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Energy Charter Conference Decisions


  • CCDEC201645 - Approval Amendment for Staff Rule 25.2.b

    On 20 December 2016, the Energy Charter Conference adopted by correspondence, the Amendment of Staff Rule 25.2.b.

  • CCDEC201644 - Terms and Conditions for the Accession of Burundi to the Energy Charter Treaty

    On 19 December 2016, the Energy Charter Conference Adopted by written procedure - Terms and Conditions for the Accession of the Republic of Burundi to the Energy Charter Treaty.

  • CCDEC201643 - Date and venue of the 28th Meeting of the Conference

    The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25th November 2016 agreed that the 28th Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference would take place on the 28-29 November 2017 in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan).

  • CCDEC201642 - Provisional Schedule of meetings for 2017

    The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 took note of the Provisional schedule of planned and proposed Energy Charter Meetings and Activities for 2017.

  • CCDEC201641 - Report by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel

    The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016: (i) took note of the report by the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Panel; (ii) requested the Secretariat to follow up the findings and recommendations of the Communication and assist the IAP with its further work; (iii) approved the new IAP members in accordance with the attached membership list.

  • CCDEC201640 - Reports by the Chairs of the Groups on Investment, Trade and Transit and Energy Efficiency

    The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 took note of the Reports by the Chairs of the Groups on Investment, Trade and Transit and Energy efficiency.

  • CCDEC201639 - Report by the acting Chair of the Strategy Group

    The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 took note of the Report by the acting Chair of the Strategy Group.

  • CCDEC201638 - Report by the Secretary General and progress report on CONEXO policy

    The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 took note of the Secretary General’s Report of the year 2016 and the progress report on the CONEXO policy implementation.

  • CCDEC201637 - Pilot project for a flagship publication on energy investment risk assessment

    The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 welcomed the work of the Investment Group in 2016 in steering the expert discussions on concept, scope, methodology of the Energy Charter flagship publication on Energy Investment Risk Assessment; welcomed the pilot project which was aimed at elaborating the concept, scope and methodology of the flagship publication; invited the Secretariat to continue the pilot phase of the work and its efforts on identifying legal and regulatory risk indicators and ways of measuring them. Taking into account limited resources and aiming to prepare the grounds for the future edition of the horizontal flagship publication, requested the Energy Charter Secretariat to begin the preparatory work related to the first preliminary edition on selected countries in Asia and Pacific and to periodically inform the Implementation Group on the progress of this work.

  • CCDEC201636 - Designation of the Conference Chairman, Vice Chairmen and other Officers of the Conference Subsidiary bodies for 2017

    The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 approved the designation of its officers.

  • CCDEC201635 - List of Chairmanships of the Energy Charter Conference for 2017, 2018, 2019

    The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016 adopted the list of Contracting Parties who will hold the Chairmanship for the years 2017, 2018, and 2019.

  • CCDEC201634 - Adjustments to the Secretariats draft Budget for 2017

    At its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016, the Energy Charter Conference confirmed Adjustments to the Secretariat’s draft Budget for 2017

  • CCDEC201633 - Approval of the acceptance of a voluntary contribution from the European Commission

    At its 27th Meeting held on 25 November 2016, the Energy Charter Conference authorised the Secretary General to accept a voluntary contribution of Euro 200,000 for 2017 once the contribution is finally confirmed by DG Energy of the European Commission.

  • CCDEC201632 - Approval of Observer status of ECO

    On 14 November 2016, the Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) formally requested that it be granted observer status at the Energy Charter Conference. The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held on 25th November 2016 approved the Observer status of the Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO).

  • CCDEC201631 - Tokyo Declaration on the Energy Charter

    The Energy Charter Conference at its 27th Meeting held in Tokyo on 25-26 November 2016 adopted the Tokyo Declaration on the Energy Charter.

  • CCDEC201631 - Токийская декларация по Энергетической Хартии

    Конференция по Энергетической Хартии на 27-ой сессии в Токио 25-26 ноября 2016 приняла Токийскую декларацию по Энергетической Хартии.

  • CCDEC201630 - Programme of Work priorities for 2017

    By document CC580 dated 31 October 2016 delegations were invited to approve the Programme of Work priorities for 2017. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 20 November 2016, the Conference approved the Programme of Work priorities for 2017.

  • CCDEC201629 - Discharge of the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2015 Budget

    By document CC 577, dated 12 October 2016, delegations were invited to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect of the 2015 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 1 November 2016 the Conference took note of the Financial Statement and the Auditor’s Report of 2015, as circulated in document CC 577, and agreed, on the recommendation of the Budget Committee, to discharge the Secretary General from his management and administrative responsibility in respect to the 2015 Budget, in accordance with Article 32(4) of the Financial Rules.

  • CCDEC201628 - Adoption by correspondence - Establishment and Terms of Reference of the Implementation Group

    By document CC 576 dated 11 October 2016 the Conference was invited to approve a draft conference decision (as supported by the Strategy Group) regarding the merge of several subsidiary groups into a single Implementation Group. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, on 18 October 2016 the Conference approved the decision with effect as of 25 November 2016.

  • CCDEC201627 - Adoption by correspondence - Review of the Financial Rules

    By document CC 575 dated 11 October 2016 delegations were invited to approve the amendments to the Financial Rules as recommended by the Budget Committee. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 31 October 2016, the Energy Charter Conference approved the amendments to the Financial Rules as recommended by the Budget Committee.

  • CCDEC201626 - Adoption by correspondence - Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules

    By document CC 574 dated 11 October 2016 delegations were invited to approve the amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules as recommended by the Budget Committee. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 31 October 2016 the Conference approved, with immediate effect, the amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules as recommended by the Budget Committee.

  • CCDEC201625 - Adoption by correspondence - Exceptional measure regarding the Terminal Allowance

    By document CC 572 dated 11 October 2016, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to approve the proposed exceptional measure (i) to offer to pay to the individual officials concerned their Terminal Allowance as accrued by the end of their engagement at the higher grade, and (ii) to commence the calculation of their contributions and their entitlement to their Terminal Allowance on a reduced basic salary from the start of their new contract at a lower grade. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, on 31 October 2016 the Conference approved, with immediate effect, the exceptional measure with respect to the Terminal Allowance as described above.

  • CCDEC201624 - Adoption by correspondence – De-restriction of some documents of the travaux préparatoires and new policy on access to the travaux préparatoires

    By document CC 559 dated 29 June 2016, the Conference was invited (i) to confirm the new policy on access to the travaux préparatoires, (ii) to de-restrict some documents of the travaux préparatoires and (iii) to allow the publication online of some documents of the travaux préparatoires. No objections were received within the final time limit.

  • CCDEC201623 - Adoption by correspondence – Recommendations of the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Armenia

    By document CC 571 dated 4 October 2016, the Energy Charter Conference was invited to welcome the report on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Armenia and endorse its recommendations. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, the Conference welcomed the report on the In-depth Energy Efficiency Review of Armenia and endorsed the recommendations made to the Government of Armenia.

  • CCDEC201622 - Approval of the Request of Kenya to sign the International Energy Charter

    By CC 569 dated 23 September 2016, the Conference was invited to approve the request of Kenya to become a Signatory to the International Energy Charter. Therefore, on 22 October 2016 the Energy Charter Conference invited Kenya to subscribe to the International Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invited the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary, to make appropriate arrangements for implementing this decision.

  • CCDEC201621 - Adoption by correspondence - Removing barriers to the establishment of energy investments

    By document CC 570, dated 29 September 2016, the Conference was invited to approve a draft conference decision related to Removing barriers to the establishment of energy investments. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, on 18 October 2016 the Conference approved the proposed decision.

  • CCDEC201620 - Adoption by correspondence - Concept paper for a Multilateral Framework Agreement on Energy Transit

    By document CC 568, dated 23 September 2016, the Conference was invited to approve a draft conference decision related to the Multilateral Framework Agreement on Energy Transit. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, on 14 October 2016 the Conference approved the proposed decision.

  • CCDEC201619 - Approval of an increase of the multi-annual commitment authority

    By document CC 567, dated 20 September 2016, the Conference was invited to approve an increase of the multi-annual commitment authority for “Operating Expenditure” to Euro 2.000.000. Having received no objections within a specified time limit, on 12 October 2016 the Conference approved the increase of the multi-annual commitment authority for “Operating Expenditure” to Euro 2.000.000.

  • CCDEC201618 - New Vice-Chair of the Conference

    By document CC 566 dated 23 September 2016, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Kazuo Kodama to replace Mr. Keiichi Katakami as Vice-Chair of the Conference. Having received no objections within a specified time limit, the Secretariat would like to inform delegations of the appointment of Mr. Kazuo Kodama as Vice-Chair of the Conference. The Secretariat would like to extend its congratulations to Mr. Kazuo Kodama.

  • CCDEC201617 - Approval of the Request of East African Community to sign the International Energy Charter

    By CC 565 dated 22 August 2016, the Conference was invited to approve the request of the East African Community (EAC) to become a Signatory to the International Energy Charter. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 20 September 2016 the Energy Charter Conference invited the EAC to subscribe to the International Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invited the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary, to make appropriate arrangements for implementing this decision.

  • CCDEC201616 - Approval of the Request of CEEAC to sign the International Energy Charter

    By CC 564 dated 5 August 2016, the Conference was invited to approve the request of the Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC) to become a Signatory to the International Energy Charter. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 4 September 2016 the Energy Charter Conference invited the Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC) to subscribe to the International Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invited the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary, to make appropriate arrangements for implementing this decision.

  • CCDEC201615 - New Vice-Chair of the Conference

    By document CC 563 dated 4 August 2016, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Dovranmammed Redjepov to replace Mr. Myratgeldy Meredov as Vice-Chair of the Conference.

  • CCDEC201614 - Confirmation of the new date of the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Energy Charter Conference

    By CC 561 dated 7 July 2016, delegations were invited to confirm the decision to bring forward the ordinary meeting of the Conference to 25-26 November 2016. In accordance with Rule 19 (b) of the Conference’s Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 July 2016.

  • CCDEC201613 - Approval of the Request of G5 Sahel to sign the International Energy Charter

    By CC 562 dated 7 July 2016, the Conference was invited to approve the request of G5 Sahel to become a Signatory to the International Energy Charter. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 5 August 2016 the Energy Charter Conference invites G5 Sahel to subscribe to the International Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invites the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary, to make appropriate arrangements for implementing this decision.

  • CCDEC201612 - Adoption by correspondence of the Guide on Investment Mediation

    By document CC 560, dated 30 June 2016, the Conference was invited to approve a draft conference decision in relation to the Guide on Investment Mediation. On 19 July 2016 the Conference (1) welcomed the work of the Investment Group and endorsed the Guide on Investment Mediation as a helpful, voluntary instrument to facilitate the amicable resolution of investment disputes; (2) encouraged Contracting Parties to consider to use mediation on voluntary basis as one of the options at any stage of the dispute to facilitate its amicable solution and to consider the good offices of the Energy Charter Secretariat; (3) welcomed the willingness of the Contracting Parties to facilitate effective enforcement in their Area of settlement agreements with foreign investors in accordance with the applicable law and the relevant domestic procedures.

  • CCDEC201611 - Approval of the Rules for Appointment of Deputy Secretary-General, the amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the Energy Charter Conference and the dissolution of the WG on Procedural Issues

    By document CC 558, dated 24 June 2016, the Conference was invited to (i) Approve, as Section XIII of the Rules of Procedure of the Energy Charter Conference, the Rules for Appointment of Deputy Secretary-General as recommended by the Working Group on Procedural Issues; (ii) Renumber current Section XIII (‘Revision’) as Section XIV (‘Revision’), as well as current Rule 21 as Rule 22; (iii) Acknowledge the successful completion of the mandate received by the Working Group on Procedural Issues and allow for the dissolution of the Group.

  • CCDEC201610 - Approval of the Request of several African countries and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to sign the International Energy Charter

    By CC 552 dated 7 June 2016, the Conference was invited to approve the request of several African countries and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to become Signatories to the International Energy Charter. On 6 July 2016 the Energy Charter Conference invited the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Governments of Cabo Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, the Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Seychelles, Togo Zambia and Zimbabwe to subscribe to the International Energy Charter. The Conference, furthermore, invited the Government of the Netherlands, as Depositary, to make appropriate arrangements for implementing this decision.

  • CCDEC201609 - Approval Amendment Staff Rule 8.1.a

    By CC 557 dated 17 June 2016, the Conference was invited to approve an amendment to Staff Rule 8.1.a. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 6 July 2016 the Energy Charter Conference approved the amendment to Staff Rule 8.1.a.

  • CCDEC201608 - Informal Working Name

    By CC 556 dated 15 June 2016, the Conference was invited to approve a draft decision regarding the adoption of an informal working name to better reflect the global nature of the organisation and for clarity in presentation to third parties. As discussed at the Strategy Group meeting of 15 June 2016, the decision does not affect the status under international law of either the Energy Charter Conference or the Energy Charter Secretariat. On 4 July 2016, the Energy Charter Conference approved the use of an informal working name, 'International Energy Charter', to refer to the Energy Charter Conference and its subsidiary bodies, as well as the Energy Charter Secretariat.

  • CCDEC201607 - Adoption of the Commentary to the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes

    By document CC 555, dated 1 June 2016, the Conference was invited to approve a draft conference decision in relation to the Commentary to the Rules Concerning the Conduct of Conciliation of Transit Disputes. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, on 20 June 2016 the Conference welcomed the work of the Trade and Transit Group and endorsed the Commentary as well as encouraged Contracting Parties to consider to use, on voluntary basis, the Conciliation mechanism to facilitate a fast and amicable solution of inter-state transit disputes.

  • CCDEC201606 - Approval of the acceptance of a voluntary contribution from the European Commission

    By CC 554 dated 25 May 2016, delegations were invited to approve the acceptance of the voluntary contribution of max. Euro 1,050,000 from the European Commission in relation to the project in EU Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries (through a Grant Contract). No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 13 June 2016 the Conference authorised the Secretary General to accept the voluntary contribution.

  • CCDEC201605 - Appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Budget Committee

    By document CC 553 dated 19 May 2016, delegations were invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Wataru Takahama as Vice-Chair of the Budget Committee during 2016. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, the Secretariat would like to inform delegations of the appointment of Mr. Wataru Takahama as Vice-Chair of the Budget Committee during 2016.

  • CCDEC201604 - Re-appointment of the Secretary General

    By CC document 533 Rev 2 dated 12 May 2016 delegations were invited to approve the proposal to re-appoint Dr Urban Rusnák as Secretary-General of the Energy Charter Secretariat. Having received no objections within the specified time limit, the Conference reappointed Dr Urban Rusnák as Secretary-General of the Energy Charter Secretariat until 31 December 2021, subject to his commitments set out in his letter of 11 May 2016 and taking into account his vision plan 2017-2021.

  • CCDEC201603 - Terms and Conditions for the Accession of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to the Energy Charter Treaty

    By document CC 551 dated 18 April 2016, the Conference was invited to adopt a Decision inviting the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to accede to the Energy Charter Treaty. As specified by Rule 19 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 7 May 2016. No objections were received within the specified time limit. Therefore, on 7 May 2016 the Energy Charter Conference approved this Decision.

  • CCDEC201602 - Venue and date of the 27 ECC Meeting

    On 24 April 2016 the Conference agreed that the 27th ordinary meeting of the Energy Charter Conference would take place in Tokyo on the 28th-29th November 2016.

  • CCDEC201601 - Appointment of second Vice-Chairperson of the Trade and Transit Group

    By CC 549 dated 6 January 2016, delegations were invited to approve the appointment as second Vice-Chair of the Trade and Transit Group of Ms. Tamar Tsurtsumia. As specified by Rule 19 of the Rules of Procedure concerning the adoption of decisions by correspondence, members of the Energy Charter Conference were informed that any delegation that wished to object to this proposal should notify the Secretariat of its position in writing by 26 January 2016.