Energy Charter Conference Decisions
CCDEC200510 - Election of the Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005, considering the procedure approved by the Energy Charter Conference in June 2000 and after the consultations between the parties, approved the appointment of Mr André Mernier as Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat.]
CCDEC200509 - Secretariat’s Budget for 2006
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 approved the Secretariat’s Budget for 2006 (Annex 1), including the proposed Establishment Table for 2006 (Annex 2) and two following multi-annual commitment authorities, as contained in document CC 308.] The multi-annual commitment authority of Euro 100.000 in respect of Budget item 3...
CCDEC200508 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2006
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 approved the designation of the following officers for 2006 as proposed in documents CC 307 and CC 307 addendum:] Chairman of the Conference Mr Henning Christophersen (Denmark) Vice-Chairman of the Conference Mr Ivan Materov (Russian Federation) Vice-Chairman of the Conference Mr Manabu...
CCDEC200507 - Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2006
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 approved the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2006, as proposed in document CC 306 (Annex).]
CCDEC200506 - Recommendations on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Georgia
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 welcomed the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Georgia, and endorsed the recommendations made to the Government of Georgia circulated as document CC 305 (Annex).]
CCDEC200505 - Conclusions of the In-Depth Reports on Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) for Uzbekistan
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 approved the conclusions circulated in document CC 302 with regard to the Report on the Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) of Uzbekistan (Annex).]
CCDEC200504 - Decision on the Draft Energy Charter Protocol on Transit
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 adopted the following conclusions on the Draft Energy Charter Protocol:] “Given the importance of the Protocol on Transit for the Energy Charter process, this Conference invites the European Community and the Russian Federation to continue their formal consultations under the Chairmanship...
CCDEC200503 - Application of Pakistan to sign the Energy Charter Political Declaration (Concluding Document of the Hague Conference from 16-17 December 1991)
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 16th Meeting held on 9 December 2005 approved the application of Pakistan to sign the 1991 Energy Charter Declaration, and thereby to become an observer to the Energy Charter Conference. The Conference adopted the conclusion proposed in document CC 297:] “The Conference, acting pursuant to Section VIII of the Final Act of the...
CCDEC200502 - Reports submitted to the 16th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 9 December 2005
The Conference took note of the Financial Statements and the Auditor’s Report for 2004 (as circulated in CC 295) and approved the recommendation of the Budget Committee to discharge the Secretary General from her management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2004 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules. Ratification...
CCDEC200501 - Terms of Reference for the merged Group on Trade and Transit (adoption by written procedure)
In message 578/05 of 21 March 2005, delegations received draft terms of reference for the merged Group on Trade and Transit, with a request for any comments and / or objections to be submitted by 25 April 2005. Since no comments were received, the draft terms of reference are considered as approved. [Attached are the Terms of Reference as contained in Message 581 of...