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Towards Secure and Sustainable Energy Supply in Central Asia: Electricity Market Reform and Investment Protection

Published in 2015


The report "Towards Secure and Sustainable Energy Supply in Central Asia: Electricity Market Reform and Investment Protection" was prepared by Mr. Anatole Boute as a fellow at the Energy Charter Secretariat's Knowledge Centre in accordance with the activity B2 of the Work Programme for 2014.

The report focuses on the modernisation of the electricity infrastructure in Central Asia, in particular energy efficiency improvements and clean energy development. This study looks at regional energy cooperation and the export of electricity to neighbouring countries as a way to facilitate investments in the modernisation of electricity supply and to improve energy efficiency in the region. Besides the modernisation of the electricity production and regional cooperation issues in Central Asia, the analysis includes energy end-use efficiency and demand side management, with a particular focus on electric heating and electricity supply for irrigation purposes.

The study aims to assess the role that the Energy Charter Treaty can play in stimulating clean and energy efficient investments in the energy sector. In this context, it is essential to examine the extent to which the ECT and other investment protection instruments can protect foreign investors against changes to the financial and regulatory conditions governing their investments in the modernisation of the electricity sector of Central Asian countries.

The publication "Towards Secure and Sustainable Energy Supply in Central Asia: Electricity Market Reform and Investment Protection" is available in English and Russian.


The contents of this work are the author's sole responsibility. They do not necessarily represent the views of the Energy Charter Secretariat or any members of the Energy Charter Treaty.