Energy Charter Conference Decisions
CCDEC200610 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2007
[On the basis of the nominations put forward in CC 325 and Room Document 1, the Energy Charter Conference at its 17th Meeting held on 20 November 2006 approved the designation of the following officers for 2007:] Vice-Chairman of the Conference Ivan Materov (Russian Federation) Chairman of the Investment Group: Michael Caramanis (Greece) Chairman of the Trade &...
CCDEC200609 - Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2007
The Energy Charter Conference at its 17th Meeting held on 20 November 2006 approved the Work Programme for 2007 as included in document CC 324 (Annex).
CCDEC200608 - Secretariat’s Budget for 2007
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 17th Meeting held on 20 November 2006 approved the Secretariat’s Budget for 2007 (Annex 1) and two multiannual commitment authorities, as in Room Document 3:] Prolongation of the multi-annual commitment authority of Euro 100.000 in respect of Budget item 3 ‘Professional and Special Services’, to cover contracts running...
CCDEC200607 - Conclusions of the In-Depth Reports on Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) for the Republic of Turkey and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 17th Meeting held on 20 November 2006 approved conclusions with regard to the reports on the Investment Climate and Market Structure of FYROM and of Turkey, on the basis of the proposals circulated in document CC 319. There was one change introduced to the policy conclusions in relation to the report on the Republic of Turkey;...
CCDEC200606 - Decision on the Draft Energy Charter Protocol on Transit
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 17th Meeting held on 20 November 2006 adopted the following conclusions in relation to the draft Energy Charter Protocol on Transit.] “The Conference invites the European Communities and the Russian Federation to continue bilateral consultations on the draft Energy Charter Protocol on Transit, in parallel with plurilateral...
CCDEC200605 - Reports submitted to the 17th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 20 November 2006
Implementation of the 2004 Review Conclusions [The Conference took note of the report on the implementation of the Conclusions of the 2004 Review of the Energy Charter Treaty, as circulated to the Conference as CC 314. The Conference adopted the following conclusions. - There was no support in the Conference for an additional merger of the Charter’s working...
CCDEC200604 - Designation of the Conference Chairman for 2007
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 17th Meeting held on 20 November 2006 approved the designation of Ambassador Kawamura as Chairman of the Conference for 2007 as proposed in document CC 313.]
CCDEC200603 - Accession of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the Energy Charter Treaty
THE ENERGY CHARTER CONFERENCE CONSIDERING the approval by the Energy Charter Conference on 9 December 2005 of the application by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to become a signatory to the Concluding Document of the Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter; CONSIDERING the signature, on 9 December 2005, by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan of the Concluding...
CCDEC200602 - Recommendations on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Sweden (adoption by written procedure)
[In document CC 311 of 28 July 2006 the delegations were invited to adopt the following conclusion:] “The Conference welcomed the report on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Sweden. The Conference endorsed the recommendations made to the Government of Sweden”. [Delegations unable to approve this proposal were requested to notify the Secretariat of their...
CCDEC200601 - Approval of Afghanistan’s request to become a signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter (adoption by written procedure)
[In document CC 310 of 10 July 2006, delegations were informed about the request from Afghanistan to become a signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter, and were requested to notify the Secretariat by no later than 31 July 2006 if they were unable to approve the following conclusion by written procedure:] “The...