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Energy Charter reviews energy efficiency in Azerbaijan

Under the auspices of the Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects (PEEREA) and at the request of Azerbaijan, the International Energy Charter embarked upon a three-day mission from 16 to 18 June with the objective of conducting an in-depth energy efficiency review of Azerbaijan.

The review team was comprised of the following experts

The Peer Review team was also joined by Mr Dangis Verseckas, representative of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan.

The review team met with Mr Elnur Soltanov, Deputy Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan and representatives from other ministries, state authorities, international institutions and companies. 

The in-depth Energy Efficiency Reviews analyse the broad economic and energy context of the country, patterns of energy use, energy efficiency policies and institutional frameworks. The fact-finding mission provided an opportunity to discuss issues and challenges with stakeholders of the country’s energy sector and will provide the basis for the recommendations to be presented in a report for adoption by the Energy Charter Conference (the International Energy Charter’s decision-making body) at its annual meeting later this year.

The Peer review mission was also organised in cooperation with the EU4Energy technical assistance project supporting the development of the first National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) of Azerbaijan. On the 1st January 2020, Azerbaijan also assumes the Chairmanship of the Energy Charter Conference