Energy Charter Conference Decisions
CCDEC199922 - Supplementary Treaty: Procedural Proposal
The Energy Charter Conference at its 4th Meeting held on 7 December 1999 took note of the report by the Chairman and the Secretariat and approved the following procedural proposal by the Chairman: The Chairman of the Investment Group was invited to continue, under the guidance of the Conference Chairman, the consultations with delegations directly involved in the...
CCDEC199921 - Expansion of the Energy Charter Process: Accession Procedures, Accession Reports Preparation Guidelines
The Conference noted the policy for expansion of the Energy Charter process, including the existing options for participation, and the procedures, conditions and criteria for accession to the Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects included in Annexes 1, 2 and 3 (with Attachment) of document CC 146...
CCDEC199920 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairpersons and the Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson of Budget Committee for 2000
Following a proposal from the European Union, the Conference approved the reappointment of Mr Henning Christophersen as Conference Chairman for 2000. The Conference approved the reappointment of Mr Kazuo Sunaga (Japan) as Vice-Chairman of the Conference for 2000. Based on the proposal of the Russian Federation in Message 216/99, the Conference also appointed Mr...
CCDEC199919 - Adoption of the Secretariats Budget for 2000
The Energy Charter Conference at its 4th Meeting held on 7 December 1999, following the Budget Committee’s recommendation, approved the Budget and Establishment Table [attached as Annex] for the year 2000 as contained in Room Document 7. The Conference also approved the following multi-annual commitment authorities: • prolongation of the multi-annual commitment...
CCDEC199918 - Implementation of the Structural Review of the Energy Charter Secretariat: Replacement of the Secretary-General
Having taken note of the Chairman’s presentation on the outcome of the Structural Review, and on the conclusion to which it had led him, the Conference approved unanimously the decision, based on a proposal by the European Union, that the present Secretary General, Mr Peter Schütterle, be replaced by Mrs Ria Kemper of Germany as of 1st January 2000. The Conference...
CCDEC199917 - Modification of Staff Regulations and Rules
The Energy Charter Conference approved the Modified Staff Regulations and Rules of the Energy Charter Secretariat contained in document CC 160/BC 80, as recommended by the Budget Committee.
CCDEC199916 - Concerning the request of Turkey to be listed in Annex ID of the Energy Charter Treaty
the Energy Charter Conference having regard to the Treaty, in particular Articles 34 and 36, considering that the 3rd Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference decided to consider changes to Annex ID of the Energy Charter Treaty on a case-by-case basis, considering the written request of Turkey to be listed in Annex ID to the Energy Charter Treaty, CONFIRMED as a...
CCDEC199915 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of the Slovak Republic
Bearing in mind the need of addressing barriers to attracting and retaining investment in the area of energy efficiency, the following recommendations are provided to the Government of the Slovak Republic: while discussion on the new energy policy includes energy efficiency as a policy, there is a need to ensure that other elements of energy policy (nuclear,...
CCDEC199914 - Mandate for Negotiations on a Multilateral Transit Framework
The Chairman stated that the Transit Working Group, in its meeting on October 5 1999, approved the mandate for negotiating a Transit Protocol under the auspices of the Energy Charter Conference forwarded for decision by today’s Conference. Following the Chairman’s recommendation, the Conference approved the following mandate: The Transit Working Group is...
CCDEC199913 - Rules of Procedure for Panel Proceedings under Article 29 and Annex D
The Conference noted that the trade-related dispute settlement regime of the Treaty has attracted increased interest by industry circles and with representatives of some governments. It furthermore noted that Rules of Procedure for Panel Proceedings under Article 29 and Annex D were required to complement the dispute settlement mechanism contained in Annex D. The...
CCDEC199912 - Progress Report and Recommendations on the development in pre-investment exceptions
CONCLUSIONS [recommended by the November 1999 Investment Group meeting] The Charter Conference, having reviewed the pre-investment exceptions notified in accordance with Article 10(9); taking due note of Articles 10(2) and 10(5) requiring Contracting Parties/Signatories to endeavour to accord the better of national treatment, to endeavour to limit pre-investment...
CCDEC199911 - Report under Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty
The Conference took note of the report contained in document CC 150, and approved the following Conclusions of the Review prescribed by Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty: • the Energy Charter process, based on the ongoing implementation of the Treaty and PEEREA, and on the unique and governing role of the Energy Charter Conference as a forum for...
CCDEC199910 - Adoption of the Energy Charter Secretariats Work Programme for 2000
One delegation underlined that its approval of the Work Programme was given only to the understanding that, in implementing the Work Programme, full account would be taken of the Secretariat’s existing budget constraints. The same delegation registered its view that the activity described under item 4.3.2 of document CC 149 (“Preparation of the Supplementary...
CCDEC199909 - Transitional Arrangements
The Conference was informed about the review of transitional arrangements held on 8 November 1999. The review recommended that Armenia be granted an additional extension of its transitional period regarding Article 6(5) which had been considered necessary for the successful completion of its legislative process in this field. The most important conclusion of the...
CCDEC199908 - Reports submitted to the 4th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 7 December 1999
The Conference approved the Budget Committee’s recommendation to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibilities in respect of the 1998 Budget. Restructuring including privatisation (CC 152) The Conference took note of the Secretariat’s report on this issue. One delegation suggested that it might be appropriate to...
CCDEC199907 - Report of the Working Group on Transit
The Energy Charter Conference at its 3rd Meeting held on 30 June 1999 took note of the Report of the Working Group on Transit, as introduced by the Chairman of the Working Group in Room Document 1. The Conference concluded that the Working Group should continue its work on the Multilateral Transit Framework as a package consisting of a legally binding instrument...
CCDEC199906 - Financial Rules
In accordance with the recommendation of the Budget Committee, the Conference approved the proposal that as of the financial year 2000 the Secretariat’s Budget, the annual contributions, the accounts and the financial statements will be established, kept and presented in Euro.
CCDEC199905 - Adjournment of modification of Staff Regulations and Rules to a future Conference Meeting
The Conference approved the Budget Committee’s recommendation that this item be deferred for further consideration at the next meeting of the Budget Committee on 1st October, with a view to submitting a text for approval to the next Meeting of the Conference.
CCDEC199904 - Reports submitted to the 3rd Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 30 June 1999
Report of the Working Group on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects (CC 141) The Conference took note of the Working Group Chairman’s report, and approved the conclusion that the Group should continue its activities as described in the Report and, in particular, should hold a second meeting in 1999. Delegations were invited by the Conference...
CCDEC199903 - Review under Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty
The Conference approved the Chairman’s proposals on the conduct of the review required in accordance with Article 34 (7) of the Charter Treaty. The Secretariat was accordingly tasked with preparing a comprehensive report on the past and future implementation of the ECT and PEEREA for submission to the 4th Meeting of the Charter Conference in December 1999. The...
CCDEC199902 - Observer Status for the Organisation of Black Sea Economic Cooperation
The delegation of Greece, in its capacity as the current President of the BSEC, introduced the BSEC’s application to be granted observer status at the Energy Charter Conference. The delegations of Armenia, Bulgaria and Georgia underlined their support for this application. The Chairman noted the importance for the Charter process of developing closer ties with...
CCDEC199901 - Procedures for Changes to Annex ID of the Energy Charter Treaty
Following the decisions by the Conference to list Bosnia and Herzegovina (CC 42), the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (CC 82) and Mongolia (CC 132) in Annex ID of the Treaty, the Conference document CC 138 proposed procedures for effecting these decisions. Based on consultations with delegations, the Conference Chairman proposed a modification of the Decision...