Energy Charter Conference Decisions
CCDEC200315 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2004
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 10 December 2003, based on the proposals contained in document CC 265 and Room Document 1, approved the designation of the following officers for 2004:] Conference Chairman Mr Henning Christophersen (Denmark) Vice-Chairmen of the Conference Mr Kazuyuki Katayama (Japan) Mr Andrei Denisov (Russian...
CCDEC200314 - Conduct of the Review envisaged under Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 10 December 2003] approved the proposed Terms of Reference for the conduct of the Review envisaged under Article 34 (7) of the Treaty as proposed in CC 264, with the addition of a specific reference to the inclusion of resource considerations, including the budget, accounts and functioning of the Energy...
CCDEC200313 - Adoption of the Energy Charter Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2004
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 10 December 2003] approved the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2004 as contained in CC 262, amended by Room Document 4, on the understanding, as confirmed by the Chairman, that the Secretariat would take into account the comments and requests made by delegations during this discussion with regard to the...
CCDEC200312 - Secretariats Budget for 2004
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 17–18 December 2003 approved the Secretariat’s Budget (Annex I) and Establishment Table (Annex II) for 2004 as contained in Room Document 8,] which envisages the usage, on an exceptional basis, of an amount of Euro 87.340 (equal to the salary adjustment for 2004) from the unused appropriations of the 2002...
CCDEC200311 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of the Czech Republic
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 10 December 2003] welcomed the report on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of the Czech Republic, contained in document CC 258, and endorsed the recommendations to the Czech government contained therein [Annex].
CCDEC200310 - Conclusions on Investment Climate and Market Structure Reports on the Russian Federation and the Slovak Republic
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 10 December 2003] approved the conclusions circulated in document CC 256 with regard to the reports reviewed by the Investment Group on Investment Climate and Market Structure issues in the energy sectors of the Russian Federation and the Slovak Republic.
CCDEC200309 - Application of the ASEAN Centre for Energy for Observer Status at the Energy Charter Conference
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 13th Meeting held on 10 December 2003] approved the proposal to grant the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), represented by the ASEAN Centre for Energy, observer status at the Energy Charter Conference and its subsidiary bodies. Following the adoption of this decision, Dr Guillermo R. Balce, Executive Director of...
CCDEC200308 - Reports submitted to the 13th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 10 December 2003
[The Conference took positive note of the first edition of both Model Agreements circulated in document CC 252, and authorized the Secretariat to update both the IGA and HGA Models, in consultation with member-countries, in the light of future developments.] [The Conference took note of the Secretary General’s report on the development of the...
CCDEC200307 - Conclusion of Negotiations on and Adoption of the Energy Charter Protocol on Transit
[At the 13th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 10 December 2003] the Chairman concluded that the remaining work on the finalization of the Transit Protocol should be suspended for the time being. The Chairman issued an appeal to all delegations to contribute to achieving a situation in which it would be possible for the Transit Protocol to be signed...
CCDEC200306 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Denmark
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 12th Meeting held on 26 June 2003] welcomed the report on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Denmark, contained in document CC 245, and endorsed the recommendations to the Danish government contained therein [Annex].
CCDEC200305 - Conclusions on Investment Climate and Market Restructuring Reports on Georgia and Mongolia
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 12th Meeting held on 26 June 2003] approved the conclusions circulated in document CC 241 with regard to the reports reviewed by the Investment Group on Investment Climate and Market Structure issues in the energy sectors of Georgia and Mongolia [Annex].
CCDEC200304 - Best-Practice Guidelines on Energy Market Restructuring, including privatisation
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 12th Meeting held on 26 June 2003] welcomed the final draft of the Best-Practice Guidelines on Energy Market Restructuring, including Privatisation, circulated in document CC 240. The Conference approved a welcoming note to the Guidelines. [The text of the Welcoming note together with Guidelines is attached at Annex.]
CCDEC200303 - Establishment of a subsidiary body of the Energy Charter on Transit Issues, based on initial Mandate of the Transit Working Group
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 12th Meeting held on 26 June 2003] approved the proposal (circulated in document CC 237) to establish a subsidiary body of the Charter Conference on transit issues, based on the initial Mandate of the Transit Working Group, with the understanding that should any new legally-binding instruments relating to transit be proposed...
CCDEC200302 - Reports submitted to the 12th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 26 June 2003
[The Conference took note of the Chairman’s proposal for finalisation of the Transit Protocol (as contained in document CC 249), which supplemented the main text circulated in document CC 235.] Concerning the substance of the text as proposed in CC 235 and CC 249, the Chairman confirmed the following points in particular: Attachment II to document CC 235,...
CCDEC200301 - Application of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for Observer Status at the Energy Charter Conference
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 12th Meeting held on 26 June 2003 approved the application submitted by the Federal Republic of Nigeria to be granted observer status at the Conference and its subsidiary bodies.]