On May 12 2017, the Energy Charter Secretariat (ECS) hosted the International Energy Charter Forum in Brussels. The event was jointly organized with Florence School of Regulation (FSR), Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC), International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), and Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). Over 100 participants were in attendance, representing the industry, governments, legal circles, and academics. Most of them joined the local diplomatic community evening before, 11 May, for a reception to inaugurate the new premises of the International Energy Charter.
The forum aimed to deliver cutting-edge thinking and debate on policy, legal and regulatory aspects concerning the undergoing transition towards a sustainable energy model. From different and complementary angles, the five institutions co-organising the forum participate in the promotion and protection of energy investment and in the analysis and policy dialogue on energy markets.
The event included, Opening remarks, a keynote speech, the signing of the International Energy Charter by the Republic of Mali, and 4 panel discussions: