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Addressing Energy Challenges at Regional and Global Levels by Applying Common Rules and Good Governance Practices

14-16 May 2014 - Energy Charter Secretariat, 56 Boulevard de la Woluwe, 1200 Brussels, Belgium


On 14-16 May 2014, the Energy Charter Secretariat Knowledge Centre held the third edition in its series of Executive Training Programmes for Young Energy Professionals.

Following on from the successful training sessions held at the Energy Charter Secretariat in May and October 2013, the May 2014 training focused on the interplay of energy governance at the regional and global levels by focusing on the application of common rules and good governance practices.

The Training revolved around two core components:

  • Five 'Knowledge Streams' dedicated to energy security and sustainability at both the global and regional levels. Central Europe's Visegrad region and the Gulf, as consumer and producer areas respectively, were taken as comparative focal points.
  • An interactive simulation exercise, where participants had the opportunity to negotiate on their own an international energy treaty, modelling a real-life situation in order to realise contractual arrangements between suppliers and consumers of energy.

In addition, for the first time, the participants had a unique hands-on opportunity to see the practical aspects of gas trade and transit during a scheduled visit to the LNG terminal in Zeebrugge, on the coast of the North Sea.

This three-day long training brought together energy professionals and expert speakers from the energy industry, government, international organisations, academia and other spheres in order to share knowledge and exchange experience in tackling the most salient energy challenges we face today.

This edition of the training programme was organised in cooperation with the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy AssociationDepartment of International Relations and European Studies of the Faculty of Social Studies at Masaryk UniversityHungarian Institute of International Affairs and Centre for Eastern Studies with the financial support of the International Visegrad Fund.


Information session on the Energy Charter and its activities

Dr. Marat Terterov, Training Programme Coordinator and Research Fellow, Energy Charter Secretariat Knowledge Centre, Brussels

Mr. Steivan Defilla, Director, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels

Mr. Florian Encke, Senior Expert, Transit, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels

Mr. Patrice Dreiski, Senior Expert for Expansion and Outreach, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels

Ms. Gabriela Prata Dias, Senior Expert Energy Efficiency, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels

Dr. Rafael Leal-Arcas, Reader in Law, Queen Mary University of London

Knowledge Stream I
The challenge of achieving energy security and sustainability in a rapidly changing global energy landscape

Mr. Michael Hager, Head of Cabinet of the European Commissioner for Energy, Brussels

Dr. Magdy Rady, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for International Economic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, Cairo

Mr. Anders Marvik, Vice-President, Head of EU Political Affairs Office in Brussels, Statoil

Mr. Sergei Komlev, Head of Directorate of Contract Structuring and Price Formation, Gazprom Export, St Petersbourg

Mr. Mehmet Ögütcü, Energy Charter Special Envoy for the Middle East and North Africa

Knowledge Stream II
The Visegrad region: regional governance and energy security

Amb. Anita Orbán, Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Budapest

Dr. Andrei Belyi, Associate Professor at the Institute of Government and Politics, University of Tartu, Estonia

Mr. Christian Cleutinx, Global Energy Associate, Brussels Energy Club, former-Director General, EURATOM

Knowledge Stream III
The Gulf: regional governance and energy security

Mr. Rudy Van Beurden, Fluxys Public Relations Department

Mr. Bill Farren-Price, Principal Director, Petroleum Policy Intelligence, London

Dr. Albert Bininachvili, Adjunct Professor of Political Science, Columbia University, New York

Knowledge Stream IV
Reflecting on consumers, producers and energy governance at the regional v. global levels

Mr. Ahmed Mousa Jiyad, Development Consultancy and Research, Oslo

Ms. Gabriela Prata Dias, Senior Expert Energy Efficiency, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels

Knowledge Stream V
Tackling market failure and security energy: what can the Energy Charter do?

Dr. Rafael Leal-Arcas, Reader in Law, Queen Mary University of London

Dr. Matteo Barra, Expert for Investment, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels

Mr. Murat Çolakoğlu, Partner, Energy, Utilities and Mining Industry Leader, PwC Turkey

Ms. Gabriela Prata Dias, Senior Expert Energy Efficiency, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels