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First Energy Investment Risk Assessment fact-finding mission in 2018

On 5-6 March 2018, a team from the Energy Charter Secretariat visited Zagreb, Croatia to conduct a fact-finding mission for its flagship report, the Energy Investment Risk Assessment (EIRA) 2018. The mission was hosted by the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Croatia. Significant issues related to the country’s energy sector were discussed with various governmental agencies and ministries such as the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA), the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meetings were organised in the form of question and answer sessions centred around the main risks in the country’s regulatory and legal environment which may impede inward investment flows.

Highlights of the fact-finding mission included meetings with relevant stakeholders in Croatia such as law firms, the Croatian Energy Institute, and business consultants. These interactions also pertained to the same set of energy-related matters and are expected to complement the assessment process.  

EIRA 2018 will evaluate 31 countries in the coming months. The findings will be elaborated in the final publication to be released later this year. With this new publication, the Energy Charter Secretariat hopes to contribute to lowering investment risks and barriers, which might be detrimental to the investment climate of the participating countries.