An In-depth Energy Efficiency "peer review" of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was undertaken in September 2007 by a review team of national energy efficiency experts from Energy Charter member countries - Switzerland, Bulgaria, Croatia and Malta, and from the Energy Charter Secretariat. The review was carried out in close cooperation with the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Macedonia.
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is progressing in reforming its energy sector, but the country has to overcome a number of serious problems attached to its development and the growing energy demand: strong dependence on energy import, unfavourable energy mix, poor condition of the power system, high degree of inefficiency in energy production and use. The structure of the economy (sectors composition, high energy intensive and obsolete technologies, etc.) trigger increased energy consumption. Because of these strong reasons, serious attention has been given to the need for rationalising energy consumption. Major strategic and legislative framework for energy efficiency has been developed. International and foreign support for developing enabling environment for energy efficiency has been initiated.
However, energy efficiency has not gained enough priority in the Government's implementation performance. A specific structured and resourced action is needed to close the implementation gap and successfully improve the situation, especially in strengthening the institutions; continuing the pricing reform; reducing the electricity use for heating, increasing buildings energy efficiency, local authorities' capacity building, and information and awareness raising. Recommendations arising from the review conclusions were endorsed by the Energy Charter Conference in December 2007.
The In-Depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is available in English and Russian.