Energy Charter Conference Decisions
CCDEC201724 - GEN Adoption by correspondence – Revisions to the Staff Rules
After approval by the Budget Committee, by document CC 596 Rev, dated 17 July 2017, the Conference was invited to agree the changes proposed to the Staff Regulations and Rules.
CCDEC201723 - Modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 approved the timeline for the discussion on modernisation during 2018 and the document to be used for the open consultation with Observers and the industry (attached hereto). The Conference also supported the nomination of Ms Sofia Sanz Estébanez as Chair of the Subgroup of Modernisation.
CCDEC201722 - Date and venue of the 29th Meeting of the Conference
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 agreed that the 29th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference would take place on the 27-28 November 2018 in Bucharest (Romania).
CCDEC201721 - Report by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017: 1) took note of the report by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel as contained in document CC 608; 2) requested the Secretariat to follow up the findings and recommendations of the Communication and assist the IAP with its further work; 3) approved the new IAP members in accordance with the attached membership list.
CCDEC201720 - Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 took note of the Report by the Chair of the Implementation Group as contained in document CC 607.
CCDEC201719 - Report by the Chair of the Strategy Group
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 took note of the Report by the Chair of the Strategy Group as contained in document CC 606.
CCDEC201718 - Report by the Secretary General and progress report on CONEXO policy
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 took note of the Secretary General’s Report of the year 2017 and the progress report on the CONEXO policy implementation as contained in document CC 613.
CCDEC201717 - Ashgabat Energy Charter Declaration
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held in Ashgabat on 28-29 November 2017 adopted the Ashgabat Energy Charter Declaration.
CCDEC201716 - Provisional Schedule of meetings for 2018
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 took note of the Provisional schedule of planned and proposed Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2018 as contained in Message 1365 Rev (attached hereto). Meetings are confirmed only after a specific invitation has been sent out.
CCDEC201715 - Designation of the Conference Chair, Vice-Chairs and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 approved the designation of its officers.
CCDEC201714 - Report of the Budget Committee
The Energy Charter Conference at its 28th Meeting held on 28-29 November 2017 took note of the Report of the Budget Committee as contained in document CC 614 (attached hereto) and welcomed the successful relocation to the new premises as well as the fact that the Secretariat had continued working effectively under its new structure successfully implementing the Programme of Work for 2016-2017.
CCDEC201713 - Adoption by correspondence – Programme of Work for 2018-2019
By document CC 610, dated 7 November 2017, the Conference was invited to approve the draft Programme of work for the years 2018-2019.
CCDEC201712 - Adoption by correspondence - Budget for 2018-2019
By document CC 609, dated 7 November 2017, the Conference was invited to approve the draft Budget and Establishment Table for the years 2018-2019.
CCDEC201711 - TTG Adoption by correspondence - Multilateral Framework Agreement on Energy Transit
By document CC 603, dated 3 November 2017, the Conference was invited to approve a draft conference decision related to the Multilateral Framework Agreement on energy Transit.
CCDEC201710 - EEF Approval by correspondence Recommendations of the In depth Energy Efficiency Review of the Kyrgyz Republic
By document CC 604 dated 3 November 2017, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to welcome the report on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of the Kyrgyz Republic and endorse its recommendations.
CCDEC201709 - Adoption by correspondence – Simplification of the accession procedure to the Energy Charter Treaty
By document CC 602, dated 27 October 2017, the Conference was invited to adopt a simplification of the accession procedure to the Energy Charter Treaty.Having received no objections within the specified time limit, on 15 November 2017 the Energy Charter Conference approved the proposed simplification of the accession procedure to the Energy Charter Treaty as attached hereto.
CCDEC201708 - INV Adoption by correspondence - Investment Facilitation Toolbox
By document CC 601, dated 27 October 2017, the Conference was invited to welcome the decision regarding the Investment Facilitation Toolbox. As specified by Rule 19 (b) of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this decision should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 15 November 2017.
CCDEC201707 - INV Adoption by correspondence Energy Investment Risk Assessment EIRA Pilot Report 2017
By document CC 600 of 20 October 2017, the Conference was invited to approve the decision in relation to the 2017 Energy Investment Risk Assessment (EIRA) Pilot Report.
CCDEC201706 - GEN Adoption by correspondence – Code of Conduct and Revisions to the Staff Regulations and Rules
After approval by the Budget Committee, by document CC 599, dated 25 September 2017, the Conference was invited to agree: - the changes proposed to the Staff Regulations and Rules; - the proposed Code of Conduct, which would apply not only to officials of the Secretariat, but also to other people involved with the work of the Secretariat and the Conference (including Chairs and Vice-chairs of the Conference and its subsidiary bodies and working groups when performing such functions).
CCDEC201705 - BUD Adoption by correspondence - Multi-annual commitment authorities & discharge of the SG's responsibilities of 2016 budget
By document CC 597, dated 22 September 2017, delegations were invited to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2016 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules.
CCDEC201704 - Adoption by correspondence – Best practices in regulatory reform
By document CC 598, dated 22 September 2017, the Conference was invited to welcome and endorse the best practices in regulatory reform. As specified by Rule 19 (b) of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this decision should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 11 October 2017.
CCDEC201703 - Approval by correspondence of the acceptance of a voluntary contribution by OFID
By CC 595 dated 26 June 2017, delegations were invited to authorise the acceptance by the Secretary General of a potential voluntary contribution from OFID of USD 145,937.00 in connection to a grant contract for providing technical assistance and capacity building regarding the energy sector in Palestine. The Project coordinator to be hired with part of such voluntary contribution would be expected to work also with the expansion team of the Secretariat in relation to the Middle East.
CCDEC201702 - Approval by correspondence New Chair and ViceChair of the Conference
According to Rule 13.A of the Rules of Procedure of the Conference, the Chairmanship can re-nominate a Chairperson and/or Vice-Chairperson for designation by the Conference without delay. By CC 594 dated 14 April 2017, delegations were invited to approve the designation of Mr. Babayev Maksat Mammetsaparovich as new Chair of the Energy Charter Conference, and Mr. Purchekov Charymyrad Hyvaliyevich as new Vice-Chair of the Energy Charter Conference.
CCDEC201701 - Approval by correspondence of the acceptance of two voluntary contributions by the Secretary General
By CC 593 dated 21 March 2017, delegations were invited to approve the acceptance of the additional amount of the voluntary contribution from the European Commission in connection to the new grant contract between the European Commission and the Energy Charter Secretariat (in the framework of ‘EU action on Energy Policy in Eastern Partnership countries’ project), as well as the financial support from Iran equal to 100,000 US dollars (part of which will be provided in kind and is expected to cover some activities in 2017 and 2018).