The investment climate and market structure (ICMS) reports are based on the Energy Charter Treaty whereby the member states are required to inform the other member states about their energy market structure and the relevant legislation as well as implementation. Undertaken on a peer review basis, these reviews help implementation of the Energy Charter Process and serve the purpose of dialogue and cooperation among the member states.
This ICMS report on Georgia aims to inform all relevant parties in the Charter process about the current situation regarding the energy market structure and the climate for foreign investment. The report was prepared by the Georgian authorities with help of the Energy Charter Secretariat and in this respect is a product of close cooperation and intensive efforts. It covers the basics of market structure in energy sector and entails an in-depth analysis of legislative framework as well as the implementation currently observed in Georgia. Following the presentation of the report in the Investment Group meeting and the discussions thereof, the report is intended to lead to recommendations to be made thereof and submitted for endorsement to the Energy Charter Conference. Therefore, the report is aimed to create the opportunity to allow for the peer review process and enable the host country benefit from a dialog with other member states in its energy policies while adhering to the Charter process.
The In-depth Review of the Investment Climate and Market Structure in the Energy Sector of Georgia is available in English.