parties, approved the appointment of Mr André Mernier as Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat.]
CCDEC200509 - Secretariat’s Budget for 2006
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 approved the Secretariat’s Budget for 2006 (Annex 1), including the proposed Establishment Table for 2006 (Annex 2) and two following multi-annual commitment authorities, as contained in document CC 308.] The multi-annual commitment authority of Euro 100.000 in respect of Budget item 3...
CCDEC200508 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2006
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 approved the designation of the following officers for 2006 as proposed in documents CC 307 and CC 307 addendum:] Chairman of the Conference Mr Henning Christophersen (Denmark) Vice-Chairman of the Conference Mr Ivan Materov (Russian Federation) Vice-Chairman of the Conference Mr Manabu...
CCDEC200507 - Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2006
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 approved the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2006, as proposed in document CC 306 (Annex).]
CCDEC200506 - Recommendations on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Georgia
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 welcomed the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Georgia, and endorsed the recommendations made to the Government of Georgia circulated as document CC 305 (Annex).]
CCDEC200505 - Conclusions of the In-Depth Reports on Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) for Uzbekistan
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 approved the conclusions circulated in document CC 302 with regard to the Report on the Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) of Uzbekistan (Annex).]
CCDEC200504 - Decision on the Draft Energy Charter Protocol on Transit
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 adopted the following conclusions on the Draft Energy Charter Protocol:] “Given the importance of the Protocol on Transit for the Energy Charter process, this Conference invites the European Community and the Russian Federation to continue their formal consultations under the Chairmanship...
CCDEC200503 - Application of Pakistan to sign the Energy Charter Political Declaration (Concluding Document of the Hague Conference from 16-17 December 1991)
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 approved the application of Pakistan to sign the 1991 Energy Charter Declaration, and thereby to become an observer to the Energy Charter Conference. The Conference adopted the conclusion proposed in document CC 297:] “The Conference, acting pursuant to Section VIII of the Final Act of the...
CCDEC200502 - Reports submitted to the 16th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 9 December 2005
The Conference took note of the Financial Statements and the Auditor’s Report for 2004 (as circulated in CC 295) and approved the recommendation of the Budget Committee to discharge the Secretary General from her management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2004 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules. Ratification...
CCDEC200501 - Terms of Reference for the merged Group on Trade and Transit (adoption by written procedure)
In message 578/05 of 21 March 2005, delegations received draft terms of reference for the merged Group on Trade and Transit, with a request for any comments and / or objections to be submitted by 25 April 2005. Since no comments were received, the draft terms of reference are considered as approved. [Attached are the Terms of Reference as contained in Message 581 of...
CCDEC200415 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2005
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004 approved the designation of the following officers for 2005 as proposed in document CC 293 and Room Document 1:] Chairman of the Conference Mr Henning Christophersen (Denmark) Vice-Chairman of the Conference Mr Ivan Materov (Russian Federation) Chairman of the Investment...
CCDEC200414 - Secretariats Work Programme for 2005
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004 approved the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2005 as contained in CC292, amended by Room Document 4, with the request of the delegation of Kyrgyzstan to include to the Programme the specific countries that will be the subjects of In-depth Energy Efficiency Reviews in 2005.]
CCDEC200413 - Secretariats Budget for 2005
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004 approved the Secretariat’s Budget (Annex I) and Establishment Table for 2005 (Annex II), as contained in document CC 291, and also approved the following multi-annual commitment authorities presented in Room Document 3:] • Prolongation of the multi-annual commitment authority of Euro...
CCDEC200412 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Croatia
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004 welcomed the report on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Croatia, and endorsed the recommendations made to the Government of Croatia circulated as document CC 289 (Annex).]
CCDEC200411 - Conclusions of the Investment Climate and Market Structure Report on Azerbaijan
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004 approved the conclusions circulated in document CC 287 with regard to the report on the Investment Climate and Market Structure of Azerbaijan (Annex).]
CCDEC200410 - Reports submitted to the 15th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 14 December 2004
The Conference took note of the Secretary General’s oral report on ratification of the Treaty and relations with non-signatories.] Regarding the important priority of ratification, the Secretary General informed the Conference that, in view of the tenth anniversary of the signature of the Treaty, the Secretariat had made a particular effort to clarify the...
CCDEC200409 - Composition of the Industry Advisory Panel to the Energy Charter Process
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004] approved the composition of the Industry Advisory Panel (as circulated in Room Document 2, but without any name for the representative from the CIS Power Council), including the representative proposed by Ukraine (in Room Document 7), and the possibility to include a candidate proposed by...
CCDEC200408 - Conclusions of the Review conducted under Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004 approved the conclusions of the Review, conducted under Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty. The final text of these conclusions, as adopted by the Conference, was attached as Annex I to the document CC 294 (Annex).]
CCDEC200407 - Designation of Officers of the Conferences Budget Committee
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 14th Meeting held on 15 June 2004, based on the proposal contained in document CC 277,] approved the designation of Ms Katrin Forgó as Chairman of the Budget Committee, and of Mr Helge Westborg as Vice-Chairman.
CCDEC200406 - Establishment of an Industry Advisory Panel to the Energy Charter Process
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 14th Meeting held on 15 June 2004 approved the establishment of an Industry Advisory Panel to the Energy Charter process, and the revised Terms of Reference for this Panel as attached at Annex IV to the document CC 278 (Annex).]
CCDEC200405 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Moldova
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 14th Meeting held on 15 June 2004 welcomed the report on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency review of the Republic of Moldova (as circulated in Room Document 2) and endorsed the recommendations made to the Government of Moldova (Annex).]
CCDEC200404 - Conclusions on Investment Climate and Market Structure Reports on Armenia and Romania
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 14th Meeting held on 15 June 2004] approved the conclusions circulated in document CC 272 with regard to the reports reviewed by the Investment Group on Investment Climate and Market Structure issues in the energy sectors of Armenia and Romania [Annex].
CCDEC200403 - Reports submitted to the 14th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 15 June 2004
[The Conference took note of the oral report by the Secretary General on Energy Charter Draft Protocol on Transit.] The Conference Chairman welcomed the fact that there was a renewed prospect to move forward, and concluded that the Charter Conference should resume negotiations on the Transit Protocol. In practical terms, the Chairman said that this would mean a...
CCDEC200402 - Designation of the positions of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Charter Conference’s Transit Group (adoption by written procedure)
In CC 268, Delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr Hakki Akil as Chairman of the Charter Conference’s Transit Group, and of Dr Geza Szephalmi as Vice-Chairman. [Given that the period of the ‘silence procedure’ regarding these nominations had expired without notifications from delegations, these appointments were duly confirmed.]
CCDEC200401 - Designation of Officers of Certain Subsidiary Bodies of the Energy Charter Conference for 2004 (adoption by written procedure)
In document CC 267 of 20th January 2004, delegations were requested to notify the Secretariat in writing by no later than 5th February 2004 if they were unable to approve the proposed appointment of the following officers of subsidiary bodies of the Energy Charter Conference: – Dr Pieter Boot (Netherlands) as Chairman of Ad-Hoc Expert Group for the preparation of...
CCDEC200315 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2004
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 10 December 2003, based on the proposals contained in document CC 265 and Room Document 1, approved the designation of the following officers for 2004:] Conference Chairman Mr Henning Christophersen (Denmark) Vice-Chairmen of the Conference Mr Kazuyuki Katayama (Japan) Mr Andrei Denisov (Russian...
CCDEC200314 - Conduct of the Review envisaged under Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 10 December 2003] approved the proposed Terms of Reference for the conduct of the Review envisaged under Article 34 (7) of the Treaty as proposed in CC 264, with the addition of a specific reference to the inclusion of resource considerations, including the budget, accounts and functioning of the Energy...
CCDEC200313 - Adoption of the Energy Charter Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2004
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 10 December 2003] approved the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2004 as contained in CC 262, amended by Room Document 4, on the understanding, as confirmed by the Chairman, that the Secretariat would take into account the comments and requests made by delegations during this discussion with regard to the...
CCDEC200312 - Secretariats Budget for 2004
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 17–18 December 2003 approved the Secretariat’s Budget (Annex I) and Establishment Table (Annex II) for 2004 as contained in Room Document 8,] which envisages the usage, on an exceptional basis, of an amount of Euro 87.340 (equal to the salary adjustment for 2004) from the unused appropriations of the 2002...
CCDEC200311 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of the Czech Republic
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 10 December 2003] welcomed the report on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of the Czech Republic, contained in document CC 258, and endorsed the recommendations to the Czech government contained therein [Annex].
CCDEC200310 - Conclusions on Investment Climate and Market Structure Reports on the Russian Federation and the Slovak Republic
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 10 December 2003] approved the conclusions circulated in document CC 256 with regard to the reports reviewed by the Investment Group on Investment Climate and Market Structure issues in the energy sectors of the Russian Federation and the Slovak Republic.
CCDEC200309 - Application of the ASEAN Centre for Energy for Observer Status at the Energy Charter Conference
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 10 December 2003] approved the proposal to grant the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), represented by the ASEAN Centre for Energy, observer status at the Energy Charter Conference and its subsidiary bodies. Following the adoption of this decision, Dr Guillermo R. Balce, Executive Director of...
CCDEC200308 - Reports submitted to the 13th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 10 December 2003
[The Conference took positive note of the first edition of both Model Agreements circulated in document CC 252, and authorized the Secretariat to update both the IGA and HGA Models, in consultation with member-countries, in the light of future developments.] [The Conference took note of the Secretary General’s report on the development of the...
CCDEC200307 - Conclusion of Negotiations on and Adoption of the Energy Charter Protocol on Transit
[At the 13th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 10 December 2003] the Chairman concluded that the remaining work on the finalization of the Transit Protocol should be suspended for the time being. The Chairman issued an appeal to all delegations to contribute to achieving a situation in which it would be possible for the Transit Protocol to be signed...
CCDEC200306 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Denmark
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 12th Meeting held on 26 June 2003] welcomed the report on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Denmark, contained in document CC 245, and endorsed the recommendations to the Danish government contained therein [Annex].
CCDEC200305 - Conclusions on Investment Climate and Market Restructuring Reports on Georgia and Mongolia
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 12th Meeting held on 26 June 2003] approved the conclusions circulated in document CC 241 with regard to the reports reviewed by the Investment Group on Investment Climate and Market Structure issues in the energy sectors of Georgia and Mongolia [Annex].
CCDEC200304 - Best-Practice Guidelines on Energy Market Restructuring, including privatisation
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 12th Meeting held on 26 June 2003] welcomed the final draft of the Best-Practice Guidelines on Energy Market Restructuring, including Privatisation, circulated in document CC 240. The Conference approved a welcoming note to the Guidelines. [The text of the Welcoming note together with Guidelines is attached at Annex.]
CCDEC200303 - Establishment of a subsidiary body of the Energy Charter on Transit Issues, based on initial Mandate of the Transit Working Group
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 12th Meeting held on 26 June 2003] approved the proposal (circulated in document CC 237) to establish a subsidiary body of the Charter Conference on transit issues, based on the initial Mandate of the Transit Working Group, with the understanding that should any new legally-binding instruments relating to transit be proposed...
CCDEC200302 - Reports submitted to the 12th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 26 June 2003
[The Conference took note of the Chairman’s proposal for finalisation of the Transit Protocol (as contained in document CC 249), which supplemented the main text circulated in document CC 235.] Concerning the substance of the text as proposed in CC 235 and CC 249, the Chairman confirmed the following points in particular: Attachment II to document CC 235,...
CCDEC200301 - Application of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for Observer Status at the Energy Charter Conference
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 12th Meeting held on 26 June 2003 approved the application submitted by the Federal Republic of Nigeria to be granted observer status at the Conference and its subsidiary bodies.]
CCDEC200216 - Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes under Article 7 of the Energy Charter Treaty
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002, with regard to the issue of the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes under Article 7 of the Energy Charter Treaty, approved the proposal to instruct the Secretariat to prepare a corresponding Decision for adoption by the Conference, on an addition to the...
CCDEC200215 - Finalisation of negotiations on an Energy Charter Protocol on Transit based on the Transit Working Group Chairmans Final Compromise text
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002, agreed the statement of the Chairman on the present position in the negotiation process on the Draft Energy Charter Protocol on Transit:] “The Heads of Delegations to the Energy Charter Conference recorded at the end of their December meeting that in view of the very wide measure of...
CCDEC200214 - Prolongation of the term of appointment of the Secretary General
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002] approved the proposal contained in document CC 231 to prolong the appointment of Dr Ria Kemper as Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat until 31 December 2005, in line with the option envisaged in the corresponding decision taken by the Conference at its 4th Meeting on 7...
CCDEC200213 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2003
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17–18 December 2002] approved the designation of the following officers for 2003: Conference Chairman Mr Henning Christophersen (Denmark) Vice-Chairman of the Conference Mr Kazuyuki Katayama (Japan) Chairman of the Budget Committee Mr Hakki Akil (Turkey) Vice-Chairperson of the Budget...
CCDEC200212 - Secretariats Work Programme for 2003
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002,] in the light of the outcome of its earlier deliberations under agenda item 5 (transit issues) with regard to the Protocol on Transit, adopted the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2003 as contained in document CC 229 [Annex] on the following basis: • The envisaged programme of...
CCDEC200211 - Secretariats Budget for 2003
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17–18 December 2002 approved the Secretariat’s Budget (Annex I) and Establishment Table (Annex II) for 2003 as contained in Room Document 3. The Conference also approved the following multi-annual commitment authorities:] Prolongation of the multi-annual commitment authority of Euro 100.000 in...
CCDEC200210 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Reviews of Estonia and Turkey
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002 welcomed the reports on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Reviews of Estonia and Turkey, contained in document 226, and endorsed the recommendations to the Estonian and Turkish governments contained therein (Annex).]
CCDEC200209 - Recommendations on Investment Climate and Market Restructuring Reports on Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Moldova and Poland
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002 approved the conclusions (Annex) circulated in document CC 224 with regard to the reports reviewed by the Investment Group on Investment Climate and Market Structure issues in the energy sectors of Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and Poland.]
CCDEC200208 - Applications of the Republic of Korea and of the Islamic Republic of Iran for Observer Status at the Energy Charter Conference
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002] approved the applications submitted by the Republic of Korea and the Islamic Republic of Iran to be granted Observer status at the Conference and its subsidiary bodies.
CCDEC200207 - Reports submitted to the 11th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 17-18 December 2002
Report by the Chairman of the Transit Working Group, and Finalisation of negotiations on an Energy Charter Protocol on Transit, based on the Transit Working Group Chairman’s Final Compromise Text (CC 232) The Chairman of the Transit Working Group reported to the Conference on the present status of negotiations on an Energy Charter Protocol on Transit. She noted...
CCDEC200206 - Designation of new Vice-Chairperson of the Energy Charter Conference for the remainder of 2002 (adoption by written procedure)
[In document CC 215 of 14 October 2002, delegations were requested to notify the Secretariat in writing by no later than 4 November 2002 if they were unable to approve the proposed appointment of Mr Kazuyuki Katayama (Japan) as Vice-Chairperson of the Energy Charter Conference for the remainder of 2002, replacing Mr Hidenobu Sobashima. No such notifications have...
CCDEC200205 - Addendum to the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes: Adjournment of adoption until a future Conference Meeting
The Chairman informed the Conference that, following discussions on this issue within the Transit Working Group, it appeared that significant progress had been made towards resolving the issue of interpretation of the conciliation mechanism set out in Article 7(6) and 7(7) of the Treaty. On this basis, it further appeared that the text of the decision proposed in...
CCDEC200204 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Romania
The Conference welcomed the report on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Romania, circulated as Room Document 3, and endorsed the recommendations to the Romanian government contained therein [attached as Annex.]
CCDEC200203 - Nomination for the Roster of Trade Dispute Settlement Panelists
The Conference approved the nomination, proposed by the Secretary General in Room Document 2, of two panelists, Ambassador Donald Kenyon and Mr John Arnott (both Australia), for the roster of trade dispute settlement panelists established under Annex D of the Treaty. The Chairman welcomed these appointments and thanked the government of Australia for its helpful...
CCDEC200202 - Recommendations on Country Reports on Investment Climate and Market Structure
The Conference approved the conclusions circulated in document CC 212 with regard to the reports undertaken by the Investment Group on Investment Climate and Market Structure issues in the energy sectors of Croatia and Ukraine, and on market restructuring in Albania. These conclusions are attached as [Annex.]
CCDEC200201 - Reports submitted to the 10th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference on held on 20 June 2002
Report by the Chairman of the Working Group on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects The Chairman of the Working Group provided the Conference with an overview of the Group’s activities during the first half of 2002. It was noted that country presentations had been made to the last meeting of the Group in June 2002 by the Czech Republic, Estonia,...
CCDEC200119 - Declaration on the Occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Founding of the Energy Charter Process
[The Special Session of the Energy Charter Conference on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the founding of the Energy Charter Process held on 17 December 2001 unanimously adopted a Declaration the text of which is attached herewith as an Annex.]
CCDEC200118 - Secretariat’s Budget for 2002
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 9th Meeting held on 17 December 2001 approved the Budget (Annex I) and the Establishment Table (Annex II) for 2002 as contained in Room Document 6. The Conference also approved the following multi-annual commitment authorities:] Prolongation of the multi-annual commitment authority of Euro 100.000 in respect of Budget item...
CCDEC200117 - Application of the People’s Republic of China for Observer Status at the Energy Charter Conference
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 9th Meeting held on 17 December 2001] approved the application of the People’s Republic of China to be granted Observer status at the Conference and its subsidiary bodies.
CCDEC200116 - Decision concerning Article 29 (2) of the Energy Charter Treaty (fulfillment of trade-related obligations under the Treaty with respect to trade with Contracting Parties that are not WT members)
[In the light of the decision of the delegation of Japan to withdraw temporarily its proposal for a Conference Decision, the Chairman made a Statement to the Conference on this matter, which was circulated as Room Document 5 (the text of the Statement is attached at Annex).]
CCDEC200115 - Investment Climate Reports and Investment Climate and Market Restructuring Reports
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 9th Meeting held on 17 December 2001] approved the Conclusions contained in document CC 204 with regard to the Investment Climate reports on Cyprus and Malta and combined Investment Climate and Market Restructuring reports on Bulgaria, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The Conference also approved the conclusions with regard to the...
CCDEC200114 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairpersons and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2002
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 9th Meeting held on 17 December 2001] approved the designation of the following officers for 2002: Conference Chairman Mr Henning Christophersen (Denmark) Vice-Chairman of the Conference Mr Hidenobu Sobashima (Director of Energy Resources Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan) Vice-Chairman of the...
CCDEC200113 - Secretariat s Work Programme for 2002
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 9th Meeting held on 17 December 2001, having considered the comments from the delegations, approved the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2002 as set out in document CC 202 (Annex).]
CCDEC200112 - Recommendations on the In-depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes of Bulgaria
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 9th Meeting held on 17 December 2001] welcomed the report on In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Bulgaria circulated as document CC 201, and endorsed the recommendations made therein to the Government of Bulgaria [Annex]. The Conference approved the proposal of the Working Group Chairman that countries undergoing such In-Depth...
CCDEC200111 - Report on Progress in Implementation of PEEREA
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 9th Meeting held on 17 December 2001 adopted a following conclusion on the Report on Progress in Implementation of PEEREA:] “The Conference welcomed the report on the progress of implementation of PEEREA. The Conference took note of the progress made by various participating countries in developing energy efficiency policies...
CCDEC200110 - Reports submitted to the 9th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 17 December 2001
The Conference approved the recommendation of the Budget Committee contained in document CC 199 to discharge the Secretary General from her management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2000 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Secretariat’s Financial Rules. [The Conference took note of the report by the Chairman of the Transit...
CCDEC200109 - Reports submitted to the 8th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 11 October 2001
Transit Issues Procedures for Conclusion of Negotiations on an Energy Charter Protocol on Transit The Chairman of the Transit Working Group reported to the Conference on the present status of negotiations on the Transit Protocol. Her conclusion was that although progress had been achieved since the last meeting of the Conference in May, more time was still...
CCDEC200108 - Special Session of the Energy Charter Conference on 17 December 2001 to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Energy Charter Process
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 8th Meeting held on 11 October 2001 approved the decision concerning the Special Session on 17 December, which was circulated as Room Document 3 (Annex).] Concerning the budgetary aspects of the Special Session, the Conference approved the recommendation of the Budget Committee to authorize a one-time draw on the General Reserve...
CCDEC200107 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Hungary (adoption by written procedure)
[In document CC 193 of 1 July 2001, delegations were requested to notify the Secretariat in writing by no later than 15 August 2001 if they were unable to adopt the recommendations made to the government of Hungary on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review. No such notifications had been received. Accordingly, these recommendations are considered as adopted. The text...
CCDEC200106 - Withdrawal of an Addendum to the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation on Transit Disputes from the agenda
[In process of discussion of the agenda,] the Chairman noted that consultations had revealed that there was no consensus in support of the decision proposed in document CC 187 concerning an Addendum to the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation on Transit Disputes, in the light of which the Chairman proposed that this document be withdrawn from the agenda.
CCDEC200105 - Timetable for finalisation of Negotiations on the Energy Charter Transit Protocol and for its adoption and signing
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 7th Meeting held on 11 May 2001] approved a revised timetable circulated in Room Document 1 [attached at Annex] for the conclusion of the negotiations and for the adoption of the Protocol. The Conference approved the proposal (circulated in Room Document 1) that, in the absence of [voluntary contributions from delegations], all...
CCDEC200104 - Adopted by the Energy Charter Conference at its 7th Meeting held on 11th May 2001 concerning the request of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to become a party to the European Energy Charter and the Energy Charter Treaty
The Conference, acting pursuant to Section VIII of the Final Act of the European Energy Charter Conference, approves the application of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to become a signatory of the Concluding Document of the Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invites the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary of the...
CCDEC200103 - Designation of the Chairman of the Group on Trade and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Investment Group
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 7th Meeting held on 11 May 2001] approved the designation of the following officers for the remainder of 2001: Mr Steivan Defilla of Switzerland as Chairman of the Group on Trade (proposed by Kyrgyzstan, seconded by Switzerland, Austria and Turkey) Professor Argyrios Fatouros of Greece as Chairman of the Investment...
CCDEC200102 - Adopted by the Energy Charter Conference at its 7th Meeting held on 11 May 2001 concerning the Special Session of the Charter Conference to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Energy Charter Process in December 2001
The Charter Conference decides: To convene in Special Session at Ministerial level on 17th December 2001 in order to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Energy Charter process; To declare this Special Session open for participation at Ministerial level by all states that have signed the European Energy Charter or are observers at the Charter Conference,...
CCDEC200101 - Reports submitted to the 7th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 11 May 2001
Status of Current Activities – Oral Report by the Secretary General The Secretary General informed the Conference about recent developments in the Secretariat’s activities in areas other than transit and about other issues of relevance to the Charter process. She noted in particular positive developments regarding ratification of the Energy Charter Treaty by...
CCDEC200023 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairpersons and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2001
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 approved the designation of the following officers for 2001: • Mr Henning Christophersen as Conference Chairman (proposed by the European Union, seconded by the Russian Federation and Japan) • Mr Hidenobu Sobashima as Vice-Chairman of the Conference (proposed by the Russian Federation,...
CCDEC200022 - Adoption of the Secretariat´s Budget for 2001
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 approved the Budget (Annex I) and Establishment Table (Annex II) for 2001 as contained in Room Document 6. The Conference approved the following multi-annual commitment authorities: • Prolongation of the multi-annual commitment authority of Euro 100.000 in respect of Budget item 3...
CCDEC200021 - Trade Group Report; Submission of WTO-based notifications
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 took note of the report by the Chairman of Trade Group circulated in Room Document 2. The Chairman of the Trade Group noted the importance, in terms of capacity-building among non-WTO Contracting Parties/Signatories, of the seminar on trade related dispute settlement under the Treaty held in...
CCDEC200020 - Application for Observer Status from the Baltic Sea Regional Energy Cooperation
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 approved the proposal to grant observer status at meetings of the Conference and its subsidiary bodies to the Baltic Sea Regional Energy Cooperation organization (BASREC).
CCDEC200019 - Recommendations on addressing Non-Payment Problems
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 took note of the Recommendations on Addressing Non-Payment Problems prepared by the Investment Group (CC 182), and adopted the Conclusions endorsing these Recommendations (Annex).
CCDEC200018 - Market Restructuring Reports
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 noted the Investment Group’s review of reports on the process of restructuring and privatization in the energy sector in Estonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Kyrgyzstan, and adopted the Conclusions attached at Annex I. The Conference noted with appreciation the presentation...
CCDEC200017 - Review of Pre-Investment Exceptions
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 noted the report contained in document CC 180 concerning the annual review of pre-investment exceptions conducted by the Investment Group, and concerning the Group’s conclusions regarding its review of land/real estate and reciprocity/MFN exceptions. In this connection, the Conference...
CCDEC200016 - Investment Climate Reports
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 took note of the completion by the Investment Group of the review of Investment Climate reports on Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Lithuania, and of the outstanding non-conforming measures newly notified by the Russian Federation on which the March 2000 meeting of the Group could not reach unanimous...
CCDEC200015 - Recommendations on In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Poland
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 welcomed the report on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Poland undertaken in September 2000 under the auspices of PEEREA, the executive summary and resulting Recommendations of which were circulated as CC 178. The Conference endorsed these Recommendations, which are attached at Annex.
CCDEC200014 - Reports submitted to the 6th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 7 December 2000
The Conference took note of the report by the Secretary General on the Secretariat’s Activities in 2000. The Secretary General drew attention to the Secretariat’s intention to improve its documentation distribution service for delegations via the introduction of an internet-based system of distribution. In the spirit of developing greater transparency, the...
CCDEC200013 - Timetable for finalisation of Negotiations on the Energy Charter Transit Protocol and for its adoption and signing
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 approved the timetable for finalisation of negotiations on the Energy Charter Transit Protocol and for its adoption and signing attached at Annex.
CCDEC200012 - Proposal to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Energy Charter Process in December 2001
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000, having accepted certain modifications to the Conclusions concerning the Proposal to Mark the 10th Anniversary of the Energy Charter Process in December 2001 contained in CC 175, approved the revised Conclusions attached at Annex.
CCDEC200011 - Adoption of the Energy Charter Secretariats Work Programme for 2001
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000] approved the Work Programme for 2001 as contained in CC 174, with due account taken of the amendments mentioned by the Secretary General, in accordance with the recommendations of the Budget Committee concerning the 2001 Budget: only 8 staff months in 2001 would be devoted to...
CCDEC200010 - Development of the Draft Recommendations on Non-Payment Problems
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 5th Meeting held on 29 June 2000] took note of the draft recommendations contained in Room Document 6, and adopted the conclusions attached at [Annex], expressing the hope that in Contracting Parties facing serious non-payments problems full account would be taken of the initial recommendations, and inviting the Secretariat and...
CCDEC200009 - Recommendations / Best Practice Guidelines on Market Restructuring
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 5th Meeting held on 29 June 2000] noted Room Document 5 concerning the examination by the Investment Group of Country Reports on Market Restructuring, in particular a Country report on Armenia, and adopted the Conclusions attached at [Annex] concerning the development of Recommendations/Best Practice Guidelines on Market...
CCDEC200008 - Review of Non-conforming measures with respect to privatisation
|The Energy Charter Conference at its 5th Meeting held on 29 June 2000 noted] the review of the group of non-conforming measures with respect to privatisation. With respect to this review, the Conference adopted the Conclusions attached at [Annex.]
CCDEC200007 - Investment Climate and Exceptions to National Treatment Reports
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 5th Meeting held on 29 June 2000 noted] the surveys conducted by the Investment Group of Reports on Investment Climate and Exceptions to National Treatment from Albania, Azerbaijan, Latvia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, as well as the survey of pre-investment exceptions notified in accordance with Article 10(9) by...
CCDEC200006 - Structural Adjustment to the Secretariats Budget
On the recommendation of the Budget Committee, the Conference approved a onetime draw on the General Reserve Fund of Euro 40.000 (as proposed in document CC 169/BC 86), in order to ensure coverage of all expenditure related to salaries and allowances for 2000 and to allow a 1.8% salary adjustment for staff of the Secretariat to be applied from 1st July onwards....
CCDEC200005 - Recommendations on the In-depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes of Lithuania
The Energy Charter Conference at its 5th Meeting held on 29 June 2000 discussed and endorsed the report on the in-depth energy efficiency review of Lithuania (document CC 168). The Conference approved the recommendations to the government of Lithuania [Annex.]
CCDEC200004 - Reports submitted to the 5th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 29 June 2000
The Conference took note of the report by the Chairman of the Transit Working Group on progress in the negotiations on the Transit Protocol commenced at the beginning of 2000 and on the development of a non-legally binding set of Model Transit Agreements. The Group Chairman reported to the Conference that the Working Group had agreed to expand the three main...
CCDEC200003 - Understanding of the Energy Charter Conference with respect to Article 7(7) of the energy Charter Treaty
Following consultations with delegations concerning document CC 165, and with the aim of clarifying the conciliation mechanism set out in Article 7(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty in the light of concerns expressed by certain delegations, the Chairman made a Statement to the Conference on this subject, the text of which was circulated in writing as Room Document 8...
CCDEC200002 - Procedures for Future Selections and Appointments of the Secretary General and Senior Officials in the energy Charter Secretariat
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 5th Meeting held on 29 June 2000 approved the sets of procedures for future selections and appointments of the Secretary General and Senior Staff in the Energy Charter Secretariat. The texts of decisions are attached at Annex I and Annex II respectively.]
CCDEC200001 - Designation of new Vice-Chairperson of the Energy Charter Conference
The Conference approved the designation of Mr Hidenobu Sobashima (Japan) as Vice-Chairperson of the Energy Charter Conference for the remainder of 2000, replacing Mr Kazuo Sunaga. The Chairman welcomed this appointment, and noted the Conference’s high appreciation of Mr Sunaga’s work as Vice-Chairman of the Conference since April 1998
CCDEC199922 - Supplementary Treaty: Procedural Proposal
The Energy Charter Conference at its 4th Meeting held on 7 December 1999 took note of the report by the Chairman and the Secretariat and approved the following procedural proposal by the Chairman: The Chairman of the Investment Group was invited to continue, under the guidance of the Conference Chairman, the consultations with delegations directly involved in the...
CCDEC199921 - Expansion of the Energy Charter Process: Accession Procedures, Accession Reports Preparation Guidelines
The Conference noted the policy for expansion of the Energy Charter process, including the existing options for participation, and the procedures, conditions and criteria for accession to the Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects included in Annexes 1, 2 and 3 (with Attachment) of document CC 146...
CCDEC199920 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairpersons and the Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson of Budget Committee for 2000
Following a proposal from the European Union, the Conference approved the reappointment of Mr Henning Christophersen as Conference Chairman for 2000. The Conference approved the reappointment of Mr Kazuo Sunaga (Japan) as Vice-Chairman of the Conference for 2000. Based on the proposal of the Russian Federation in Message 216/99, the Conference also appointed Mr...
CCDEC199919 - Adoption of the Secretariats Budget for 2000
The Energy Charter Conference at its 4th Meeting held on 7 December 1999, following the Budget Committee’s recommendation, approved the Budget and Establishment Table [attached as Annex] for the year 2000 as contained in Room Document 7. The Conference also approved the following multi-annual commitment authorities: • prolongation of the multi-annual commitment...
CCDEC199918 - Implementation of the Structural Review of the Energy Charter Secretariat: Replacement of the Secretary-General
Having taken note of the Chairman’s presentation on the outcome of the Structural Review, and on the conclusion to which it had led him, the Conference approved unanimously the decision, based on a proposal by the European Union, that the present Secretary General, Mr Peter Schütterle, be replaced by Mrs Ria Kemper of Germany as of 1st January 2000. The Conference...
CCDEC199917 - Modification of Staff Regulations and Rules
The Energy Charter Conference approved the Modified Staff Regulations and Rules of the Energy Charter Secretariat contained in document CC 160/BC 80, as recommended by the Budget Committee.
CCDEC199916 - Concerning the request of Turkey to be listed in Annex ID of the Energy Charter Treaty
the Energy Charter Conference having regard to the Treaty, in particular Articles 34 and 36, considering that the 3rd Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference decided to consider changes to Annex ID of the Energy Charter Treaty on a case-by-case basis, considering the written request of Turkey to be listed in Annex ID to the Energy Charter Treaty, CONFIRMED as a...
CCDEC199915 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of the Slovak Republic
Bearing in mind the need of addressing barriers to attracting and retaining investment in the area of energy efficiency, the following recommendations are provided to the Government of the Slovak Republic: while discussion on the new energy policy includes energy efficiency as a policy, there is a need to ensure that other elements of energy policy (nuclear,...
CCDEC199914 - Mandate for Negotiations on a Multilateral Transit Framework
The Chairman stated that the Transit Working Group, in its meeting on October 5 1999, approved the mandate for negotiating a Transit Protocol under the auspices of the Energy Charter Conference forwarded for decision by today’s Conference. Following the Chairman’s recommendation, the Conference approved the following mandate: The Transit Working Group is...
CCDEC199913 - Rules of Procedure for Panel Proceedings under Article 29 and Annex D
The Conference noted that the trade-related dispute settlement regime of the Treaty has attracted increased interest by industry circles and with representatives of some governments. It furthermore noted that Rules of Procedure for Panel Proceedings under Article 29 and Annex D were required to complement the dispute settlement mechanism contained in Annex D. The...
CCDEC199912 - Progress Report and Recommendations on the development in pre-investment exceptions
CONCLUSIONS [recommended by the November 1999 Investment Group meeting] The Charter Conference, having reviewed the pre-investment exceptions notified in accordance with Article 10(9); taking due note of Articles 10(2) and 10(5) requiring Contracting Parties/Signatories to endeavour to accord the better of national treatment, to endeavour to limit pre-investment...
CCDEC199911 - Report under Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty
The Conference took note of the report contained in document CC 150, and approved the following Conclusions of the Review prescribed by Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty: • the Energy Charter process, based on the ongoing implementation of the Treaty and PEEREA, and on the unique and governing role of the Energy Charter Conference as a forum for...
CCDEC199910 - Adoption of the Energy Charter Secretariats Work Programme for 2000
One delegation underlined that its approval of the Work Programme was given only to the understanding that, in implementing the Work Programme, full account would be taken of the Secretariat’s existing budget constraints. The same delegation registered its view that the activity described under item 4.3.2 of document CC 149 (“Preparation of the Supplementary...
CCDEC199909 - Transitional Arrangements
The Conference was informed about the review of transitional arrangements held on 8 November 1999. The review recommended that Armenia be granted an additional extension of its transitional period regarding Article 6(5) which had been considered necessary for the successful completion of its legislative process in this field. The most important conclusion of the...
CCDEC199908 - Reports submitted to the 4th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 7 December 1999
The Conference approved the Budget Committee’s recommendation to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibilities in respect of the 1998 Budget. Restructuring including privatisation (CC 152) The Conference took note of the Secretariat’s report on this issue. One delegation suggested that it might be appropriate to...
CCDEC199907 - Report of the Working Group on Transit
The Energy Charter Conference at its 3rd Meeting held on 30 June 1999 took note of the Report of the Working Group on Transit, as introduced by the Chairman of the Working Group in Room Document 1. The Conference concluded that the Working Group should continue its work on the Multilateral Transit Framework as a package consisting of a legally binding instrument...
CCDEC199906 - Financial Rules
In accordance with the recommendation of the Budget Committee, the Conference approved the proposal that as of the financial year 2000 the Secretariat’s Budget, the annual contributions, the accounts and the financial statements will be established, kept and presented in Euro.
CCDEC199905 - Adjournment of modification of Staff Regulations and Rules to a future Conference Meeting
The Conference approved the Budget Committee’s recommendation that this item be deferred for further consideration at the next meeting of the Budget Committee on 1st October, with a view to submitting a text for approval to the next Meeting of the Conference.
CCDEC199904 - Reports submitted to the 3rd Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 30 June 1999
Report of the Working Group on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects (CC 141) The Conference took note of the Working Group Chairman’s report, and approved the conclusion that the Group should continue its activities as described in the Report and, in particular, should hold a second meeting in 1999. Delegations were invited by the Conference...
CCDEC199903 - Review under Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty
The Conference approved the Chairman’s proposals on the conduct of the review required in accordance with Article 34 (7) of the Charter Treaty. The Secretariat was accordingly tasked with preparing a comprehensive report on the past and future implementation of the ECT and PEEREA for submission to the 4th Meeting of the Charter Conference in December 1999. The...
CCDEC199902 - Observer Status for the Organisation of Black Sea Economic Cooperation
The delegation of Greece, in its capacity as the current President of the BSEC, introduced the BSEC’s application to be granted observer status at the Energy Charter Conference. The delegations of Armenia, Bulgaria and Georgia underlined their support for this application. The Chairman noted the importance for the Charter process of developing closer ties with...
CCDEC199901 - Procedures for Changes to Annex ID of the Energy Charter Treaty
Following the decisions by the Conference to list Bosnia and Herzegovina (CC 42), the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (CC 82) and Mongolia (CC 132) in Annex ID of the Treaty, the Conference document CC 138 proposed procedures for effecting these decisions. Based on consultations with delegations, the Conference Chairman proposed a modification of the Decision...
CCDEC199823 - Consultations on a Multilateral Transit Framework
The Conference took note of the report of the Transit Working Group and approved the note submitted by the Working Group on issues to be covered in future consultations on a Multilateral Transit Framework [Annex.] The Chairman underlined that the list of issues provided was not exhaustive and could be expanded in the course of consultations as necessary. Several...
CCDEC199822 - Designation of the Conference Vice-Chairpersons and the Chairpersons/Vice-Chairpersons of Subsidiary Bodies for 1999
The Conference approved the re-designation of the two Conference Vice-Chairpersons, Mrs Yelena Teleguina of the Russian Federation and Mr Kazuo Sunaga of Japan, for 1999. Concerning the proposal that four additional Vice-Chairpersons be appointed, the Chairman would conduct further consultations on this proposal and may resubmit it for the Conference′s...
CCDEC199821 - Secretariat′s Budget for 1999
The Conference approved the 1999 Budget and Establishment Table for the Secretariat [attached at Annex] as recommended by the Budget Committee, subject to the reservation made by Japan with regard to an annual contribution exceeding BEF 36.830.000. The Conference approved and welcomed the voluntary contributions pledged to the 1999 Budget by Azerbaijan, Switzerland...
CCDEC199820 - Establishment of the Working Group on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects: Terms of Reference
The Conference decided to establish [Working Group] on Energy Efficiency and Environment as proposed in the 1999 Work Programme, in accordance with the Conference′s Rules of Procedure. The [Chairperson] of the [Group was] invited to report annually to the Conference. Terms of Reference for [the Working Group] were approved [and are attached in Annex].
CCDEC199819 - Establishment of the Working Group on Transit: Terms of Reference
The Conference decided to establish [Working Group on Transit] as proposed in the 1999 Work Programme, in accordance with the Conference′s Rules of Procedure. The [Chairperson] of the [Group was] invited to report annually to the Conference. Terms of Reference for [the Working Group] were approved [and are attached in Annex].
CCDEC199818 - Secretariat′s Work Programme for 1999
Discussion revealed a wide degree of agreement among delegations that the priority areas of work for the Secretariat in 1999 would be Transit, Trade and Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects, with the issue of Investments also remaining an important area of activity. In the cases of Trade and Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects, several...
CCDEC199817 - Procedures for Implementation of the Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects
1. INTRODUCTION 1. The Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and related Environmental Aspects ("the Protocol") entered into force on 16 April 1998. 2. The Energy Charter Treaty (Article 19) requires Contracting Parties to strive to minimise in an economically efficient manner harmful Environmental Impacts from all operations...
CCDEC199816 - Terms and Conditions for the Accession of Mongolia to the Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects
The Conference: - noted that Mongolia subscribed to the Concluding Document of the Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter on 25 April 1997; - noted the letter of Mongolia of 1 July 1997 on its intention to accede to the Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects, included in Annex 2 of...
CCDEC199815 - Review of Standstill and Rollback of Pre-Investment Exceptions
The Conference noted the information provided on this issue by the Secretariat and approved the conclusions recommended by the November 1998 Investment Survey Group [attached as Annex.] Reference was made to the updated version of the Blue Book (Non-Conforming Measures Maintained by a Contracting Party and Any Commitments with Regard to Them), which will be made...
CCDEC199814 - Adjournment of discussion of Staff Regulation and Rules
[The] Conference [accepted] the Chairman′s proposal that discussion of Item 9 on the draft Agenda (Modification of Staff Rules and Regulations, Conference document CC 130) be postponed until the next meeting of the Conference.
CCDEC199813 - Transitional Arrangements
The Conference welcomed progress made by Signatories/Contracting Parties with respect to termination of transitional arrangements, resulting in fewer current exceptions than originally envisaged in the Treaty. The Conference adopted the Conclusion attached at [Annex] requesting inter alia that those Signatories/Contracting Parties to which the review meeting on...
CCDEC199812 - Reports submitted to the 2nd Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 3-4 December 1998
The Conference approved the Budget Committee′s recommendation to discharge the Secretary-General from his management and administrative responsibilities in respect of the 1997 Budget. - Progress on Ratification: The Secretary-General informed the Conference that 38 Charter Signatories had deposited their instruments of ratification/accession to the Treaty with...
CCDEC199811 - Adoption of the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes
The Conference adopted the Rules contained in Annex Rev 2 of Conference document CC 103 rev 2. One delegation stated that whilst it had no objection to the Rules, the issue of the establishment of interim tariffs for up to 12 months required further discussion within the Transit Working Group, with a view in particular to clarifying the methodology of tariff...
CCDEC199810 - Reports submitted to the Adoption Conference Session on 24 June 1998
With respect to progress on ratification the Secretary General informed the Conference that 36 countries have deposited their instruments of ratification of the Energy Charter Treaty. The Ukraine had finalised the national ratification process and would soon deposit their instrument. The Secretary General further reported on an Energy Charter workshop in...
CCDEC199809 - Adjournment of adoption of the Supplementary Treaty
Delegations met in Brussels on 24 June 1998 to consider the adoption of the Supplementary Treaty. The EC presidency on behalf of the member states underlined that the EC continues to support fully the Energy Charter process. However, they were unfortunately not in a position at the meeting to adopt the Supplementary Treaty. (The statement made by the EC presidency...
CCDEC199808 - Designation of the Conference Vice-Chairman
The Conference accepted the resignation of Mr Sano, expressed its gratitude to Mr Sano for his contribution as Vice-Chairman of the Conference and approved the designation of Mr Kazuo Sunaga as Vice-Chairman of the Conference.
CCDEC199807 - Confirmation of Decisions of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference
The Conference agreed that Decisions taken by the Provisional Charter Conference would be applicable after entry into force of the Energy Charter Treaty, including the decision relating to the request for the Governing Body of the ILO to agree to extend the jurisdiction of the ILO Appeal Tribunal to disputes involving the staff of the Secretariat. The Conference...
CCDEC199806 - Reports submitted to the 1st Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 23-24 April 1998
Report on the Budget Committee meeting held on 22 April 1998 and Proposal to discharge the Secretary General, in accordance with Financial Rule 32(4), from his management and administrative responsibilities in respect of 1996 Budget The Conference noted the oral report of the Chairman of the Budget Committee. Following the recommendation of BC, the Conference...
CCDEC199805 - Provisional use of Conciliation Rules for Transit Disputes (pending final approval)
In view of the entry into force of the Treaty on 16 April 1998, the Conference agreed that, pending final approval, the Rules concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes in the Annex to document CC 103 Rev. may be applied in the case of a dispute. The Conference requested the Secretariat to invite a working group in order to deal with any proposal to...
CCDEC199804 - Accesion to the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects of the State which has been admitted to membership of the UN as the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The Energy Charter Conference considering the request of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia of 3 May 1995 to become a party to the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects and its continuing commitment to accede to it; considering the approval by the provisional Energy Charter Conference of 5 June 1996 (CS (96) 153, CC...
CCDEC199803 - Transitional Arrangements
The Conference, considering the Work Programme for 1998 concerning reviews of Annex T and the notifications of Signatories/Contracting Parties eligible for transitional arrangements, welcomed the further progress towards elimination of non-complying measures by Signatories/Contracting Parties. The Conference further discussed the request of Armenia for an additional...
CCDEC199802 - Adjournment of the negotiations on the Supplementary Treaty to the Energy Charter Treaty
With respect to the adoption of the Supplementary Treaty it was decided to adjourn the meeting and reconvene in June (see Message No. 115/98). The Conference agreed: a) that the following Declaration (RD 26rev) would be included in the Final Act of the ST: "The Charter Conference will proceed to a review of the Investor-State dispute settlement provisions for the...
CCDEC199801 - Amendment to the Trade-Related Provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty
The Chairman reminded delegations of the special character of the adoption of the text of the Amendment to the Trade-Related Provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty. It was proposed that the text be adopted under the modalities of an international conference and under the Energy Charter Treaty according to its terms. Delegations′ attention was drawn to the fact...
CCDEC199723 - Chairman′s Conclusions on Negotiations on Supplementary Treaty, Trade Amendment and Energy-Related Equipment
[Negotiations on the Supplementary Treaty (CC 106) and Negotiations on the Trade Amendment and the Energy-Related Equipment (CC 107) were] covered by the Chairman′s conclusions contained in CC 111 which was circulated on 19 December 1997. It was reported to the Conference that the Russian Federation and the European Communities had agreed on a joint statement on...
CCDEC199722 - Reports and Notes considered by the 9th Meeting of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference
Progress on Ratification (RD 1) and on Accession to the ECT (RD 2) (a) The Conference noted that since the November Conference 3 further Signatories have completed their national ratification procedures thus increasing the number of such Signatories to 32. The Portuguese Delegate informed the Conference that the 12 Member States of the European Union and the EC...
CCDEC199721 - Election of the Chairperson of the Legal Advisory Committee for 1998
Mr Paasivirta (EU Commission) was designated as the Legal Advisory Committee Chairman for 1998.
CCDEC199720 - Election of the Chairperson of the Budget Committee for 1998
Mr Pauletto (Switzerland) was designated as the Budget Committee Chairman for the year 1998.
CCDEC199719 - Election of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons of the Energy Charter Conference for 1998
As regards the 1998 Chairpersonship of the Conference, [the three nominations had been suggested]: first, that Mr Rutten be re-appointed for another term as the Conference Chairman; secondly, that Mr Sano (Japan) be re-appointed as Vice-Chairman and thirdly, that a second Vice-Person be appointed - Mrs Teleguina (Russian Federation) had been proposed for this...
CCDEC199718 - Secretariat′s Budget for 1998
The Conference approved the 1998 Budget and Establishment table as contained in RD 6 and authorised a multi-annual commitment authority of 4 million BEF in respect of Budget Item 3 (Professional and Special Services), and the carry-over of the non-committed part of the appropriation for the Aarhus Energy Efficiency Initiative to a working capital fund in accordance...
CCDEC199717 - Secretariat′s Work Programme for 1998
The Secretary General introduced the Work Programme as a minimum of activities for 1998 and urged the Conference to give the appropriate guidance for the Secretariat′s work. The Conference approved the work program with one amendment, proposed by Japan, concerning Paragraph 2.7 on Energy Efficiency, which is contained in RD 4. Hungary and Switzerland made comments...
CCDEC199716 - Process of Negotiations on Additional Protocols
The texts of [Supplementary Treaty, Draft Trade Amendment and Energy-Related Equipment] will be submitted to the Legal Advisory Committee for scrutiny. The Chairman intends to submit an overall proposal on all the issues in the three areas in the beginning of December. He expressed the hope that substantial agreement on all outstanding issues would be reached at the...
CCDEC199715 - Negotiations based on report from WG III: Energy-Related Equipment
Some non-WTO countries expressed concern with respect to inclusion of multipurpose items and energy consuming equipment not directly related to energy investments. It was underlined that the relative importance of the trade provisions had to be understood: the trade regime in the ECT is by its nature transitional until all parties have become members of the WTO; all...
CCDEC199714 - Negotiations based on report from WG II: Trade Amendment
On the issue of a legally binding tariff standstill the non-WTO member countries expressed concern that the ongoing trade negotiations might limit their room for manoeuvre in the WTO accession process while the WTO member countries stressed that adherence to a tariff standstill in ECT context should be considered as strengthening not weakening their position in the...
CCDEC199713 - Negotiations based on report from WG I: Supplementary Treaty
With respect to the Supplementary Treaty the Conference Chairman noted that there was a wide agreement on most issues involved. Some issues were still open: - Annex PR (RD 4): consultations will continue in order to find common ground on this issue. The Chairman of the Survey session was invited to hold consultations with delegations to seek to clarify the notified...
CCDEC199712 - Reports and Notes considered by the 8th Meeting of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference
Progress in Ratification (Room Document 2): The Conference welcomed that since the 7th Meeting of the Conference further progress has been made: 29 Signatories have completed their national ratification procedures, of which 14 have deposited their instruments of ratification with the Depositary. The representative of the EU informed the Conference that the EU shall...
CCDEC199711 - Reduction of the General Reserve Fund
The Conference noted CC 98; in particular the Secretariat′s agreement with the Canadian government that Canada′s contribution to the 1996 budget be recalculated, and the resulting calculatory deficit of BEF 1.869.820 in 1996 contributions. In accordance with the recommendation of the Budget Committee at its 17th October 1997 meeting, the Conference approved...
CCDEC199710 - Amendment of Staff Rules (adoption by written procedure)
The Conference noted the recommendation by the Budget Committee that the Conference should adopt Staff Rules based on WCO Staff Rules as amended in CC 91, with the incorporation of two further provisions. Rule 9.1. should be amended to read: "As a rule, appointments to category A posts shall be for a period of not more than five years, renewable by further periods...
CCDEC199709 - Observer Status for the CIS Electric Power Council
The Chairman proposed inviting the CIS Electric Power Council to become observer to the Conference, explaining that it is for the Council to decide whether or not to accept the invitation. Several delegations supported the proposal. One delegation did not object but announced that within the CIS Electric Power Council it might not take a positive position. One...
CCDEC199708 - Discussion of Key Issues Related to the Supplementary Treaty
The Conference Chairman stated that he hoped to obtain basic agreement on the text of the Supplementary Treaty by the end of 1997 and he appealed to all delegations to contribute to this effort. With respect to the procedure for all three of the continuing negotiations, after an exchange of views, the Conference Chairman underlined that it was important to respect...
CCDEC199707 - Reports and Notes considered by the 7th Meeting of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference
- National Contributions to the Budget: Update of contributions received (Room Document 1) The Conference noted the statement of contributions as set out in RD 1. The Chairman urged those Signatories with outstanding contributions to pay as promptly as possible. The Italian delegation announced that Italy′s contribution would be paid following completion of its...
CCDEC199706 - Headquarters Agreement: Tax Position on Secretariat Officials
The Conference, as recommended by the Budget Committee, adopted the following decision on the tax position of Secretariat officials: "The Energy Charter Secretariat′s officials′ remuneration is net of Belgian tax. Any Belgian tax claims in relation to that remuneration against officials arising under the agreed administrative procedure will be met by the...
CCDEC199705 - Accession of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the Energy Charter Treaty
[Having taken into consideration necessary documentation including the terms and conditions of accession of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia contained in document CC 82], the Conference: − noted that the State which has been admitted to membership of the United Nations under the General Assembly Resolution 47/225 as the former Yugoslav Republic of...
CCDEC199704 - Transitional Arrangements
The Conference reviewed the progress of those Signatories listed in Annex T regarding provisions of the Treaty for which those Signatories claim temporary suspensions. Based on notifications from Signatories, the Secretariat had prepared a progress report giving a comprehensive overview of the current situation and containing a survey of all...
CCDEC199703 - Appointment of the Chairperson of the Budget Committee for 1997
The Conference designated Mr. Christian Pauletto (Switzerland) as Chairman of the Budget Committee for the remainder of 1997.
CCDEC199702 - Appointment of the Vice-Chairman of the Conference for 1997
The Conference designated Mr. Toshio Sano (Japan) as Vice-Chairman of the Conference for the remainder of 1997.
CCDEC199701 - Corrigenda to the Summary Record of the Sixth Meeting of the Charter Conference
The Conference accepted the following change proposed by Belgium to point 7 b) on social security: "BC Chairman welcomed that Belgium had shown some openness in BC discussions and had confirmed that it was prepared to examine possible ways of taking into account the Secretariat′s needs. The Conference noted these documents and the BC report". The Conference also...
CCDEC199621 - Continuation of work on Major Accidents Protocol
Based on the guidelines in Part V of the Report on Major Accidents/Interruptions, the Conference invited the Secretariat to pursue examination of this issue, in co-operation with delegates, especially those which argued in favour of a protocol.
CCDEC199620 - Work on Electricity and Observer Status for CIS Electric Power Council
Some delegations did not support the CIS Power Council being given observer status. The Chairman invited the Secretary-General of the CIS Electric Council, Mr. Djangirov to participate as a guest in the Conference. The European Union asked the Secretariat to prepare a document regarding organisations that may qualify for observer status. The Conference invited the...
CCDEC199619 - Suspension of work on Nuclear Protocol
Regarding the Russian proposal the European Union mentioned that it had not had enough time to reflect on the paper and it remained at the same position it stated during the June 1996 meeting. Kazakhstan, Armenia and Belarus supported the Russian request for a Nuclear Protocol. Japan reiterated its opposition to a legally binding Nuclear Protocol, but expressed...
CCDEC199618 - Reports and Notes considered by the 6th Meeting of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference
[Report on Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia′s Accession to the Energy Charter Treaty (CC 77 and RD 8)] The Chairman informed the Conference on progress of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia′s accession to the Energy Charter Treaty. After hearing the delegation of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia the Conference noted: (i) that the terms for...
CCDEC199617 - Election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Budget Committee for 1997
The Conference elected Mr Victor Segalla as Chairman and Mr Roman Luckiewicz as Vice-Chairman of the Budget Committee for 1997.
CCDEC199616 - Election of the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the Conference for 1997
The Conference, chaired at this point of the Agenda by Mr Chatalov/RUF, elected Ambassador Charles Rutten as Chairman of the Conference for 1997. Mr Kenichi Suganuma (Japan) was then elected Vice-Chairman for 1997.
CCDEC199615 - Secretariat′s Budget for 1997
[The Chairman of the Budget Committee (BC) presented the results of the BC meeting on 11-12 December 1996, as contained in RD 4.] BC Chairman explained that the compromise proposal was a total budget of BEF 150 million (including contributions to Belgian Social Security). This proposal was based on zero growth calculated for a full year at BEF 142.8 million plus...
CCDEC199614 - Work Programme 1997
WORK PROGRAMME 1997 OF THE SECRETARIAT [as adopted by the Provisional Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 13 December 1996]
CCDEC199613 - Application of Mongolia to become a signatory to the Concluding Document of the Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter
The Conference, acting pursuant to Section VIII of the Final Act of the European Energy Charter Conference, approved the application of Mongolia to become a signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invited the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary of the Charter, to make...
CCDEC199612 - Organisation of Seminars; Social Protocol Proposal
European Communities indicated their intention, to organise, in close co-ordination with the Secretariat, a seminar for Mediterranean countries which was welcomed by the Conference. (cf. Room Document 10) Japan indicated its interest to organise a seminar on the implications of the Treaty in Tokyo in September 1996. The Conference welcomed that initiative. SG...
CCDEC199611 - Subscription to the European Energy Charter by the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The Chairman informed the Conference of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia′s subscription on 3 April 1996 to the European Energy Charter. The Conference agreed that the terms for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia′s accession should be finalised before the end of 1996 and asked the Secretariat to prepare necessary documentation in close co-operation...
CCDEC199610 - Amendments to Annexes T and ID: Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Conference agreed to wait until the Treaty enters into force before taking a decision on the amendments relating to Annexes T and ID, with the aim of having them submitted for ratification at the same time as other amendments. The Conference Chairman concluded on behalf of the Signatories which are provisionally applying the Energy Charter Treaty and future...
CCDEC199609 - Establishment of new Working Groups: Protocol on Electric Power Sector and Protocol on Major Accidents
a) [...] A number of Energy Charter Treaty Signatories supported the idea of a legally binding Protocol [on the Electric Power Sector]. Others doubted whether a Protocol would be appropriate. Reference was made to ongoing work in other fora, e.g. UN/ECE. The Secretariat was asked to organize consultations with experts from governments and relevant organizations,...
CCDEC199608 - Negotiations on Nuclear Instrument: Russian Federation Statement
The Chairman concluded that it was not possible to reach a consensus on the status of the Nuclear Instrument. He invited the Russian delegation to submit its position in writing, including an analysis of where the results of the Moscow Summit go beyond the present text and to be more specific on the need for, and the content of, a new binding instrument. This should...
CCDEC199607 - Reports and Notes considered by the 5th Meeting of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference
Implementation of the 1995 Budget: The Chairman of the Budget Committee (BC) informed the Conference on the implementation of the 1995 budget and underlined that expenditure in 1995, as presented in Room Document 1, was significantly lower than budgeted due to the late establishment of the Secretariat. This resulted in an amount of uncommitted appropriations of ECU...
CCDEC199606 - Secretariat′s Work Programme for 1996: Update
The Conference approved the 1996 Working Programme as proposed in CC 61 and Room Document 5 and took note of SG′s indication, that, following today′s decisions, transfers between different budget items in 1996 might be necessary as well as the engagement of additional staff for possible future new Working Groups.
CCDEC199605 - Provisional Application of Headquarters Agreement
The Conference approved the [following] conditions mentioned in paragraph 5 of document BC 7 as recommended by the BC. [... the collection of indirect taxes and duties relating to purchases of the Secretariat′s members during the first year of their employment (Article 20 of the Headquarters Agreement) can be postponed, provided that the following conditions...
CCDEC199604 - Election of the Vice-Chairpersons of WG I and II and the Budget Committee
The Conference elected Mr. Luczkiewicz (Poland) as Vice-Chairman of the Budget Committee up to the next Conference meeting in December 1996, when both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the Budget Committee will have to be elected for 1997. Mr Eikaas (Norway) was elected as Vice-Chairman of Working Group II (Trade) (CV circulated in Room Document...
CCDEC199603 - Staff Regulations
On the advice of BC, the Conference agreed the following: - The Staff Regulations are adopted as amended; - Rights, benefits and allowances based on these Staff Regulations, due to be granted in the future, shall be applied to all the contracts in force for the entirety of their duration; - The current situation in Brussels makes it unlikely that the language and...
CCDEC199602 - Terms of Reference governing the External Auditor
TERMS OF REFERENCE GOVERNING THE EXTERNAL AUDITOR [as adopted by the Provisional Energy Charter Conference at its 5th Meeting held on 5 June 1996] Article 1 The External Auditor (hereinafter called the Auditor(s)) shall perform such audit of the accounts of the Secretariat, including all trust funds, capital funds, reserves and special accounts, as deemed necessary...
CCDEC199601 - Secretariat′s Budget for 1996
The Conference approved the 1996 Budget as presented in CC 62, including a multi-annual commitment authority of 1.0 million BEF in order to obtain the most advantageous market conditions for certain long-term operating expenditures, and the use of up to 6.0 million BEF out of the General Reserve Fund, mostly to finance expenditure related to the establishment of the...
CCDEC199534 - Reports and Notes considered by the 4th Meeting of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference
Financial situation: The Deputy Secretary-General reported on the current financial situation. Expenditure in 1995 was markedly below budget because of the delay in deciding the Secretariat′s location and the Conference decision in April to freeze recruitment. But expenditure on office accommodation, equipment and other items would substantially increase expenses...
CCDEC199533 - Provisional Secretariat′s Work Programme for 1996
The Conference Chairman noted that the Work Programme was approved in principle although it would need to be adapted in the light of the revised budget for 1996. One delegation had comments on the Work Programme and was invited to consult the Secretariat bilaterally. The Conference would have the final adoption of the 1996 Work Programme on the agenda for its next...
CCDEC199532 - Election of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Conference, the Working Group III and the Legal Advisory Committee
In the absence of the Rules of Procedure on this matter, the Conference Chairman proposed that the most senior delegate among the participants should chair the meeting during the election of Conference Chairman for 1996. The head of the Russian delegation, Deputy Minister Anatoli Shatalov, proposed that Ambassador Charles Rutten should be elected to continue as...
CCDEC199531 - Application of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The Conference, acting pursuant to Section VIII of the Final Act of the European Energy Charter Conference, approved the application of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to become a signatory of the Concluding Document of the Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter. The Chairman invited the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary of the Charter,...
CCDEC199530 - Rules of Procedure for the Provisional Charter Conference (Canada and United States attendance, Language Regime)
The Conference approved the Rules of Procedure for the Provisional Charter Conference including a Norwegian proposal (CC 48) for participation in the negotiations referred to in Articles 10(4) and 33 and attendance at other meetings by Charter signatories. It was furthermore agreed to delete the references to vice-chairpersons in Rules 1 and 4. The Conference...
CCDEC199529 - Secretariat′s Budget for 1996: additional B6 Finance officer
In accordance with the Financial Rules, Article 11, the Conference agreed on a three-year commitment authority for office rental, associated charges and property taxes of a maximum total of 31.2 million BF for three-year period 1996-1998 (RD 8 of 22 November 1995). The Conference approved the creation of one additional B6 Finance officer post in the Secretariat and...
CCDEC199528 - Financial Rules
The Conference considered the Financial Rules proposed in RD 7 as a result of the Budget Committee′s discussion on 21 November, and approved them subject to deletion of Article 13, for the reason that Article 13 merely confirmed the subject matter stipulated in the Treaty, and consequential amendment of Article 19.
CCDEC199527 - Appointment of the Secretary-General
The Conference [...] unanimously decided to appoint Dr Peter Schutterle as Secretary-General for a period of five years starting from 1 January 1996. The EC expressed their appreciation for the work undertaken by Clive Jones as Secretary-General during the last four years. The Conference endorsed this view and put on record its gratitude for Mr Jones′s leadership...
CCDEC199526 - Reports and Notes considered by the 3rd Meeting of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference
Financial Situation:The Secretary-General reported that expenditure in 1995 so far, almost wholly met by the European Commission on the Secretariat′s behalf, amounted to about 700.000 ECU. Once the necessary decisions to establish the Secretariat were made [...] expenditure would accelerate and might reach 2 MECU by the end of the year, as against a budget of 2.7...
CCDEC199525 - Postponement of Negotiations on Nuclear Declaration
The Chairman outlined the conclusions of work on this subject as reported by the Chairman of the Nuclear Working Group (doc. NU 20). He asked the Conference to approve the principle of a Nuclear Declaration. The Russian Delegation made a statement [attached as Annex] recording its preference for a legally binding Protocol and emphasising the need for cooperation in...
CCDEC199524 - Financial Rules Preparation
The Conference agreed that the Budget Committee should prepare for its approval draft financial rules based on OECD practice but taking account of more limited nature of the Secretariat′s activities.
CCDEC199523 - Inclusion of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Annex ID of the Energy Charter Treaty
The Conference agreed in principle the addition of Annex T entries for Bosnia and Herzegovina (doc. 31) and the inclusion of that country in Annex ID of the Charter Treaty. This was necessary because Bosnia-Herzegovina, which did not sign the Charter until April 1995, had not been involved in the Treaty negotiations. Norway stressed that, although they supported...
CCDEC199522 - Terms of Reference for the Budget Committee
After examination of the OECD Financial Regulations [...], one delegation′s reserve on the principle of the Conference being able to delegate decisions to the Budget Committee was withdrawn. The Conference approved the draft terms of reference annexed to document CC 36 (Corrigendum).
CCDEC199521 - Establishment of Legal Advisory Committee: Framework and Tasks
The Conference decided to establish a sub-group, to be known as the Legal Advisory Committee, to provide legal advice to the Chairman of the Conference and to Working Group Chairmen. The Framework and Tasks for this sub-group of the Charter Conference (Annex to doc. CC 24) were agreed. The sub-group would elect a provisional Chairperson and rapporteur. It was...
CCDEC199520 - Provisional Rules of Procedure
After discussion, the Chairman noted that no final agreement could be reached at this meeting on the Rules of Procedure. The main outstanding question was the future language regime for the Conference and Working Group I. Compromise proposals by the Chairman on certain other issues were circulated at the meeting (RD 8 Corr. 2). The Chairman will prior to...
CCDEC199519 - Organisation of the Secretariat: top officials grading and the Secretary-General contract
The Conference agreed however that the Director for Negotiations, on a personal basis, could be assigned a higher status to reflect his current seniority. For the future Secretary-General, it was agreed that the terms of his contract should be negotiated by the Conference Chairman in consultation with a small group of the largest financial contributors to the...
CCDEC199518 - Terms of the Headquarters Agreement
"In accordance with Article 34(4) (f) of the Energy Charter Treaty, the Provisional Charter Conference approved the terms of the headquarters agreement with the Kingdom of Belgium, and instructed the Chairman of the Conference and the Secretary-General to sign the agreement on its behalf." All delegations agreed that the headquarters agreement should continue to...
CCDEC199517 - Secretariat′s Location
The Conference took the following decision by consensus: "The Provisional Charter Conference and Secretariat are located in Brussels." All delegations agreed that this Decision will continue to apply after entry into force of the Treaty, subject to the following Declaration: "The decision taken on the location of the Secretariat is a political decision. Keeping...
CCDEC199516 - Chairman of the Working Group III (Energy-Related Equipment) (adoption by written procedure)
[In document CC 27 the delegations were invited to agree to the election of Mr. Lucian Leonida Biro (Romania) as Chairman of Working Group III on Energy Related Equipment. In document CC 33 from 24 July 1995 the delegations were informed that the relevant three-quarters majority had agreed to the election of Mr Biro as Chairman of Working Group III (Energy Related...
CCDEC199515 - Chairman of the Budget Committee (adoption by written procedure)
[In document CC 27 the delegations were invited to agree to the election of Mr. Viktor Segalla (Austria) as Chairman of the Budget Committee. In document CC 33 from 24 July 1995 the delegations were informed that the relevant three-quarters majority had agreed to the election of Mr Segalla as Chairman of the Budget Committee.]
CCDEC199514 - Reports and Notes considered by the 2nd Meeting of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference
The Chairman informed the meeting that Hungary, Lithuania and Uzbekistan had now signed the Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Efficiency Protocol. Japan informed the Conference that its internal approval procedures were underway and that it intended to sign the Treaty as soon as possible, certainly before the end of the signature period. The Chairman stressed...
CCDEC199513 - Adjournment of discussion of the Rules of Procedure of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference
The Conference agreed to postpone discussion of the Rules of Procedure until its next meeting. In the meantime consultations would be arranged with delegations to resolve technical issues, with the aim of concentrating discussions at the June meeting on policy questions such as the future language regime.
CCDEC199512 - Adjournment of discussion of the Secretariat′s organigram and Staff table
The Secretary-General informed the Conference that the revised 1995 Budget of 2.7 MECU would require the elimination of 2 A, 1 B and 2 C grade posts (in EC terms) from the organigram and staff table annexed to CC 16 [...] The two A posts eliminated would be the post in Administration and one post in the Implementation Directorate (see Annex I to CC 16). The...
CCDEC199511 - Secretariat′s Location and Negotiations on terms of headquarters agreement
The Conference considered the available information on possible future locations for the Charter Secretariat (CC 14 and RD 2) but decided that additional consultations would be necessary before it would be possible to reach agreement on this question. [...] In the meantime the Conference authorised the Secretary-General to negotiate provisionally: "the terms of any...
CCDEC199510 - Secretariat′s Domestic Legal Capacity
The Conference, whilst noting the authority provided to the Charter Secretariat in Article 35(5) of the Energy Charter Treaty, and with the support of the Belgian delegation, adopted the following Decision: "The Charter Secretariat shall henceforward enjoy in Belgium the domestic legal capacity which may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the...
CCDEC199509 - Secretariat′s Budget for 1995; Inclusion of "Travel" item in the Secretariat′s Budget
On the proposal of the European Community, the Conference agreed that the 1995 Budget should be 2.7 million ECU, of which 0.4 million ECU would relate to costs involved in establishing the Secretariat, which would not recur in future years. [...] The Conference approved [...] revised 1995 Budget unanimously and authorised the Secretary-General to execute it....
CCDEC199508 - Establishment of the Budget Committee
The Conference decided to constitute, as a subsidiary body of the provisional Charter Conference, a formal Budget Committee open to representatives of all Treaty signatories. The Financial Rules of the Conference, including the Terms of Reference for the Budget Committee, will be discussed by the Committee and then determined by the Conference when the location of...
CCDEC199507 - Establishment of the Working Group on Nuclear Energy including Safety: Provisional Terms of Reference
For Working Group IV (Nuclear), the Conference agreed that Dr Robert Morrison (Canada) should be invited to continue the Chairmanship he had undertaken during the negotiating Conference. The European Community noted that their support for Dr Morrison was based on the assumption that Canada would become a Treaty signatory. Terms of Reference for WG IV were agreed...
CCDEC199506 - Establishment of the Working Group III (Energy-Related Equipment): Terms of Reference
For Working Group III (Energy Equipment) the Conference noted with approval that Romania was in the process of identifying a candidate to chair the Working Group. Terms of Reference for WG III were agreed and are at Annex III.
CCDEC199505 - Establishment of the Working Group II (Trade Amendment): Terms of Reference and Chairman
For Working Group II (Trade) the Conference elected Dr Ivan Ivanov (Russian Federation) as Chairman. Terms of Reference for WG II were agreed and are at Annex II. The European Community and the Russian Federation, in particular, underlined that issues agreed in the Energy Charter Treaty as adopted in Lisbon should not be revisited in the trade negotiations.
CCDEC199504 - Establishment of the Working Group I (Supplementary Investment Treaty): Terms of Reference and Chairman
For Working Group I (Supplementary Investment Treaty) the Conference elected Mr Sydney Fremantle [United Kingdom] as Chairman. Terms of Reference for this Working Group were agreed and are at Annex I.
CCDEC199503 - Establishment of the Working Groups and adjournment of the negotiations on additional Protocols
Following the formal opening of negotiations on the supplementary treaty and on trade issues at the first meeting of the provisional Charter Conference (CC1 paragraph 9), the Conference decided to establish the following Working Groups as subsidiary bodies of the Conference: Working Group I - Supplementary Investment Treaty Working Group II - Trade Working Group...
CCDEC199502 - Signature by the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the European Energy Charter
On the proposal of the Chairman, the Conference, acting pursuant to Section VIII of the Final Act, approved the signature of the European Energy Charter (Concluding Document of the Hague Conference) by the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. (Bosnia and Herzegovina signed the Charter on 6 April).
CCDEC199501 - Election of the Chairman of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference
The Belgian delegation, as host country, opened the meeting and proposed that Ambassador Charles Rutten should be elected to continue as Chairman of the provisional Charter Conference. The Conference approved that proposal by acclamation. Ambassador Rutten accepted the Conference′s invitation and took over the Chairmanship of the meeting.
CCDEC199408 - Rules of Procedure Preparation
The Conference invited the Secretary-General to prepare proposals for the Conference's rules of procedure and for the structure of the Secretariat, for consideration at its next meeting.
CCDEC199407 - Establishment of the Provisional Budget Committee
The Conference authorised Ambassador Charles Rutten, Chairman of the first meeting of the provisional Charter Conference in Lisbon, to constitute a Budget Committee to guide the Secretary-General in the work of preparing a draft budget for 1995 for submission to its next meeting.
CCDEC199406 - Opening of negotiations on the inclusion of Energy-Related Equipment in the Trade Provisions of the Treaty (Article 31)
The Conference formally opened negotiations on the inclusion of energy-related equipment in the trade provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty, as required by its Article 31.
CCDEC199405 - Opening of negotiations on a Treaty amendment dealing with Tariff Standstill (Article 29(6))
The Conference formally opened negotiations on a Treaty amendment dealing with tariff standstill, as required by Article 29(6) of the Energy Charter Treaty.
CCDEC199404 - Opening of negotiations on a supplementary treaty (Article 10(4))
The Conference formally opened negotiations on a supplementary treaty as required by Article 10(4) of the Energy Charter Treaty.
CCDEC199403 - Organisation of the Secretariat: Headquarters Agreement (under Article 34(3)f of the Treaty)
The provisional Charter Conference, considering that the European Communities will continue to host the provisional Charter Secretariat on the basis of the existing financial arrangements until a decision on the location of the Secretariat is taken by the provisional Conference,
CCDEC199402 - Appointment of the Secretary-General
In accordance with Articles 35 and 45 of the Energy Charter Treaty, the Conference agreed to appoint Mr Clive Jones as provisional Secretary-General for a period of one year from 1 January to 31 December 1995.
CCDEC199401 - Election of the Conference Chairman
The Portuguese delegation, as host country, opened the meeting and proposed that the Chairman of the negotiating Conference, Ambassador Charles Rutten, should chair his first meeting of the provisional Charter Conference.