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27th Energy Charter Conference in Tokyo highlighted the importance of EU4Energy

During his speech at the 27th meeting of the Energy Charter Conference, the Secretary General Dr Urban Rusnák, referred to the importance of EU4Energy to improving energy situation and strengthening the energy policy and legislative environment in the beneficiary countries.

EU4Energy is an EU-funded regional programme for the EU Eastern Neighbourhood and Central Asian countries for the period 2016-2020. The Energy Charter Secretariat is one of the EU4Energy implementing partners, together with the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Energy Community Secretariat and will deliver the necessary technical assistance to Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus. Activities in the first year would include support to the elaboration of legislative and regulatory acts in identified priority areas such as electricity market reform, energy efficiency and renewable energy as well as provision of capacity building to national authorities. High level delegations from the following EU4Energy partner countries attended the Energy Charter Conference in Tokyo: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine

Dr Rusnák further concluded:

"Energy Charter Secretariat is strongly committed to deliver together with the other implementing partners tangible results with direct impact on the energy systems, enhanced energy security and to the benefit of the citizens of all countries concerned."