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Regular Review of Energy Efficiency Policies of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2008)

Published in 2008


The Dayton Peace Agreement established a new constitution for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) comprising two entities; the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska. The energy sector is organised on these lines with the entities being the key players coordinated at the state-wide level by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations (MOFTER).

At this time Bosnia and Herzegovina has no official Energy Policy or Strategy, though work is in progress at the state and entity levels to develop an energy strategy. Two projects will contribute to the development of an energy strategy for Bosnia and Herzegovina: the EC funded TASED project, which aims at compiling an energy database and energy balance model as part of its mandate and the Energy Study in Bosnia and Herzegovina, recently finished, that provides additional data. The Strategy should be completed by December 2008.

This Regular Review was prepared by the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Regular Review of Energy Efficiency Policies of Bosnia and Herzegovina is available in English.