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About EU4Energy Governance

The EU4Energy Initiative covers all support from the European Union (EU) to improve energy supply, security and connectivity, as well as to promote energy efficiency and the use of renewables in the Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. It finances technical assistance projects and programmes that help to reform energy markets and to reduce national energy dependence and consumption. Over the longer term, this makes energy supply more reliable, transparent and affordable, thus reducing energy poverty and energy bills for both citizens and the private sector.


In the context of the EU4Energy Governance project, the Energy Charter Secretariat is cooperating closely with the governments of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus in order to provide technical assistance to improve the rules and regulations governing the countries’ energy sectors. It has worked identify best practices in the EU that could correspond to each country's particular energy goals, needs and situations. Since 2016 areas of work have included improving energy efficiency regulations and enforcement, enhancing the investment climate in countries’ energy sectors and promoting of stakeholder consultations among others.


EU4Energy - Energy Investment Risk Assesment (EIRA)

Within the context of the EU4Energy Initiative and based on the principles of the Energy Investment Risk Assessment (EIRA), the Energy Charter Secretariat has developed the EU4Energy EIRA Monitoring Report 2020 for Armenia and Belarus.

Full Monitoring Report can be dowloaded here.
(Armenian version of Report is on the reverse of brochure)

Full Monitoring Report in English can be dowloaded here.
(Russian version of the Report will be available later)

Brochures (multi-language)

  • Brochure / Armenia
  • Գրքույկ / Հայաստան
  • Brochure / Azerbaijan
  • Broşura / Azərbaycan
  • Brochure / Belarus
  • Брошюра / Русский

EU Neighbours East EU4Energy Photo Albums

EU4Energy: Focus on Armenia EU4Energy: Focus on Azerbaijan EU4Energy: Focus on Belarus

Summary of results for Armenia during the Project implementation

Armenia Country Work Programme for 2019-2020

  • Brochure / Armenia
  • Գրքույկ / Հայաստան

The overall purpose of the second  year (May 2019 - June 2020) country Work Programme is to follow up on the EU4Energy Governance activities carried out during the first two years of implementation, particularly supporting the implementation of specific EU4Energy Governance recommendations in the areas of energy efficiency and investment climate. 

The overall objectives for EU4Energy Governance activities for Armenia are:

  • Provide support to the operationalization of the agreed policy proposals from Component 2 or from other EU4Energy reports/studies;
  • Support to introducing more efficient and effective procedures including cross-ministerial cooperation and public consultation process;
  • Strengthen the technical, institutional and administrative capacity in Ministry of energy and other key ministries and agencies.

These objectives were identified through a comprehensive assessment of the legislative, regulatory and institutional environment of Armenia's energy sector as well as through consultations with national authorities, the EU Delegation to the Republic of Armenia and other stakeholders. 

Click here for a more detailed overview of the Work Programme for the period 2019-2020.

Technical Webinar on Support to Developing a Uniform Energy Performance of Buildings Calculation Methodology

22 April 2020




You can obtain full video record of the webinar by sending the request at 


Best EU practices in building design and construction.
by Dragomir Tzanev, Deputy Executive Director, and Alexander Stankov, Manager, Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect, Bulgaria

Gap analyses report and recommendations. Roadmap concept.
by Stanislav Andreev, Expert, Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect, Bulgaria

Kick-off Meeting on Support to Developing a Uniform Energy Performance of Buildings Calculation Methodology

5 February 2020 | Yerevan, Armenia

EU policies in energy efficiency. Application in Bulgaria. The story of EnEffect.
by Dragomir Tzanev, Deputy Executive Director, Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect, Bulgaria

Building energy performance methodology. Main principles and EU requirements. Gap analyses.
by Stanislav Andreev, Expert, Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect, Bulgaria

Task-force Meeting on Energy Efficiency in Buildings

17 October 2019 | Yerevan, Armenia

UNDP efforts in promoting energy efficiency policies in Armenia: Building Construction Norms, Standards, EE Label, Audit Methodology  by Tigran Sekoyan, Senior Expert on Energy and Energy Efficiency, UNDP Climate Change Programme

nZEB buildings EPCs  by Andrea Baggioli, International Aid/Cooperation Officer, EU Delegation to Armenia

nZEB in Bulgaria  by Stanislav Andreev, Expert, Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect, Bulgaria

Nearly Zero Energy Buildings and Building Eco-labelling. International Best Practices and Insights for Armenia  by Astghine Pasoyan, EU4Energy Expert, Armenia

Communication Workshop for Stakeholders Consultations and Inter-Ministerial Coordination

13 September 2018 | Yerevan, Armenia

Unlocking Energy Efficiency Potential and Energy Investment Risk Assessment

7-8 November 2017 | Yerevan, Armenia

    Press Release: EU4Energy Organized a high-level conference on unlocking energy efficiency potential in Armenia

    EU4Energy High-Level Conference on Energy Efficiency in Armenia | Energy Charter

    EU4Energy Organized a High-Level Conference on Unlocking Energy Efficiency Potential in ArmeniaAravot - Armenian News/

    Հայաստանի գյուղական համայնքներում էներգախնայողության ապահովման համար առանձնակի լուծումների կարիք կա | ArmenPress - Armenian News Agency

    Հայկ Հարությունյան. Մեկ շենքի հաշվով հնարավոր է մինչև 60 տոկոս էներգախնայողություն | 

    Energy efficiency level of apartment buildings can be increased by 60% | 168hours

    Համաժողով նվիրված Հայաստանի էներգախնայողության ներուժի բացահայտմանը | Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of the Republic of Armenia

    Եվրոպան էներգախնայման ոլորտի փորձը փոխանցում է Հայաստանին | banks am

    «Եթե էներգախնայողության մեջ ներդրումներ կատարվեն, կնվազեն վճարումները պետության և բոլոր մարդկանց համար». Ուրբան Ռուսնակ | Aravot

    «Այսօր այդ ոլորտում միլիոնավոր աշխատատեղեր են ստեղծվում. ՀՀ-ին նույն ապագան է սպասվում». Լորենս Մերեդիթ | 168finance

    Էներգախնայողությանն ուղղված վարկերը Հայաստանի բնակչությանը հասանելի դարձնելու խնդիր կա. ԵՄ ծրագրի փորձագետ | ArmenPress - Armenian News Agency

    Էներգախնայողության ոլորտում ԵՄ ծրագրերի շահառու է դարձել 6 հազար տնային տնտեսություն | ArmenPress - Armenian News Agency

    Էներգախնայողությանն ուղղված վարկերը Հայաստանի բնակչությանը հասանելի դարձնելու խնդիր կա. ԵՄ ծրագրի փորձագետ | Lragir Armenia

    Էներգախնայողության ոլորտում ԵՄ ծրագրերի շահառու է դարձել 6 հազար տնային տնտեսություն | Lragir Armenia

    «ԵՄ-ն էներգետիկայի համար» ծրագրի շրջանակներում Երևանում մեկնարկել է միջազգային համաժողով՝ նվիրված Հայաստանի էներգախնայողության ներուժի բացահայտմանը | factor

    Էներգախնայողության ոլորտում ԵՄ ծրագրերի շահառու է դարձել 6 հազար տնային տնտեսություն | B24

    Համաժողով նվիրված Հայաստանի էներգախնայողության ներուժի բացահայտմանը | B24

    Էներգախնայողության ոլորտում ԵՄ ծրագրերի շահառու է դարձել 6 հազար տնային տնտեսություն | Times Armenia

    ‘If you invest in energy efficiency then you will reduce the cost for the state and everybody’ | Aravot - Armenian News

    6000 households are beneficiaries of EU’s energy saving projects | ArmenPress - Armenian News Agency

    Armenia hosts EU4Energy’s high-level conference on energy efficiency | Public Radio of Armenia

    High-level round table on Armenia’s investment climate | Energy Charter

    Stakeholders Consultation on Energy Efficiency in Buildings

    28 September 2018 | Yerevan, Armenia

    Armenian Building Energy Efficiency Enforcement Evaluation and Comparison with Best Practice in EU Member States (English | Русский)

    Comparing with European Best Practice in Building Code Implementation (English | Русский)

    Legislation in the Sphere of Energy Efficiency in Buildings: identified gaps, preliminary directions for the introduction of minimum energy indicators (Русский)

    Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources: Trends in Energy Efficiency Policies in Buildings (Русский)

    Energy Charter: EU4Energy - Energy Policy in Eastern Partnership Countries and Central Asia (Русский

    State Committee on Urban Development: Current Legislation and Regulation on Energy Savings and Energy Efficiency in the Construction of Buildings and Expected Developments (Русский)

    Summary of results for Azerbaijan during the Project implementation

    Azerbaijan Country Work Programme for 2019-2020

    • Brochure / Azerbaijan
    • Broşura / Azərbaycan

    The overall purpose of the second year (May 2019 - June 2020) country Work Programme is to follow-up on the EU4Energy Governance activities carried out during the first two years of implementation, as well as to respond to additional requests for support from the Partner Country. Activities included into the Work Programme take into account recommendations from earlier EU4Energy Governance activities and reports, which are necessary for achieving the objectives of the EU4Energy actions. 

    The overall objectives for EU4Energy Governance activities in the third year are:

    • Provide support to the operationalization of the agreed policy proposals from Component 2 or from other EU4Energy reports/studies;
    • Support to introducing more efficient and effective procedures including cross-ministerial cooperation and public consultation process;
    • Strengthen the technical, institutional and administrative capacity in Ministry of energy and other key ministries and agencies.

    These objectives were identified following a comprehensive assessment of the legislative, regulatory and institutional environment in the energy sector of the Republic of Azerbaijan as well as consultations with national authorities, the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan and other stakeholders. 

    Click here for a more detailed overview of the Work Programme for the period 2019-2020.

    2nd Meeting of the Interministerial Working Group on Development of the First National Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Azerbaijan

    29 January 2020 | Baku, Azerbaijan

    National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Sectoral Actions
    by Bilyana Chobanova, EU4Energy Project Manager, and Oleksandr Antonenko, Energy Efficiency Expert, Energy Charter Secretariat


    National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Indicative National Energy Efficiency Target
    by Oleksandr Antonenko, Energy Efficiency Expert, Energy Charter Secretariat

    1st Meeting of the Interministerial Working Group on Development of the First National Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Azerbaijan

    19 September 2019 | Baku, Azerbaijan

    Development of the 1st National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) of the Republic of Azerbaijan  by Bilyana Chobanova, EU4Energy Project Manager

    Experience on the Implementation of the National Plan for Energy Efficiency Activities in Ukraine by Roman Podolets, Institute for Economics and Forecasting, Ukrainian National Academy of Science 

    National Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Bulgaria by Nikola Tsankov, Sustainable Energy Development Agency of Bulgaria

    Experience on 1st NEEAP Development and Implementation by Korkmaz Gül, Ministry of Energy of Turkey

    Kick-off Meeting: Support for the Development of the First National Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Azerbaijan

    14 May 2019 | Baku, Azerbaijan

    Second Meeting of the Inter-ministerial Working Group on the Long-term Energy Strategy Development

    13 December 2018 | Baku, Azerbaijan

    Roadmap for the preparation of Azerbaijan Energy Strategy  by Ilka Lewington, EU4Energy Expert

    Concept of the Long-term Energy Strategy of Azerbaijan by Rauf Qurbanov, Ministry of Energy 

    Global climate change, role of Azerbaijan at the international level, policy and activities by Jamilla Mammadova, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources

    Plan for the long-term perspective development of the oil and gas sector of Azerbaijan by Tabriz Ammayev, SOCAR

    Review of the renewable energy development in Azerbaijan by Jabir Yusifov, State Agency for Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources

    Development of Long-term Energy Strategy

    26 September 2018 | Baku, Azerbaijan

    Communication Workshop for Stakeholders Consultation

    25 September 2018 | Baku, Azerbaijan

    Findings from Stakeholders Communication Gap Analysis by Waltraud Gehrig, EU4Energy Communications Expert (Russian)

    First Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Working Group on Energy Strategy

    5 July 2018 | Baku, Azerbaijan

    High-level Roundtable on Energy Efficiency Legislation

    15 March 2018 | Baku, Azerbaijan

    Energy Efficiency Policies Capacity-Building and Energy Efficiency Legislation Development

    24-25 October 2017 | Baku, Azerbaijan

    Energy Charter Secretariat: "Overview of International Experiences in Energy Efficiency Governance Structure" (English | Русский)

    State Agency on Energy Efficiency of Ukraine: "Ukrainian Experience in Setting up an Energy Efficiency Governance Structure" (English | Русский)

    State Agency on Energy Efficiency of Ukraine: "Setting a Target - Lessons Learned from the Development and Implementation of the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP)" (English | Русский)

    Energy Efficiency in Electricity Generation, Distribution and Transmission and Price Regulation
    Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency: "Promotion of Efficiency in Heating and Cooling - Examples from EU Member States" (English)

    Energy Charter Secretariat: "Example of Setting up an Energy Audit Scheme in Ukraine" (Русский)

    Energy Charter Secretariat: "Example of Promotion of Energy Management System and Adoption of ISO Energy Management Standards in Ukraine" (Русский)

    Energy Charter Secretariat: "Energy Requirements for Purchasing by Public Bodies - Example from EU Member States" (Русский)

    State Agency on Energy Efficiency of Ukraine: "Energy Performance Contracting / Energy Services" (Русский)

    "Setting up and Running an Energy Efficiency Fund - Lessons Learned from Moldova"

    United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE): "Survey Results on Overcoming Barriers to Investments in Energy Efficiency in the UNECE Region, including Azerbaijan" (Русский)

    United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE): "Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) for Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia" (English | Русский)

    First Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Working Group on the Law on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency

    4 May 2017 | Baku, Azerbaijan

    Elaboration of the Draft Law on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency for Azerbaijan (Русский)

    Summary of results for Belarus during the Project implementation

    Belarus Country Work Programme for 2019-2020

    • Brochure / Belarus
    • Брошюра / Русский

    During the third year (May 2019 - June 2020) country Work Programme will further support the Government of Belarus in pursuing electricity and natural gas sector reforms in line with EU best practices. Furthermore the project with follow up on EU4Energy Governance activities carried out during the first two years of implementation, namely supporting the implementation of specific EU4Energy Governance recommendations in the areas of investment climate and renewable energy integration. 

    The overall objectives for the EU4Energy Governance activities for Belarus are:

    • Provide support to the operationalization of the agreed policy proposals from Component 2 or from other EU4Energy reports/studies;
    • Support to introducing more efficient and effective procedures including cross-ministerial cooperation and public consultation process;
    • Strengthen the technical, institutional and administrative capacity in Ministry of energy and other key ministries and agencies.

    These objectives were identified following a comprehensive assessment of the legislative, regulatory and institutional environment in the energy sector of the Republic of Belarus as well as consultations with national authorities, the EU Delegation to Belarus and other stakeholders.

    Click here for a more detailed overview of the Work Programme for the period 2019-2020.

    Kick-off Meeting on Natural Gas Market of the Republic of Belarus

    30 January 2020 | Minsk, Belarus

    Fact-finding mission: EIRA Monitoring Report 2020 for Belarus

    28-29 January 2020 | Minsk, Belarus

    Round-table with representatives of Government 



    Stakeholders Round-table


    Capacity-building Seminar on Electricity Grid Code Connection Rules for Renewable Energy Generators

    19 November 2019 | Minsk, Belarus

    Kick-off Meetings on Recommendations to the Grid Connection Rules for Renewable Energy


    18-20 June 2019 | Minsk, Belarus

    Capacity-building Workshop «Specifics and Possibilities for Implementation of Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) and Incentives for Actitvities of Energy Services Companies (ESCO) in the Republic of Belarus»

    2nd Meeting of the Interministerial Working Group on "Support to Development of Legislative and Regulatory Basis for Providing Energy Efficiency Services in the Republic of Belarus"


    30-31 January 2019 | Minsk, Belarus

    Presentation of examples - Armenia by Tamara Babayan, Project Manager, EU4ASEP, ESF Armenia

    Presentation of examples - Czech Republic by Jaroslav Maroušek, Energy Expert, SEVEn Energy s.r.o.

    Presentation of examples - Moldova by Nicolae Zaharia, EU4Energy Expert

    Presentation of examples - Ukraine by Ihor Horovykh, Deputy Head of Strategic Development Department, State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings of Ukraine

    Presentation of examples - IEC by Alexey Filinovich, Director, Inter-regional Energy Company - IEC

    Suport to the Development of an Energy Services Market

    20 November 2018 | Minsk, Belarus

    Stakeholders Consultation Workshop

    10 October 2018 | Minsk, Belarus

    Electricity Market Capacity Building

    28 February - 1 March 2018 | Minsk, Belarus

    Energy Investment Risk Assessment (EIRA) and Final Meeting of the Task-Force for Scaling up Investments in Energy Efficiency

    14 December 2017 | Minsk, Belarus

    Draft Roadmaps for Scaling up Investments in Energy Efficiency (Русский)

    Увеличение инвестиций в энергоэффективность: 3-е заседание Целевой группы экспертов (Русский)

    Оценка рисков инвестиций в энергетику (EIRA): расширенный риск-профиль Беларуси (Русский)

    Инвестиции в энергетику и энергоэффективность в Беларуси: Вопросы привлечения частного капитала (Русский)


    Second Meeting of the Task-Force for Scaling up Investments in Energy Efficiency

    5 October 2017 | Minsk Belarus 

    Overview and analysis of priority drivers, main barriers and proposed solutions for scaling up energy efficiency and renewable energy investments in electricity sector (Русский)

    Effects of Electricity Market Reform on Energy Efficiency (Русский

    International Finance Corporation: Model Investment/Power Purchase Agreements for Renewables – the International Practice (Русский

    EU Best Practices in Licensing in the Energy Sector (English | Русский)

    Ministry of Energy: Improvement of the management structure in the electricity sector in Belarus – objectives and main principles (Русский)

    Austrian Energy Agency: Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) (English | Русский)

    Austrian Energy Agency: Policies to Promote Industrial Energy Management Systems in the EU (English | Русский)

    Klimaaktiv: Programme for Energy Efficiency Companies (English | Русский)

    Review and Analysis of Priority Drivers, Main Barriers and Proposed Solutions to Improve Investments in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Electricity, Industry and SMEs (Русский)

    Department for Energy Efficiency: ESCO experience in Belarus – overview (Русский)


    First Meeting of the Task-Force for Scaling up Investments in Energy Efficiency

    1 June 2017 | Minsk, Belarus

    Belarus Ministry of Energy: State and Prospects for the Development of Electricity Sector in Belarus I (Русский)

    Belarus Ministry of Energy: State and Prospects for the Development of the Electricity Sector in Belarus II (Русский)

    Belarus Ministry of Energy: Concept of the Draft Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Electricity" (Русский)

    Belarus Sustainable Energy Finance Facility: EBRD Programme for Financing Sustainable Energy in Belarus (Русский)

    Energy Efficiency Department of the State Committee for Standardization: Attracting Investments in Energy Efficiency in the Republic of Belarus (Русский)

    International Finance Corporation (English)

    Energy Charter Secretariat: First Meeting of the Task-Force for Scaling up Investments in Energy Efficiency (Русский)


    Partner Organisations

    The EU4Energy Initiative, funded by the European Union, comprises several international organisations working closely with partner countries. The International Energy Agency (IEA) is responsible first for working with statistics agencies in the region to improve their energy statistics and data management as well as to expand their use in decision- and policy-making, particularly on the demand side; second, for shaping regional discussions and "policy pathways" in the security, sustainability and market realms across neighbouring partner countries; and third, for creating a go-to web-portal hosting publicly accessible statistics and additional comprehensive sources of information on energy infrastructure, policy developments and investment projects in each focus country.

    The EU4Energy Governance project, part of the EU4Energy Initiative, works with the six Eastern Partnership countries to strengthen their legislative and regulatory frameworks, to draft policy recommendations, and to help identify investment opportunities in key strategic energy infrastructure projects. While the Energy Community Secretariat delivers technical assistance to GeorgiaMoldova and Ukraine, the Energy Charter Secretariat works on technical cooperation with ArmeniaAzerbaijan and Belarus. The Energy Charter Secretariat is currently implementing the second year Working Programme with the three partner countries

    In parallel, the Energy Charter Secretariat and the Energy Community Secretariat are responsible for providing technical assistance in elaborating and enhancing the legislative and regulatory environment in participating countries' energy sectors in line with their EU obligations and/or with best EU practice. The EU Neighbours East Info Centre promotes the positive impact of EU-funded actions in the energy sector in the 11 partner countries through public awareness raising campaigns and actions publishing news, stories, and audio-visual material highlighting the results of EU-funded energy projects and programmes. 

    Project Management Team

    Ms Bilyana ChobanovaMs Anna Nosichenko

    Energy Charter Secretariat

    EU4Energy Project Management Unit 

    Project Manager

    Energy Charter Secretariat

    EU4Energy Project Management Unit 

    EU4Energy Financial Controller

    Tel.: +32 2 775 98 53Tel.: +32 2 775 98 21
    E-mail: Bilyana.Chobanova@encharter.orgE-mail:

    To top


    • Autumn 2019 (English)
    • Autumn 2019 (Russian)
    • Autumn 2018 (English)
    • Autumn 2018 (Russian)
    • Spring 2018 (English)
    • Spring 2018 (Russian)
    • Autumn 2017 (English)
    • Autumn 2017 (Russian)
    • Summer 2017 Pilot (English)
    • Summer 2017 Pilot (Russian)
    • EU4Energy article appeared in Belarus Energy and Management magazine

    Social Media