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André Mernier

Amb. André Mernier

Amb. André Mernier held the position of the Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat from 2006 until 2011.

André Mernier was educated in Greek and Latin including a heavy concentration on special mathematics.  He attended the Belgian Military Academy from which he received a commission in 1967. He completed a Masters degree in Law at the University of Louvain in 1973.

In his professional career, Amb. Mernier worked for the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brussels as well as on diplomatic postings abroad as an Ambassador in Moscow, Geneva, Seoul. 

Of French mother tongue, Amb. Mernier was also fluent in English, Russian, Dutch and German.

In addition to various professional and confidential articles, André published brochures on the history of diplomatic relations between Russia and Belgium and between Belgium and South Korea.

When relaxing and taking time out, he enjoyed reading and sports, including running, swimming and riding.

Click here to download Amb. Mernier's full CV

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