Energy Charter Conference Decisions
CCDEC199823 - Consultations on a Multilateral Transit Framework
The Conference took note of the report of the Transit Working Group and approved the note submitted by the Working Group on issues to be covered in future consultations on a Multilateral Transit Framework [Annex.] The Chairman underlined that the list of issues provided was not exhaustive and could be expanded in the course of consultations as necessary. Several...
CCDEC199822 - Designation of the Conference Vice-Chairpersons and the Chairpersons/Vice-Chairpersons of Subsidiary Bodies for 1999
The Conference approved the re-designation of the two Conference Vice-Chairpersons, Mrs Yelena Teleguina of the Russian Federation and Mr Kazuo Sunaga of Japan, for 1999. Concerning the proposal that four additional Vice-Chairpersons be appointed, the Chairman would conduct further consultations on this proposal and may resubmit it for the Conference′s...
CCDEC199821 - Secretariat′s Budget for 1999
The Conference approved the 1999 Budget and Establishment Table for the Secretariat [attached at Annex] as recommended by the Budget Committee, subject to the reservation made by Japan with regard to an annual contribution exceeding BEF 36.830.000. The Conference approved and welcomed the voluntary contributions pledged to the 1999 Budget by Azerbaijan, Switzerland...
CCDEC199820 - Establishment of the Working Group on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects: Terms of Reference
The Conference decided to establish [Working Group] on Energy Efficiency and Environment as proposed in the 1999 Work Programme, in accordance with the Conference′s Rules of Procedure. The [Chairperson] of the [Group was] invited to report annually to the Conference. Terms of Reference for [the Working Group] were approved [and are attached in Annex].
CCDEC199819 - Establishment of the Working Group on Transit: Terms of Reference
The Conference decided to establish [Working Group on Transit] as proposed in the 1999 Work Programme, in accordance with the Conference′s Rules of Procedure. The [Chairperson] of the [Group was] invited to report annually to the Conference. Terms of Reference for [the Working Group] were approved [and are attached in Annex].
CCDEC199818 - Secretariat′s Work Programme for 1999
Discussion revealed a wide degree of agreement among delegations that the priority areas of work for the Secretariat in 1999 would be Transit, Trade and Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects, with the issue of Investments also remaining an important area of activity. In the cases of Trade and Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects, several...
CCDEC199817 - Procedures for Implementation of the Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects
1. INTRODUCTION 1. The Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and related Environmental Aspects ("the Protocol") entered into force on 16 April 1998. 2. The Energy Charter Treaty (Article 19) requires Contracting Parties to strive to minimise in an economically efficient manner harmful Environmental Impacts from all operations...
CCDEC199816 - Terms and Conditions for the Accession of Mongolia to the Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects
The Conference: - noted that Mongolia subscribed to the Concluding Document of the Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter on 25 April 1997; - noted the letter of Mongolia of 1 July 1997 on its intention to accede to the Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects, included in Annex 2 of...
CCDEC199815 - Review of Standstill and Rollback of Pre-Investment Exceptions
The Conference noted the information provided on this issue by the Secretariat and approved the conclusions recommended by the November 1998 Investment Survey Group [attached as Annex.] Reference was made to the updated version of the Blue Book (Non-Conforming Measures Maintained by a Contracting Party and Any Commitments with Regard to Them), which will be made...
CCDEC199814 - Adjournment of discussion of Staff Regulation and Rules
[The] Conference [accepted] the Chairman′s proposal that discussion of Item 9 on the draft Agenda (Modification of Staff Rules and Regulations, Conference document CC 130) be postponed until the next meeting of the Conference.
CCDEC199813 - Transitional Arrangements
The Conference welcomed progress made by Signatories/Contracting Parties with respect to termination of transitional arrangements, resulting in fewer current exceptions than originally envisaged in the Treaty. The Conference adopted the Conclusion attached at [Annex] requesting inter alia that those Signatories/Contracting Parties to which the review meeting on...
CCDEC199812 - Reports submitted to the 2nd Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 3-4 December 1998
The Conference approved the Budget Committee′s recommendation to discharge the Secretary-General from his management and administrative responsibilities in respect of the 1997 Budget. - Progress on Ratification: The Secretary-General informed the Conference that 38 Charter Signatories had deposited their instruments of ratification/accession to the Treaty with...
CCDEC199811 - Adoption of the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes
The Conference adopted the Rules contained in Annex Rev 2 of Conference document CC 103 rev 2. One delegation stated that whilst it had no objection to the Rules, the issue of the establishment of interim tariffs for up to 12 months required further discussion within the Transit Working Group, with a view in particular to clarifying the methodology of tariff...
CCDEC199810 - Reports submitted to the Adoption Conference Session on 24 June 1998
With respect to progress on ratification the Secretary General informed the Conference that 36 countries have deposited their instruments of ratification of the Energy Charter Treaty. The Ukraine had finalised the national ratification process and would soon deposit their instrument. The Secretary General further reported on an Energy Charter workshop in...
CCDEC199809 - Adjournment of adoption of the Supplementary Treaty
Delegations met in Brussels on 24 June 1998 to consider the adoption of the Supplementary Treaty. The EC presidency on behalf of the member states underlined that the EC continues to support fully the Energy Charter process. However, they were unfortunately not in a position at the meeting to adopt the Supplementary Treaty. (The statement made by the EC presidency...
CCDEC199808 - Designation of the Conference Vice-Chairman
The Conference accepted the resignation of Mr Sano, expressed its gratitude to Mr Sano for his contribution as Vice-Chairman of the Conference and approved the designation of Mr Kazuo Sunaga as Vice-Chairman of the Conference.
CCDEC199807 - Confirmation of Decisions of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference
The Conference agreed that Decisions taken by the Provisional Charter Conference would be applicable after entry into force of the Energy Charter Treaty, including the decision relating to the request for the Governing Body of the ILO to agree to extend the jurisdiction of the ILO Appeal Tribunal to disputes involving the staff of the Secretariat. The Conference...
CCDEC199806 - Reports submitted to the 1st Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 23-24 April 1998
Report on the Budget Committee meeting held on 22 April 1998 and Proposal to discharge the Secretary General, in accordance with Financial Rule 32(4), from his management and administrative responsibilities in respect of 1996 Budget The Conference noted the oral report of the Chairman of the Budget Committee. Following the recommendation of BC, the Conference...
CCDEC199805 - Provisional use of Conciliation Rules for Transit Disputes (pending final approval)
In view of the entry into force of the Treaty on 16 April 1998, the Conference agreed that, pending final approval, the Rules concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes in the Annex to document CC 103 Rev. may be applied in the case of a dispute. The Conference requested the Secretariat to invite a working group in order to deal with any proposal to...
CCDEC199804 - Accesion to the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects of the State which has been admitted to membership of the UN as the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The Energy Charter Conference considering the request of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia of 3 May 1995 to become a party to the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects and its continuing commitment to accede to it; considering the approval by the provisional Energy Charter Conference of 5 June 1996 (CS (96) 153, CC...
CCDEC199803 - Transitional Arrangements
The Conference, considering the Work Programme for 1998 concerning reviews of Annex T and the notifications of Signatories/Contracting Parties eligible for transitional arrangements, welcomed the further progress towards elimination of non-complying measures by Signatories/Contracting Parties. The Conference further discussed the request of Armenia for an additional...
CCDEC199802 - Adjournment of the negotiations on the Supplementary Treaty to the Energy Charter Treaty
With respect to the adoption of the Supplementary Treaty it was decided to adjourn the meeting and reconvene in June (see Message No. 115/98). The Conference agreed: a) that the following Declaration (RD 26rev) would be included in the Final Act of the ST: "The Charter Conference will proceed to a review of the Investor-State dispute settlement provisions for the...
CCDEC199801 - Amendment to the Trade-Related Provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty
The Chairman reminded delegations of the special character of the adoption of the text of the Amendment to the Trade-Related Provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty. It was proposed that the text be adopted under the modalities of an international conference and under the Energy Charter Treaty according to its terms. Delegations′ attention was drawn to the fact...