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Regular Review of Energy Efficiency Policies of the Slovak Republic (2006)

Published in 2006


The energy intensity of Slovakia's economy is still 1.9 times higher than the European Union average, due to a the prominent role of industry in GDP, but this difference is gradually decreasing due to structural changes and increases in energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency priorities are a part of overall energy policy, and were approved by the Government in January 2006. The objective of the energy policy is to ensure reliable supply and efficient use of energy, and to maximise savings on the demand side.

The importance of energy efficiency in Slovakia is increasing alongside rising energy prices. Energy efficiency measures are not included in a single legislative act, but are included in a number of pieces of legislation on energy, including energy performance standards for buildings etc.

In line with the Energy Policy, an Energy Efficiency Strategy is being developed under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy; this is aimed at:

  • increasing the priority attached to energy efficiency in the country;
  • raising financial and human resources allocated to this area;
  • raising the qualification of employees involved in the implementation of energy efficiency programmes;
  • access to best international practice;
  • creation of a legal framework facilitating efforts in the field of energy efficiency.

The Regular Review of Energy Efficiency Policies of the Slovak Republic is available in English and Russian.