Energy Charter Conference Decisions
CCDEC200415 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference’s Subsidiary Bodies for 2005
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004 approved the designation of the following officers for 2005 as proposed in document CC 293 and Room Document 1:] Chairman of the Conference Mr Henning Christophersen (Denmark) Vice-Chairman of the Conference Mr Ivan Materov (Russian Federation) Chairman of the Investment...
CCDEC200414 - Secretariats Work Programme for 2005
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004 approved the Secretariat’s Work Programme for 2005 as contained in CC292, amended by Room Document 4, with the request of the delegation of Kyrgyzstan to include to the Programme the specific countries that will be the subjects of In-depth Energy Efficiency Reviews in 2005.]
CCDEC200413 - Secretariats Budget for 2005
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004 approved the Secretariat’s Budget (Annex I) and Establishment Table for 2005 (Annex II), as contained in document CC 291, and also approved the following multi-annual commitment authorities presented in Room Document 3:] • Prolongation of the multi-annual commitment authority of Euro...
CCDEC200412 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Croatia
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004 welcomed the report on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Croatia, and endorsed the recommendations made to the Government of Croatia circulated as document CC 289 (Annex).]
CCDEC200411 - Conclusions of the Investment Climate and Market Structure Report on Azerbaijan
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004 approved the conclusions circulated in document CC 287 with regard to the report on the Investment Climate and Market Structure of Azerbaijan (Annex).]
CCDEC200410 - Reports submitted to the 15th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 14 December 2004
The Conference took note of the Secretary General’s oral report on ratification of the Treaty and relations with non-signatories.] Regarding the important priority of ratification, the Secretary General informed the Conference that, in view of the tenth anniversary of the signature of the Treaty, the Secretariat had made a particular effort to clarify the...
CCDEC200409 - Composition of the Industry Advisory Panel to the Energy Charter Process
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004] approved the composition of the Industry Advisory Panel (as circulated in Room Document 2, but without any name for the representative from the CIS Power Council), including the representative proposed by Ukraine (in Room Document 7), and the possibility to include a candidate proposed by...
CCDEC200408 - Conclusions of the Review conducted under Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 15th Meeting held on 14 December 2004 approved the conclusions of the Review, conducted under Article 34(7) of the Energy Charter Treaty. The final text of these conclusions, as adopted by the Conference, was attached as Annex I to the document CC 294 (Annex).]
CCDEC200407 - Designation of Officers of the Conferences Budget Committee
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 14th Meeting held on 15 June 2004, based on the proposal contained in document CC 277,] approved the designation of Ms Katrin Forgó as Chairman of the Budget Committee, and of Mr Helge Westborg as Vice-Chairman.
CCDEC200406 - Establishment of an Industry Advisory Panel to the Energy Charter Process
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 14th Meeting held on 15 June 2004 approved the establishment of an Industry Advisory Panel to the Energy Charter process, and the revised Terms of Reference for this Panel as attached at Annex IV to the document CC 278 (Annex).]
CCDEC200405 - Recommendations on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency Review of Moldova
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 14th Meeting held on 15 June 2004 welcomed the report on the In-Depth Energy Efficiency review of the Republic of Moldova (as circulated in Room Document 2) and endorsed the recommendations made to the Government of Moldova (Annex).]
CCDEC200404 - Conclusions on Investment Climate and Market Structure Reports on Armenia and Romania
[The Energy Charter Conference at its 14th Meeting held on 15 June 2004] approved the conclusions circulated in document CC 272 with regard to the reports reviewed by the Investment Group on Investment Climate and Market Structure issues in the energy sectors of Armenia and Romania [Annex].
CCDEC200403 - Reports submitted to the 14th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference held on 15 June 2004
[The Conference took note of the oral report by the Secretary General on Energy Charter Draft Protocol on Transit.] The Conference Chairman welcomed the fact that there was a renewed prospect to move forward, and concluded that the Charter Conference should resume negotiations on the Transit Protocol. In practical terms, the Chairman said that this would mean a...
CCDEC200402 - Designation of the positions of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Charter Conference’s Transit Group (adoption by written procedure)
In CC 268, Delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr Hakki Akil as Chairman of the Charter Conference’s Transit Group, and of Dr Geza Szephalmi as Vice-Chairman. [Given that the period of the ‘silence procedure’ regarding these nominations had expired without notifications from delegations, these appointments were duly confirmed.]
CCDEC200401 - Designation of Officers of Certain Subsidiary Bodies of the Energy Charter Conference for 2004 (adoption by written procedure)
In document CC 267 of 20th January 2004, delegations were requested to notify the Secretariat in writing by no later than 5th February 2004 if they were unable to approve the proposed appointment of the following officers of subsidiary bodies of the Energy Charter Conference: – Dr Pieter Boot (Netherlands) as Chairman of Ad-Hoc Expert Group for the preparation of...