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EU4Energy facilitates energy efficiency innovation in Belarus

In the context of the EU4Energy Governance project, the Energy Charter Secretariat has organised a Capacity-building Workshop on the promotion of activities of energy service companies (ESCO) and the implementation of energy performance contracts (EPC) in the Republic of Belarus on 30-31 January 2019 in Minsk. The meeting was officially opened by the representatives of the Department of Energy Efficiency of the Republic of Belarus and the EU Delegation in Minsk that both highlighted the importance of facilitating new and innovative tools for improving energy efficiency.

During the Workshop, the team of invited experts from Armenia, Czech Republic, Moldova and Ukraine to share their practical experience on the promotion of EPCs and institutional and legislative frameworks in their respective countries. The participants of the workshop exchanged views on the ways for promoting ESCO business in the Republic of Belarus. This was based on the presented examples from the EU and Eastern Partnership countries and the experience of EPC implementation in the Russian Federation that was additionally shared by a representative of the Inter-regional Energy Company (IEC) participating in the workshop.

The Workshop was attended by the local experts from the Department for Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade, Belarus Heat and Power Institute, industrial enterprises, EBRD. The Workshop participants have compared realities and conditions of different countries, discussed incentives to motivate governments and business for the implementation of ESCO/EPC, reviewed main obstacles for these activities and analysed possibilities to efficiently overcome existing difficulties.

This technical assistance activity is part of the EU4Energy, an EU-supported initiative providing technical assistance to countries of the Eastern Partnership that seek to approximate areas of their energy sectors with best practices in the European Union. In addition to Belarus, the Energy Charter Secretariat also collaborates with Armenia and Azerbaijan.