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Ria Kemper

Dr. Ria Kemper

Dr. Ria Kemper held the position of the Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat from 2000 until 2005.

Dr. Kemper is trained as a lawyer and also holds a PhD. in International Law from Bonn University. 

She started her professional career at the German Federal Ministry of Economics having dealt with the external trade and energy issues. She also worked on several assignments abroad, such as short-term stays with GATT in Geneva, the World Bank in Washington, DC as well as with the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris. Ria Kemper also worked as a First Secretary at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in New Delhi, India. She also held the position of the President of the Federal Office of Economics, an agency under the supervision of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.

Click here to download Dr. Kemper's full CV

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