On 10-13 June 2014 the Knowledge Centre held a training programme for young energy professionals. The programme topic was "Investment Protection Strategies for Enhanced Energy Security in a Rapidly Changing World".
Building up on the success of the training programmes held at the Energy Charter Secretariat in 2013 and early 2014, this training will explore the inter-related topics of investment protection strategies, sustainability and energy security in a rapidly changing world. With a special focus on Kazakhstan and Central Asia, this event takes place within the framework of cooperation between the Energy Charter Secretariat and KAZENERGY.
The programme aims to explore approaches towards energy security on the one hand, and sustainability & efficiency on the other, in relation to Kazakhstan and the wider-Central Asian region. Consideration of appropriate long term energy policy objectives for Kazakhstan will also be taken into account as a backdrop to the discussions on energy security and sustainability. Further, investment protection strategies and scope for Kazakh energy investments in third countries will likewise feature prominently during this training programme.