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Financing of the Energy Charter Secretariat

In accordance with Article 37(3) and Annex B of the Energy Charter Treaty, the Energy Charter Secretariat is financed through contributions from the Contracting Parties to the Energy Charter Conference.  These contributions are determined by reference to the United Nations Regular Budget Scale of Assessment prorated to take into account the number of Contracting Parties to the Energy Charter Conference.

Calculation of National Contributions

The formula to calculate the Scale of Assessment applicable to the Budget of the Energy Charter Secretariat is:


ECSn is the Energy Charter Secretariat rate applicable to country n

UNn is the United Nations rate applicable to country n

is the sum of the United Nations rates of the Contracting Parties to the Energy Charter Treaty

y is the number of countries reaching the maximum Energy Charter Secretariat's rate of 22% (as defined under United Nations Regulations)

is the sum of the United Nations rates of the Contracting Parties to the Energy Charter Treaty having reached the maximum level of 22% (in 2015, no country has reached the maximum level of 22%)

Once the rate per country is calculated, the contributions of that country is the product of the total budget multiplied by the Energy Charter rate applicable to that country:

BCn = TotalBudget x ECSn


BCn is the Budget Contribution of country n

ECSn is the Energy Charter Secretariat rate applicable to country n

TotalBudget is the Budget as approved by the Energy Charter Conference