Energy Charter Conference Decisions
CCDEC200023 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairpersons and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2001
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 approved the designation of the following officers for 2001: • Mr Henning Christophersen as Conference Chairman (proposed by the European Union, seconded by the Russian Federation and Japan) • Mr Hidenobu Sobashima as Vice-Chairman of the Conference (proposed by the Russian Federation,...
CCDEC200022 - Adoption of the Secretariat´s Budget for 2001
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 approved the Budget (Annex I) and Establishment Table (Annex II) for 2001 as contained in Room Document 6. The Conference approved the following multi-annual commitment authorities: • Prolongation of the multi-annual commitment authority of Euro 100.000 in respect of Budget item 3...
CCDEC200021 - Trade Group Report; Submission of WTO-based notifications
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 took note of the report by the Chairman of Trade Group circulated in Room Document 2. The Chairman of the Trade Group noted the importance, in terms of capacity-building among non-WTO Contracting Parties/Signatories, of the seminar on trade related dispute settlement under the Treaty held in...
CCDEC200020 - Application for Observer Status from the Baltic Sea Regional Energy Cooperation
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 approved the proposal to grant observer status at meetings of the Conference and its subsidiary bodies to the Baltic Sea Regional Energy Cooperation organization (BASREC).
CCDEC200019 - Recommendations on addressing Non-Payment Problems
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 took note of the Recommendations on Addressing Non-Payment Problems prepared by the Investment Group (CC 182), and adopted the Conclusions endorsing these Recommendations (Annex).
CCDEC200018 - Market Restructuring Reports
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 noted the Investment Group’s review of reports on the process of restructuring and privatization in the energy sector in Estonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Kyrgyzstan, and adopted the Conclusions attached at Annex I. The Conference noted with appreciation the presentation...
CCDEC200017 - Review of Pre-Investment Exceptions
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 noted the report contained in document CC 180 concerning the annual review of pre-investment exceptions conducted by the Investment Group, and concerning the Group’s conclusions regarding its review of land/real estate and reciprocity/MFN exceptions. In this connection, the Conference...
CCDEC200016 - Investment Climate Reports
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 took note of the completion by the Investment Group of the review of Investment Climate reports on Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Lithuania, and of the outstanding non-conforming measures newly notified by the Russian Federation on which the March 2000 meeting of the Group could not reach unanimous...
CCDEC200015 - Recommendations on In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Poland
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 welcomed the report on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Poland undertaken in September 2000 under the auspices of PEEREA, the executive summary and resulting Recommendations of which were circulated as CC 178. The Conference endorsed these Recommendations, which are attached at Annex.
CCDEC200014 - Reports submitted to the 6th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 7 December 2000
The Conference took note of the report by the Secretary General on the Secretariat’s Activities in 2000. The Secretary General drew attention to the Secretariat’s intention to improve its documentation distribution service for delegations via the introduction of an internet-based system of distribution. In the spirit of developing greater transparency, the...
CCDEC200013 - Timetable for finalisation of Negotiations on the Energy Charter Transit Protocol and for its adoption and signing
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000 approved the timetable for finalisation of negotiations on the Energy Charter Transit Protocol and for its adoption and signing attached at Annex.
CCDEC200012 - Proposal to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Energy Charter Process in December 2001
The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000, having accepted certain modifications to the Conclusions concerning the Proposal to Mark the 10th Anniversary of the Energy Charter Process in December 2001 contained in CC 175, approved the revised Conclusions attached at Annex.
CCDEC200011 - Adoption of the Energy Charter Secretariats Work Programme for 2001
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 6th Meeting held on 7 December 2000] approved the Work Programme for 2001 as contained in CC 174, with due account taken of the amendments mentioned by the Secretary General, in accordance with the recommendations of the Budget Committee concerning the 2001 Budget: only 8 staff months in 2001 would be devoted to...
CCDEC200010 - Development of the Draft Recommendations on Non-Payment Problems
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 5th Meeting held on 29 June 2000] took note of the draft recommendations contained in Room Document 6, and adopted the conclusions attached at [Annex], expressing the hope that in Contracting Parties facing serious non-payments problems full account would be taken of the initial recommendations, and inviting the Secretariat and...
CCDEC200009 - Recommendations / Best Practice Guidelines on Market Restructuring
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 5th Meeting held on 29 June 2000] noted Room Document 5 concerning the examination by the Investment Group of Country Reports on Market Restructuring, in particular a Country report on Armenia, and adopted the Conclusions attached at [Annex] concerning the development of Recommendations/Best Practice Guidelines on Market...
CCDEC200008 - Review of Non-conforming measures with respect to privatisation
|The Energy Charter Conference at its 5th Meeting held on 29 June 2000 noted] the review of the group of non-conforming measures with respect to privatisation. With respect to this review, the Conference adopted the Conclusions attached at [Annex.]
CCDEC200007 - Investment Climate and Exceptions to National Treatment Reports
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 5th Meeting held on 29 June 2000 noted] the surveys conducted by the Investment Group of Reports on Investment Climate and Exceptions to National Treatment from Albania, Azerbaijan, Latvia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, as well as the survey of pre-investment exceptions notified in accordance with Article 10(9) by...
CCDEC200006 - Structural Adjustment to the Secretariats Budget
On the recommendation of the Budget Committee, the Conference approved a onetime draw on the General Reserve Fund of Euro 40.000 (as proposed in document CC 169/BC 86), in order to ensure coverage of all expenditure related to salaries and allowances for 2000 and to allow a 1.8% salary adjustment for staff of the Secretariat to be applied from 1st July onwards....
CCDEC200005 - Recommendations on the In-depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes of Lithuania
The Energy Charter Conference at its 5th Meeting held on 29 June 2000 discussed and endorsed the report on the in-depth energy efficiency review of Lithuania (document CC 168). The Conference approved the recommendations to the government of Lithuania [Annex.]
CCDEC200004 - Reports submitted to the 5th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 29 June 2000
The Conference took note of the report by the Chairman of the Transit Working Group on progress in the negotiations on the Transit Protocol commenced at the beginning of 2000 and on the development of a non-legally binding set of Model Transit Agreements. The Group Chairman reported to the Conference that the Working Group had agreed to expand the three main...
CCDEC200003 - Understanding of the Energy Charter Conference with respect to Article 7(7) of the energy Charter Treaty
Following consultations with delegations concerning document CC 165, and with the aim of clarifying the conciliation mechanism set out in Article 7(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty in the light of concerns expressed by certain delegations, the Chairman made a Statement to the Conference on this subject, the text of which was circulated in writing as Room Document 8...
CCDEC200002 - Procedures for Future Selections and Appointments of the Secretary General and Senior Officials in the energy Charter Secretariat
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 5th Meeting held on 29 June 2000 approved the sets of procedures for future selections and appointments of the Secretary General and Senior Staff in the Energy Charter Secretariat. The texts of decisions are attached at Annex I and Annex II respectively.]
CCDEC200001 - Designation of new Vice-Chairperson of the Energy Charter Conference
The Conference approved the designation of Mr Hidenobu Sobashima (Japan) as Vice-Chairperson of the Energy Charter Conference for the remainder of 2000, replacing Mr Kazuo Sunaga. The Chairman welcomed this appointment, and noted the Conference’s high appreciation of Mr Sunaga’s work as Vice-Chairman of the Conference since April 1998