Energy Charter Conference Decisions
CCDEC200216 - Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes under Article 7 of the Energy Charter Treaty
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002, with regard to the issue of the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes under Article 7 of the Energy Charter Treaty, approved the proposal to instruct the Secretariat to prepare a corresponding Decision for adoption by the Conference, on an addition to the...
CCDEC200215 - Finalisation of negotiations on an Energy Charter Protocol on Transit based on the Transit Working Group Chairmans Final Compromise text
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002, agreed the statement of the Chairman on the present position in the negotiation process on the Draft Energy Charter Protocol on Transit:] “The Heads of Delegations to the Energy Charter Conference recorded at the end of their December meeting that in view of the very wide measure of...
CCDEC200214 - Prolongation of the term of appointment of the Secretary General
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002] approved the proposal contained in document CC 231 to prolong the appointment of Dr Ria Kemper as Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat until 31 December 2005, in line with the option envisaged in the corresponding decision taken by the Conference at its 4th Meeting on 7...
CCDEC200213 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2003
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17–18 December 2002] approved the designation of the following officers for 2003: Conference Chairman Mr Henning Christophersen (Denmark) Vice-Chairman of the Conference Mr Kazuyuki Katayama (Japan) Chairman of the Budget Committee Mr Hakki Akil (Turkey) Vice-Chairperson of the Budget...
CCDEC200212 - Secretariats Work Programme for 2003
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002,] in the light of the outcome of its earlier deliberations under agenda item 5 (transit issues) with regard to the Protocol on Transit, adopted the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2003 as contained in document CC 229 [Annex] on the following basis: • The envisaged programme of...
CCDEC200211 - Secretariats Budget for 2003
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17–18 December 2002 approved the Secretariat’s Budget (Annex I) and Establishment Table (Annex II) for 2003 as contained in Room Document 3. The Conference also approved the following multi-annual commitment authorities:] Prolongation of the multi-annual commitment authority of Euro 100.000 in...
CCDEC200210 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Reviews of Estonia and Turkey
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002 welcomed the reports on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Reviews of Estonia and Turkey, contained in document 226, and endorsed the recommendations to the Estonian and Turkish governments contained therein (Annex).]
CCDEC200209 - Recommendations on Investment Climate and Market Restructuring Reports on Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Moldova and Poland
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002 approved the conclusions (Annex) circulated in document CC 224 with regard to the reports reviewed by the Investment Group on Investment Climate and Market Structure issues in the energy sectors of Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and Poland.]
CCDEC200208 - Applications of the Republic of Korea and of the Islamic Republic of Iran for Observer Status at the Energy Charter Conference
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 11th Meeting held on 17-18 December 2002] approved the applications submitted by the Republic of Korea and the Islamic Republic of Iran to be granted Observer status at the Conference and its subsidiary bodies.
CCDEC200207 - Reports submitted to the 11th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 17-18 December 2002
Report by the Chairman of the Transit Working Group, and Finalisation of negotiations on an Energy Charter Protocol on Transit, based on the Transit Working Group Chairman’s Final Compromise Text (CC 232) The Chairman of the Transit Working Group reported to the Conference on the present status of negotiations on an Energy Charter Protocol on Transit. She noted...
CCDEC200206 - Designation of new Vice-Chairperson of the Energy Charter Conference for the remainder of 2002 (adoption by written procedure)
[In document CC 215 of 14 October 2002, delegations were requested to notify the Secretariat in writing by no later than 4 November 2002 if they were unable to approve the proposed appointment of Mr Kazuyuki Katayama (Japan) as Vice-Chairperson of the Energy Charter Conference for the remainder of 2002, replacing Mr Hidenobu Sobashima. No such notifications have...
CCDEC200205 - Addendum to the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes: Adjournment of adoption until a future Conference Meeting
The Chairman informed the Conference that, following discussions on this issue within the Transit Working Group, it appeared that significant progress had been made towards resolving the issue of interpretation of the conciliation mechanism set out in Article 7(6) and 7(7) of the Treaty. On this basis, it further appeared that the text of the decision proposed in...
CCDEC200204 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Romania
The Conference welcomed the report on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Romania, circulated as Room Document 3, and endorsed the recommendations to the Romanian government contained therein [attached as Annex.]
CCDEC200203 - Nomination for the Roster of Trade Dispute Settlement Panelists
The Conference approved the nomination, proposed by the Secretary General in Room Document 2, of two panelists, Ambassador Donald Kenyon and Mr John Arnott (both Australia), for the roster of trade dispute settlement panelists established under Annex D of the Treaty. The Chairman welcomed these appointments and thanked the government of Australia for its helpful...
CCDEC200202 - Recommendations on Country Reports on Investment Climate and Market Structure
The Conference approved the conclusions circulated in document CC 212 with regard to the reports undertaken by the Investment Group on Investment Climate and Market Structure issues in the energy sectors of Croatia and Ukraine, and on market restructuring in Albania. These conclusions are attached as [Annex.]
CCDEC200201 - Reports submitted to the 10th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference on held on 20 June 2002
Report by the Chairman of the Working Group on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects The Chairman of the Working Group provided the Conference with an overview of the Group’s activities during the first half of 2002. It was noted that country presentations had been made to the last meeting of the Group in June 2002 by the Czech Republic, Estonia,...