The Steering Committee is the policy-making body and provide policy directives for the Beijing Research Centre. The members of the Steering Committee are nominated by Founding Parties and Major Donors. The Steering Committee is the main organ of the Research Centre, and determines general policies of the Centre and the annual work programme. All decisions of the Steering Committee are agreed upon on the basis of consensus and common accord.
For 2017-2018, the Steering Committee members are :
- Dr Gökçe Mete representing Energy Charter Secretariat, Founding Member
- Mr Dong Shibo representing China Electricity Council, Founding Member
- Mr Wojciech Pisarski representing the government of Poland, Major Donor
The first meeting of the Steering Committee was held on 27 September 2017 during which the Steering Committee considered Poland as “Major Donor”; the Head of the Centre was appointed; the general policies governing the activities of the Research Centre were decided and the annual work programme of the Research Centre for 2017-2018 was agreed.