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Energy Charter Conference Decisions


  • CCDEC201523 - Approval of the Declaration on Promotion of the Environmental Goods Agreement

    By document CC 522, dated 23 October 2015, delegations were invited to adopt the Declaration on Promotion of the Environmental Goods Agreement as agreed by the Trade and Transit Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 11 November 2015.

  • CCDEC201522 - Approval of the Conclusions of the review of implementation of the ECT transit provisions

    By document CC 527, dated 9 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Conclusions of the review of implementation of the ECT transit provisions as agreed by the Trade and Transit Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 29 November 2015.

  • CCDEC201521 - Adoption of the Secretariat's Work Programme for 2016-2017

    By document CC 531, dated 9 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Secretariat’s Programme of Work for 2016-2017. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 29 November 2015.

  • CCDEC201520 - Approval of amendments to the procedural rules of the Conference

    By document CC 525, dated 5 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the amendments to the Procedural Rules of the Energy Charter Conference. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 25 November 2015.

  • CCDEC201519 - Approval of the Conclusions and Recommendations from the PEEREA review process assessment

    By document CC 526, dated 6 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Conclusions and Recommendations from the PEEREA review process assessment as agreed by the PEEREA Working Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 November 2015.

  • CCDEC201518 - Terms of Reference for the Energy Efficiency Group

    By document CC 530, dated 6 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the transformation of the PEEREA Working Group to a Standing Group (the ‘Energy Efficiency Group’), as well as to approve the Terms of Reference of such Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 November 2015.

  • CCDEC201517 - Approval of the the Conclusions and recommendations from the assessment of the ICMS country reviews

    By document CC 529, dated 6 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Conclusions and recommendations from the assessment of the ICMS country reviews as agreed by the Investment Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 November 2015.

  • CCDEC201516 - Approval of the Conclusions of the CONEXO Policy Review

    By document CC 528, dated 6 November 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Conclusions and Recommendations of the CONEXO policy review as recommended by the Strategy Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 November 2015.

  • CCDEC201515 - Approval of review of the Blue Book and directions regarding implementation of Article 10(5) ECT

    By document CC 545, dated 6 November 2015, delegations were invited to adopt the comprehensive review and update of the Blue Book and the directions to the Secretariat for the implementation of Article 10(5) of the Energy Charter Treaty as agreed by the Investment Group. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 November 2015.

  • CCDEC201514 - Approval of discharge of the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of 2014 Budget

    By document CC 524, dated 28 October 2015, delegations were invited to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2014 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules.

  • CCDEC201513 - Approval Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules

    By document CC523 dated 23 October 2015 delegations were invited to approve the amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules as recommended by the Budget Committee. As expressly indicated in such document CC 523, the Budget Committee postponed a decision on the suggested amendment to Rule 8.1.a. (not to allow nationals from Signatories to be appointed to a post approved by the Conference), which will be discussed in 2016.

  • CCDEC201512 - Approval of the Request of El Salvador to become a Signatory to the International Energy Charter

    By CC 521 dated 5 October 2015, delegations were invited to approve the request of the Republic of El Salvador to become a Signatory to the International Energy Charter. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure (CC 53 Corr. 2) concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 4 November 2015.

  • CCDEC201511 - Adoption of the amendments to the Rules of Conciliation

    By document CC 520 dated 22 September 2015, delegations were invited to approve the amendments to the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure (CC 53 Corr. 2) concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 12 October 2015.

  • CCDEC201510 - Adoption of the Recommendations of the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Moldova

    By CC document 518, dated 10 August 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Recommendations of the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Moldova. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure (CC 53 corr. 2) concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing not later than 4 September 2015.

  • CCDEC201509 - Approval of the acceptance of a voluntary contribution from the Slovak Republic

    By CC 519 dated 14 August 2015, delegations were invited to approve the acceptance of the voluntary contribution of Euro 5,000 from the Ministry of Finance of Slovakia, as part of its preparation for the Slovak Republic Presidency in the Council of EU in 2016, to organize an Energy Charter Seminar and Roundtable on investment arbitration under the ECT and its modernisation to be held in Bratislava in Autumn 2015.

  • CCDEC201508 - Approval of the Request of Burundi to become a Signatory to the 1991 Energy Charter

    Acting pursuant to Section VIII of the Final Act of the European Energy Charter Conference, the Energy Charter Conference approves the application of the Government of the Republic of Burundi to subscribe to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invites the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary, to make appropriate arrangements for implementing this decision.

  • CCDEC201507 - Approval Amendment Staff Rule 8.1

    By CC document 516 dated 12 June 2015 delegations were invited to approve an amendment to Staff Rule 8.1.a that would allow the appointment of temporary officials/project staff (positions not included in the establishment table) who are not a national of a Contracting Party or a Signatory of the Energy Charter Treaty. As specified by Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure (CC 53 corr. 2) concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing not later than 2 July 2015.

  • CCDEC201506 - Appointment of the Vice-Chairperson of the WG on Procedural Issues

    By CC document 515, dated 11 May 2015, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Dzmitry Nikolaevich Nikalayenia as Vice-Chair of the Working Group on Procedural Issues.

  • CCDEC201505 - Adoption of the Policy Conclusions and Recommendations of the In-depth Review on ICMS in the Energy Sector of Latvia

    By CC document 514, dated 27 April 2015, delegations were invited to approve the Policy Conclusions and Recommendations of the In-depth Review on Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) in the Energy Sector of Latvia.

  • CCDEC201504 - Confirmation of the new date of the 26th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference

    According to Rule 1 of the Conference’s Rules of Procedure, ordinary meetings of the Conference may be rescheduled by the Chair of the Conference in consultation with the Secretariat if necessary for reasons unforeseen by the Conference.

  • CCDEC201503 - Approval of the Request of Chad to become a Signatory to the 1991 Energy Charter

    By CC 512 dated 23 March 2015, delegations were invited to approve the request of the Republic of Chad to become a Signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter.

  • CCDEC201502 - Approval of the Request of Niger to become a Signatory to the 1991 Energy Charter

    By CC 511 dated 13 March 2015, delegations were invited to approve the request of the Republic of Niger to become a Signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter.

  • CCDEC201501 - Approval by written procedure of the acceptance of a voluntary contribution from the European Commission

    By CC 510 dated 25 February 2015, delegations were invited to approve the acceptance of the voluntary contribution of Euro 200,000 from DG Energy of the European Commission by the Secretary General.