Energy Charter Conference Decisions
CCDEC201012 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2011
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 21st Meeting held on 24th November 2010] approved the designation of the following officers for the year 2011 as proposed in Document CC 405: Conference Chairman: Selim Kuneralp (Turkey) Conference Vice-Chairman: Anatoliy Yanovskiy (Russian Federation) Conference Vice-Chairman: Odd Sverre Haraldsen (Norway) Chairman of the...
CCDEC201011 - Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2011
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 21st Meeting held on 24th November 2010] adopted the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2011, as proposed in document CC 403 (Annex).
CCDEC201010 - Road Map for the Modernisation of the Energy Charter Process
The Energy Charter Conference, Reiterating their commitment to the principles of the Energy Charter of December 1991, Recalling the purpose of the Energy Charter Treaty, which establishes a legal framework in order to promote long-term co-operation in the energy field, based on complementarities and mutual benefits, in accordance with the objectives and principles...
CCDEC201009 - Recommendations on the In-depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes of Mongolia
The summary and the recommendation on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Mongolia, circulated to the Delegations as document CC 401, were presented to the Energy Charter Conference by the Secretariat’s Director for Energy Efficiency and Investment and by the Mongolian Delegation. [The Conference at its 21st Meeting held on 24th November 2010] adopted the...
CCDEC201008 - Energy Charter Public Statement on Supporting the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and Strengthening Transparency in the Energy Sector of the ECT Constituency
The Energy Charter Conference at its 21st Meeting held on 24th November 2010 endorsed the Public Statement on Supporting Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and Strengthening Transparency in the Energy Sector of the ECT Constituency proposed by the Investment Group, as contained in CC 398 [attached at Annex], with the reservation made by the Ukrainian...
CCDEC201007 - Conclusions on Follow up Investment Climate and Market Restructuring Reports on Bulgaria and Bosnia & Herzegovina
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 21st Meeting held on 24th November 2010] adopted the conclusions proposed by the Investment Group with regard to the Investment Climate and Market Structure Reports of Bulgaria and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as contained in document CC 397 (Annex).]
CCDEC201006 - Secretariat’s Budget for 2011
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 21st Meeting held on 24th November 2010 approved the Secretariat’s Budget for 2011 (Annex 1), including the proposed Establishment Table (Annex 2) and two multiannual commitment authorities for budgetary outlook, as presented in document CC 392.] [The multi-annual commitment authorities for 2011:] o Prolongation of the...
CCDEC201005 - Reports submitted to the 21st Energy Charter Conference meeting held on 24 November 2010
The Conference took note of the Financial Statement and the Auditor’s Report of 2009, as circulated in document CC 391, and approved the recommendation of the Budget Committee to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect to the 2009 Budget, in accordance with the Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules. [The...
CCDEC201004 - Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2010
[The Conference approved the conclusion of the 2010 Work Programme early the following year ad referendum (CC 381). Some delegations indicated a desire to see a more explicit focus in the Work Programme on the core business of the Energy Charter and further clarifications in the text on the proposed list of activities A new consolidated draft incorporating...
CCDEC201003 - Terms of Reference for and Membership in the Energy Charter Strategy Group
On 26 February 2010, draft Terms of Reference of and Membership in the Energy Charter Strategy Group were submitted to the Conference as document CC 389 for adoption by written procedure in accordance with Rule 20 of the Rules of Procedure (CC 53 corr. 2). Delegations not in a position to approve the decision were requested to notify the Secretariat of its position...
CCDEC201002 - Amendment of the Terms of Reference of the Group on Trade and Transit
In Message 871 of 26th February 2010, delegations were invited to approve the amendment of the Terms of Reference of the Group on Trade and Transit by written procedure. No comments were received. [Accordingly, the new Terms of Reference were considered as adopted.] [Attached are the amended Terms of Reference for the Group on Trade and Transit as circulated to...
CCDEC201001 - Application by the Syrian Arab Republic for observer status
In document CC 388 of 9 February 2010, delegations were informed that the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic had requested that the Syrian Arab Republic be granted observer status to the Energy Charter process. The Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the following conclusion by written procedure: “The Energy Charter Conference notes the request...