The Energy Investment Risk Assessment (EIRA) is a publication of the Energy Charter Secretariat that evaluates risks to energy investment that can be mitigated through adjustments to policy, legal and regulatory frameworks. It aims to identify policy gaps, provide learning opportunities, and stimulate reforms which make the investment climate of countries more robust and reduce the risk of investor-State disputes.
#EIRA2023 report assesses risks in 13 countries, spanning Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa. The report covers the latest information on the efforts of countries to reduce risks for foreign investors that emanate from government action. It provides the most recent updates on policy, legal and regulatory developments in the participating countries on a plethora of issues, including supporting the energy transition, environmental protection, the climate-women nexus, most updated sectoral energy targets, power sector reforms, statistics on FDI inflow in the countries, prevention of corruption and transparency initiatives, financial and other incentives granted to energy investors, and investor-state dispute prevention mechanisms. The profiles of the recurrent participants include a year-on-year comparison table.
It also contains new information from the Orbis Crossborder Investment database on energy projects and deals completed between 2015-2023 in the participating countries. The data gives readers background information on the investment trends in the participating countries, the target industries that received the most attention, the number of projects and deals completed in this timeframe, and their value.
As of October 2019 a website dedicated to EIRA is available: