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Energy Charter Conference Decisions


  • CCDEC199723 - Chairman′s Conclusions on Negotiations on Supplementary Treaty, Trade Amendment and Energy-Related Equipment

    [Negotiations on the Supplementary Treaty (CC 106) and Negotiations on the Trade Amendment and the Energy-Related Equipment (CC 107) were] covered by the Chairman′s conclusions contained in CC 111 which was circulated on 19 December 1997. It was reported to the Conference that the Russian Federation and the European Communities had agreed on a joint statement on...

  • CCDEC199722 - Reports and Notes considered by the 9th Meeting of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference

    Progress on Ratification (RD 1) and on Accession to the ECT (RD 2) (a) The Conference noted that since the November Conference 3 further Signatories have completed their national ratification procedures thus increasing the number of such Signatories to 32. The Portuguese Delegate informed the Conference that the 12 Member States of the European Union and the EC...

  • CCDEC199721 - Election of the Chairperson of the Legal Advisory Committee for 1998

    Mr Paasivirta (EU Commission) was designated as the Legal Advisory Committee Chairman for 1998.

  • CCDEC199720 - Election of the Chairperson of the Budget Committee for 1998

    Mr Pauletto (Switzerland) was designated as the Budget Committee Chairman for the year 1998.

  • CCDEC199719 - Election of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons of the Energy Charter Conference for 1998

    As regards the 1998 Chairpersonship of the Conference, [the three nominations had been suggested]: first, that Mr Rutten be re-appointed for another term as the Conference Chairman; secondly, that Mr Sano (Japan) be re-appointed as Vice-Chairman and thirdly, that a second Vice-Person be appointed - Mrs Teleguina (Russian Federation) had been proposed for this...

  • CCDEC199718 - Secretariat′s Budget for 1998

    The Conference approved the 1998 Budget and Establishment table as contained in RD 6 and authorised a multi-annual commitment authority of 4 million BEF in respect of Budget Item 3 (Professional and Special Services), and the carry-over of the non-committed part of the appropriation for the Aarhus Energy Efficiency Initiative to a working capital fund in accordance...

  • CCDEC199717 - Secretariat′s Work Programme for 1998

    The Secretary General introduced the Work Programme as a minimum of activities for 1998 and urged the Conference to give the appropriate guidance for the Secretariat′s work. The Conference approved the work program with one amendment, proposed by Japan, concerning Paragraph 2.7 on Energy Efficiency, which is contained in RD 4. Hungary and Switzerland made comments...

  • CCDEC199716 - Process of Negotiations on Additional Protocols

    The texts of [Supplementary Treaty, Draft Trade Amendment and Energy-Related Equipment] will be submitted to the Legal Advisory Committee for scrutiny. The Chairman intends to submit an overall proposal on all the issues in the three areas in the beginning of December. He expressed the hope that substantial agreement on all outstanding issues would be reached at the...

  • CCDEC199715 - Negotiations based on report from WG III: Energy-Related Equipment

    Some non-WTO countries expressed concern with respect to inclusion of multipurpose items and energy consuming equipment not directly related to energy investments. It was underlined that the relative importance of the trade provisions had to be understood: the trade regime in the ECT is by its nature transitional until all parties have become members of the WTO; all...

  • CCDEC199714 - Negotiations based on report from WG II: Trade Amendment

    On the issue of a legally binding tariff standstill the non-WTO member countries expressed concern that the ongoing trade negotiations might limit their room for manoeuvre in the WTO accession process while the WTO member countries stressed that adherence to a tariff standstill in ECT context should be considered as strengthening not weakening their position in the...

  • CCDEC199713 - Negotiations based on report from WG I: Supplementary Treaty

    With respect to the Supplementary Treaty the Conference Chairman noted that there was a wide agreement on most issues involved. Some issues were still open: - Annex PR (RD 4): consultations will continue in order to find common ground on this issue. The Chairman of the Survey session was invited to hold consultations with delegations to seek to clarify the notified...

  • CCDEC199712 - Reports and Notes considered by the 8th Meeting of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference

    Progress in Ratification (Room Document 2): The Conference welcomed that since the 7th Meeting of the Conference further progress has been made: 29 Signatories have completed their national ratification procedures, of which 14 have deposited their instruments of ratification with the Depositary. The representative of the EU informed the Conference that the EU shall...

  • CCDEC199711 - Reduction of the General Reserve Fund

    The Conference noted CC 98; in particular the Secretariat′s agreement with the Canadian government that Canada′s contribution to the 1996 budget be recalculated, and the resulting calculatory deficit of BEF 1.869.820 in 1996 contributions. In accordance with the recommendation of the Budget Committee at its 17th October 1997 meeting, the Conference approved...

  • CCDEC199710 - Amendment of Staff Rules (adoption by written procedure)

    The Conference noted the recommendation by the Budget Committee that the Conference should adopt Staff Rules based on WCO Staff Rules as amended in CC 91, with the incorporation of two further provisions. Rule 9.1. should be amended to read: "As a rule, appointments to category A posts shall be for a period of not more than five years, renewable by further periods...

  • CCDEC199709 - Observer Status for the CIS Electric Power Council

    The Chairman proposed inviting the CIS Electric Power Council to become observer to the Conference, explaining that it is for the Council to decide whether or not to accept the invitation. Several delegations supported the proposal. One delegation did not object but announced that within the CIS Electric Power Council it might not take a positive position. One...

  • CCDEC199708 - Discussion of Key Issues Related to the Supplementary Treaty

    The Conference Chairman stated that he hoped to obtain basic agreement on the text of the Supplementary Treaty by the end of 1997 and he appealed to all delegations to contribute to this effort. With respect to the procedure for all three of the continuing negotiations, after an exchange of views, the Conference Chairman underlined that it was important to respect...

  • CCDEC199707 - Reports and Notes considered by the 7th Meeting of the Provisional Energy Charter Conference

    - National Contributions to the Budget: Update of contributions received (Room Document 1) The Conference noted the statement of contributions as set out in RD 1. The Chairman urged those Signatories with outstanding contributions to pay as promptly as possible. The Italian delegation announced that Italy′s contribution would be paid following completion of its...

  • CCDEC199706 - Headquarters Agreement: Tax Position on Secretariat Officials

    The Conference, as recommended by the Budget Committee, adopted the following decision on the tax position of Secretariat officials: "The Energy Charter Secretariat′s officials′ remuneration is net of Belgian tax. Any Belgian tax claims in relation to that remuneration against officials arising under the agreed administrative procedure will be met by the...

  • CCDEC199705 - Accession of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the Energy Charter Treaty

    [Having taken into consideration necessary documentation including the terms and conditions of accession of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia contained in document CC 82], the Conference: − noted that the State which has been admitted to membership of the United Nations under the General Assembly Resolution 47/225 as the former Yugoslav Republic of...

  • CCDEC199704 - Transitional Arrangements

    The Conference reviewed the progress of those Signatories listed in Annex T regarding provisions of the Treaty for which those Signatories claim temporary suspensions. Based on notifications from Signatories, the Secretariat had prepared a progress report giving a comprehensive overview of the current situation and containing a survey of all...

  • CCDEC199703 - Appointment of the Chairperson of the Budget Committee for 1997

    The Conference designated Mr. Christian Pauletto (Switzerland) as Chairman of the Budget Committee for the remainder of 1997.

  • CCDEC199702 - Appointment of the Vice-Chairman of the Conference for 1997

    The Conference designated Mr. Toshio Sano (Japan) as Vice-Chairman of the Conference for the remainder of 1997.

  • CCDEC199701 - Corrigenda to the Summary Record of the Sixth Meeting of the Charter Conference

    The Conference accepted the following change proposed by Belgium to point 7 b) on social security: "BC Chairman welcomed that Belgium had shown some openness in BC discussions and had confirmed that it was prepared to examine possible ways of taking into account the Secretariat′s needs. The Conference noted these documents and the BC report". The Conference also...