The Slovak Republic has achieved substantial progress over the last years in the introduction of medium to long-term energy and energy efficiency strategies, in developing specific legislation for energy efficiency, and adopting a concrete action plan, supported by the general move in the country towards EU accession and the interaction with other European Union Members. On an aggregate level, progress in energy efficiency was quite significant throughout 2000-2007. While the economy grew by about 50% over this period, final energy consumption increased by only 3%, and primary energy consumption by only 2%. The improvement in energy intensity was considerably larger than for the EU-27.
Generally, the integration of energy efficiency in economic, environmental and social policies is ongoing, for example, energy efficiency is promoted in industrial innovation funds; but continued efforts are required. While the Slovak Republic's energy efficiency strategies have been driven to a large degree by the EU, a greater focus on domestic implementation is now needed, including dedicated resources in relevant ministries and agencies, a more comprehensive system of evaluation and monitoring, and an increase in the private sector's energy efficiency capacity. Transport will also require more attention as this sector is growing quickly.
This second in-depth review was initiated by the Slovak Ministry of Economy and was carried out by experts from Norway, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Germany with support by staff from the Energy Charter Secretariat. In 1999, Slovakia was the first country to undertake an in-depth review under the Energy Charter's Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects (PEEREA).
The findings and final recommendations of the current review were fully endorsed by the Energy Charter Conference at its meeting at the end of 2008.
The In-Depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes of the Slovak Republic is available in English and Russian.