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26th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference

Jointly organised by the Ministry of Energy of Georgia and the Energy Charter Secretariat

3-4 December 2015, Tbilisi, Georgia

The Energy Charter Conference held its 26th Meeting on 3-4 December 2015 in Tbilisi under the Chairmanship of Georgia and the kind invitation of the Chairman of the Energy Charter Conference, Mr. Kakha Kaladze, the Vice Prime Minister and the Minister of Energy of Georgia.

The Meeting was held in two Sessions over one and half days. The half day Statutory Session, open only to delegates of the Energy Charter, took place on Thursday 3 December and the full day Ministerial Session, open also to international organisations and the business sector, was held on Friday 4 December 2015.

The theme of the Ministerial Session was "Fostering regional cooperation through cross border energy trade". In the first part of the Ministerial Session ministers and heads of delegation of Members and Observers of the Energy Charter Conference addressed this theme. The second part of the Ministerial Session allowed for CEOs of energy industry enterprises to present their views.