The International Energy Charter declaration was adopted and signed by over 70 countries on 21 May 2015 during the high-level Ministerial Conference in The Hague, The Netherlands. On the occasion of the Conferences' 1st anniversary, several of the Energy Charter Members and Observers noted the importance of the International Energy Charter in tackling future global energy challenges.
1st Anniversary of The Hague II Conference
We are convinced that multilateral frameworks such as the Energy Charter are a useful tool for ensuring stable market environment, energy investment protection, predictability and fair conditions for the protection of investments, trade, transit and energy efficiency. We do believe that trade and investment rules must not be static but to evolve together with energy sector processes. This completely corresponds with the modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty, a stage we have already arrived at today by signing the International Energy Charter. The Republic of Bulgaria has joined the International Energy Charter with the conviction that the world energy community passes to a new stage of investment promotion and encouragement.
Chile estuvo presente en el proceso de negociación de este instrumento internacional, constatando consensos fundamentales respecto de los postulados básicos que ella promueve, pues reflejan un ideario energético acorde con los tiempos. Así, se reconoce la necesidad de establecer sistemas de cooperación para impulsar un mercado energético más limpio y equitativo, objetivos claves que estamos desarrollando en nuestro país […] Asimismo, Chile está abierto a participar en el intercambio energético internacional, tanto de recursos como de tecnología y conocimientos, promoviendo condiciones de mayor equilibrio y colaboración entre los países más avanzados en la materia y aquellos que estamos emprendiendo el camino hacia un desarrollo impulsado por una energía más limpia, eficiente, accesible y confiable. Por tal motivo, es un honor para mi país haber suscrito hoy los principios de esta Carta Internacional de la Energía que involucra a todos en la construcción de un mundo con una mejor calidad de vida para las futuras generaciones.
Last year in the Strategy Group many other countries were invited to discuss the content of the new International Energy Charter. There was agreement that it was very important that many countries should be involved in addition to those who are members of the Energy Charter Treaty. It was very rewarding to chair the Strategy Group on the discussions and development of the (proposed) International Energy Charter, and to witness the agreement on the International Energy Charter. And it is very important now that it is signed by many countries.
We have deep appreciation for the work and achievements of the Energy Charter, crucial to help the creation of right conditions on the ground to develop the projects that are needed to meet the growing demand on energy, while contributing to more secure energy systems. The Union for the Mediterranean and the Energy Charter are natural partners and we look forward to strengthening our cooperation and to better explore our complementarities.
- Overview
- Frequently Asked Questions
- European Energy Charter (1991)
- International Energy Charter (2015)
- Review