Energy Charter Conference Decisions
CCDEC200714 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2008
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007 approved the list of nominations as proposed in CC 346 and Room Documents 1 and 2:] Conference Chairman: Takekazu Kawamura (Japan) Vice-Chairman of the Conference: Anatoliy Yanovskiy (Russian Federation) Vice-Chairman of the Conference: Aymo Brunetti (Switzerland) Chairman of the...
CCDEC200713 - Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2008
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007] approved the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2008 based on the proposal contained in CC 345 [Annex] and the clarifications made by the Secretariat concerning Ukraine’s proposal on underground gas storage issues [as proposed in Room Document 10].
CCDEC200712 - Secretariat’s Budget for 2008
[The Energy Charter Conference au its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007 approved the Secretariat’s Budget for the year 2008 (Annex I), the Establishment Table (Annex II) and the two following multi-annual commitment authorities as proposed in document CC 344:] Prolongation of the multi-annual commitment authority of Euro 100.000 in respect of Budget item 3...
CCDEC200711 - Bucharest Conclusions on Capacity Building in Energy Efficiency
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007 endorsed the ‘Bucharest Conclusions on Capacity Building in Energy Efficiency’, as proposed in document CC 341 (Annex).]
CCDEC200710 - Recommendations on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007 endorsed the recommendations on the In-Depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policy of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as contained in document CC 340 (Annex).]
CCDEC200709 - Conclusions on the In-Depth Reports on Investment Climate and Market Structure (ICMS) of Belarus, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007 approved the conclusions proposed by the Investment Group with regard to the In-depth Reports on Belarus, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, as contained in document CC 337 (Annex).]
CCDEC200708 - Decision on Next Steps in Relation to the Draft Transit Protocol
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007 adopted the following conclusion in relation to multilateral consultations on the draft Transit Protocol as presented in document CC 335.] “The Conference recalled the importance of transparent, non-discriminatory and operational legal frameworks for energy transit, for the benefit of...
CCDEC200707 - Second Edition of the Model Agreements on Cross-Border Pipelines
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 18th Meeting held on 7 December 2007:] (1) welcomed the work of the Secretariat, with the valuable assistance of the Legal Advisory Task Force, in updating the Energy Charter’s Model Agreements on Crossborder Pipelines, (2) welcomed the Second Edition of the Model Agreements as a set of non-legallybinding guidelines for...
CCDEC200706 - Reports submitted to the 18th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 7 December 2007
[The Conference took note of the Secretary General’s Report on the Relations with Non-Member States as contained in document CC 332.] The Secretary General noted the momentum that had developed in favour of the Energy Charter process in Asia and mentioned the intention of the Philippines government to become an observer to the Energy Charter as was...
CCDEC200705 - Accession of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the Energy Charter Treaty
THE ENERGY CHARTER CONFERENCE CONSIDERING the approval by the Energy Charter Conference of the application by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to become a signatory to the Concluding Document of the Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter; CONSIDERING the signature, on 4 August 2006, by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan of the Concluding Document of...
CCDEC200704 - Approval by the Energy Charter Conference of Jordan’s request to join the Energy Charter Treaty as an observer (adoption by written procedure)
In document CC 330 of 4 October 2007, delegations were informed about the request from Jordan to join the Energy Charter Treaty as an observer, and were requested to notify the Secretariat by no later than 26 October 2007 if they were unable to approve the following conclusion by written procedure: “The Conference, acting pursuant to Part VIII of Annex 1 to the...
CCDEC200703 - Recommendations on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Latvia (adoption by written procedure)
[The Energy Charter Conference was invited to endorse the Recommendations on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Latvia, as contained in document CC 329. Delegations unable to approve this proposal were requested to notify the Secretariat of their opposition in writing by 30 September 2007. Since no objections had been received by this date, the following...
CCDEC200702 - Approval by the Energy Charter Conference of the Philippines’ request to become a signatory to the 1991 Energy Charter Declaration (adoption by written procedure)
In document CC 328 of 9 May 2007, delegations were informed about the request from the Philippines to become a signatory to the Concluding Document of The Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter, and were requested to notify the Secretariat by no later than 31 May 2007 if they were unable to approve the following conclusion by written procedure: “The...
CCDEC200701 - Accession of the Energy Charter Conference to the status of observer to the General Assembly of the United Nations (adoption by written procedure)
[In document CC 327 (REV. 1) of 3 April 2007, delegations were informed about the proposal of the Secretariat to seek observer status to the United Nations General Assembly for and on behalf of the Energy Charter Conference, and were invited to adopt the following conclusion by written procedure:] “The Energy Charter Conference requests the Government of Japan, on...