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Armenian Prime Minister meets with Energy Charter Secretary General

On 8 November 2017, Energy Charter Secretary General Dr. Urban Rusnák conducted several bilateral meetings with high-level representatives of the Armenian government. Jointly with Armenian Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan, Dr. Rusnák opened the solar power plant, called Talin 1, in Armenia’s Aragatsotn region. This project was made possible by joint national and foreign investors. 

Following the opening, a bilateral meeting took place where the Secretary General and Prime Minister Karapetyan discussed the benefits of the Energy Charter Treaty in relation to attracting foreign investment. Dr. Rusnák presented the Prime Minister the Energy Investment Risk Assessment of Armenia, which shows the robustness of Armenia’s investment climate from a policy, legal and regulatory perspective.

Earlier that day, the Secretary General met with Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Robert Harutyunyan. They addressed the options for further improving Armenia’s investment climate, and in particular the role the government could play to enhance the policy, legal and regulatory environment. The Secretary General pointed out that the Secretariat’s recommendations would be presented during a high-level round table later that day. Moreover, they discussed the ongoing consultations of the modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty.

Following the round-table on mitigating risks for Armenia's energy sector (see related news item below), Dr. Rusnák and representatives of the Energy Charter Secretariat discussed in detail with Deputy Minister of Energy, Investment and Natural resources Mr. Hayk Harutyunyan how to take the conclusions of the round-table meeting forward in order to shape better conditions for investors.